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function theme_manualcrop_crop_and_scale_summary in Manual Crop 7

Returns HTML for a summary of an image crop and scale effect.


$variables: An associative array containing:

  • data: The current configuration for this crop and scale effect.

Return value

Summary HTML.


./, line 86
Admin functionality for the Manual Crop module.


function theme_manualcrop_crop_and_scale_summary($variables) {
  $data = $variables["data"];
  $str = check_plain($data['width']) . 'x' . check_plain($data['height']);
  if ($data['upscale'] || $data['respectminimum'] || !empty($data['respectminimum'])) {
    $str .= ' (' . ($data['upscale'] ? t('upscaling allowed') : '');
    if ($data['upscale'] && ($data['respectminimum'] || !empty($data['onlyscaleifcrop']))) {
      $str .= $data['respectminimum'] && !empty($data['onlyscaleifcrop']) ? ', ' : ' ' . t('and') . ' ';
    if ($data['respectminimum']) {
      $str .= t('crop minimum dimensions') . (!empty($data['onlyscaleifcrop']) ? ' ' . t('and') . ' ' : '');
    if (!empty($data['onlyscaleifcrop'])) {
      $str .= t('only scale if cropped');
    $str .= ')';
  return $str;