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6 uses of MAIL_LINE_ENDINGS in Mail System 6.2

DefaultMailSystem::format in ./mailsystem.module
Concatenate and wrap the e-mail body for plain-text mails.
DefaultMailSystem::mail in ./mailsystem.module
Send an e-mail message, using Drupal variables and default settings.
mailsystem_html_to_text in ./
Transform an HTML string into plain text, preserving the structure of the markup. Useful for preparing the body of a node to be sent by e-mail.
mailsystem_wrap_mail in ./
Perform format=flowed soft wrapping for mail (RFC 3676).
_mailsystem_html_to_text in ./
Helper function for drupal_html_to_text().
_mailsystem_html_to_text_table in ./
Helper function for _mailsystem_html_to_text().