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Functions in Mail System 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drupal_mail_system ./mailsystem.module Returns an object that implements the MailSystemInterface. 2
drupal_mail_wrapper ./ Sends a prepared email message.
filter_dom_load ./ Parses an HTML snippet and returns it as a DOM object. 1
filter_dom_serialize ./ Converts a DOM object back to an HTML snippet.
filter_dom_serialize_escape_cdata_element ./ Adds comments around the <!CDATA section in a dom element. 1
mailsystem_admin_settings ./ @file Administrative form for setting the mail_system variable. 1
mailsystem_admin_settings_submit ./ Processes mailsystem_admin_settings form. 1
mailsystem_clear ./mailsystem.module Helps other modules safely remove their settings from mail_system. This function should be called from the other module's hook_disable() function. 1
mailsystem_create_class ./mailsystem.module Creates and registers a new MailSystemInterface class. 2
mailsystem_defaults ./mailsystem.module Returns the default settings for the mail_system variable. 3
mailsystem_default_id ./mailsystem.module Returns the id for the default mail_system setting. 1
mailsystem_default_methods ./mailsystem.module Returns the default list of MailSystemInterface methods. 1
mailsystem_default_value ./mailsystem.module Returns the value for the default mail_system setting. 4
mailsystem_disable ./mailsystem.install Implements hook_disable().
mailsystem_enable ./mailsystem.install Implements hook_enable().
mailsystem_get ./mailsystem.module Returns the current mail_system settings. 6
mailsystem_get_classes ./mailsystem.module Returns a list of classes which implement MailSystemInterface. 3
mailsystem_get_mail_theme ./mailsystem.module Retrieves the key of the theme used to render the emails. 1
mailsystem_html_to_text ./ Transform an HTML string into plain text, preserving the structure of the markup. Useful for preparing the body of a node to be sent by e-mail. 1 1
mailsystem_init ./mailsystem.module Implements hook_init().
mailsystem_mail_alter ./mailsystem.module Formats a message with the appropriate MailSystemInterface class method.
mailsystem_menu ./mailsystem.module Implements hook_menu().
mailsystem_parse_id ./mailsystem.module Generates $message['module'] and $message['key'] from $message['id']. 1
mailsystem_perm ./mailsystem.module Implements hook_perm().
mailsystem_requirements ./mailsystem.install Implements hook_requirements(). Ensures that the newly-required autoload module is available, or else disables the mailsystem module and returns an informative error message. 1
mailsystem_set ./mailsystem.module Helps other modules safely set their own key within mail_system. This function should be called from hook_enable() implementations.
mailsystem_set_module_weight ./mailsystem.install Ensure that mailsystem has a higher module weight than any other module implementing hook_mail_alter(). 1
mailsystem_theme_registry_alter ./mailsystem.module Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
mailsystem_theme_theme_registry_alter ./ Implements hook_theme_registry_alter(). 1
mailsystem_uninstall ./mailsystem.install Implements hook_uninstall().
mailsystem_update_6201 ./mailsystem.install Implements hook_update_N().
mailsystem_wrap_mail ./ Perform format=flowed soft wrapping for mail (RFC 3676). 2
_mailsystem_html_to_text ./ Helper function for drupal_html_to_text(). 2
_mailsystem_html_to_text_clean ./ Helper function for drupal_wrap_mail() and drupal_html_to_text(). 1
_mailsystem_html_to_text_table ./ Helper function for _mailsystem_html_to_text(). 1
_mailsystem_indent_mail_line ./ Helper function for array_walk in drupal_wrap_mail(). 1
_mailsystem_wrap_mail_line ./ Helper function for array_walk in drupal_wrap_mail(). 1

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