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function mailchimp_ecommerce_add_cart_line in Mailchimp E-Commerce 7

Adds a line to a cart in the current Mailchimp store.


string $cart_id: The cart ID.

string $line_id: A unique identifier for the order line item.

array $product: Associative array of product information.

  • product_id (string) The unique identifier for the product.
  • product_variant_id (string) The unique identifier for the variant.
  • quantity (int) The quantity of a cart line item.
  • price (float) The price of a cart line item.
1 call to mailchimp_ecommerce_add_cart_line()
mailchimp_ecommerce_commerce_commerce_cart_product_add in modules/mailchimp_ecommerce_commerce/mailchimp_ecommerce_commerce.module
Implements hook_commerce_cart_product_add().


./mailchimp_ecommerce.module, line 577
Mailchimp eCommerce core functionality.


function mailchimp_ecommerce_add_cart_line($cart_id, $line_id, $product) {
  try {
    $store_id = mailchimp_ecommerce_get_store_id();
    if (empty($store_id)) {
      throw new Exception('Cannot add a cart line without a store ID.');
    if (mailchimp_ecommerce_use_queue()) {
        'op' => 'addCartLine',
        'cart_id' => $cart_id,
        'store_id' => $store_id,
        'line_id' => $line_id,
        'product' => $product,
    else {

      /* @var \Mailchimp\MailchimpEcommerce $mc_ecommerce */
      $mc_ecommerce = mailchimp_get_api_object('MailchimpEcommerce');
        ->addCartLine($store_id, $cart_id, $line_id, $product);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    mailchimp_ecommerce_log_error_message('Unable to add a cart line: ' . $e