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function mailsystem_delegate_set_mailsystem_settings in Mail System 7.3

Save settings for the delegate mail system for a given mail-id.


int $id: Is the machine-readable module name optionally followed by '_' and a key.

array $settings: An associative array whose keys are the names of methods defined by MailSystemInterface and whose values are the names of the class to use for that method.

Return value

string A string specifying the name of the delegator class.

1 call to mailsystem_delegate_set_mailsystem_settings()
mailsystem_set in ./mailsystem.module
Helps other modules safely set their own key within mail_system.


./mailsystem.module, line 176
Provide UI for controlling the mail_system variable.


function mailsystem_delegate_set_mailsystem_settings($id, array $settings) {
  variable_set('mailsystem_delegate:' . $id, $settings);
  return 'MailsystemDelegateMailSystem';