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function mailchimp_lists_cron in Mailchimp 7.2

Implements hook_cron().

Process all records in the mailchimp cron queue.

1 call to mailchimp_lists_cron()
_mailchimp_cron_batch in includes/


modules/mailchimp_lists/mailchimp_lists.module, line 127
Mailchimp lists module.


function mailchimp_lists_cron() {
  $queue = DrupalQueue::get(MAILCHIMP_QUEUE_CRON);
  $queue_count = $queue

  // Claim items off the queue and organize them into batches:
  if ($queue_count > 0) {
    $lists_by_mc_id = array();
    $batches_add = array();
    $batches_rem = array();
    $count = 0;
    $batch_limit = variable_get('mailchimp_batch_limit', 100);
    $batch_size = $queue_count < $batch_limit ? $queue_count : $batch_limit;
    while ($count < $batch_size) {
      if ($item = $queue
        ->claimItem()) {
        $list = mailchimp_lists_load($item->data['list_id']);
        $mc_list_id = $list->mc_list_id;

        // Store this list object so we can reference it later by its MC ID.
        $lists_by_mc_id[$mc_list_id] = $list;

        // If all we have is an anonymous email, load it. We check for a value
        // first to be backwards-compatible with versions that didn't pass the
        // raw email into the queue item.
        if (isset($item->data['email'])) {
          $email = $item->data['email'];
        $mergevars = NULL;

        // If there is a valid account, load data from it:
        if (!empty($item->data['uid'])) {
          $account = user_load($item->data['uid']);
          $email = $account->mail;
          $mergevars = mailchimp_lists_load_user_mergevars($account, $list);
        switch ($item->data['op']) {
          case 'add':

          // @todo: test behavior of 'update' operations here
          case 'update':

            // If $mergevars are empty here, populate with the basic element:
            if (empty($mergevars)) {
              $mergevars = array(
                'EMAIL' => $email,
            if (!empty($item->data['groupings'])) {
              $mergevars['GROUPINGS'] = $item->data['groupings'];
            $batches_add[$mc_list_id][] = $mergevars;
          case 'remove':
            $batches_rem[$mc_list_id][] = $email;

    // Now we process our batches:
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();

    // Remove if necessary:
    $rem_count = 0;
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($batches_rem as $listid => $batch) {
      if (count($batch)) {

        // @todo: consider if the delete flag should be true or false
        $ret = $mcapi
          ->listBatchUnsubscribe($listid, $batch, FALSE, TRUE);
        if ($ret['error_count'] > 0) {
          foreach ((array) $ret['errors'] as $error) {
            watchdog('mailchimp', 'MCAPI Error: %errmsg', array(
              '%errmsg' => $error['message'],
            ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        else {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'Removed !rem_count records in MailChimp', array(
      '!rem_count' => $rem_count,

    // Add if necessary:
    $add_count = $update_count = 0;
    foreach ($batches_add as $listid => $batch) {
      if (count($batch)) {
        $list_settings = $lists_by_mc_id[$listid]->settings;
        $double_opt_in = $list_settings['doublein'];
        $ret = $mcapi
          ->listBatchSubscribe($listid, $batch, $double_opt_in, TRUE);
        if ($ret['error_count'] > 0) {
          foreach ((array) $ret['errors'] as $error) {
            watchdog('mailchimp', 'MCAPI Error: %errmsg', array(
              '%errmsg' => $error['message'],
            ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      $add_count += $ret['add_count'];
      $update_count += $ret['update_count'];
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'Added !add_count, updated !update_count records in MailChimp', array(
      '!add_count' => $add_count,
      '!update_count' => $update_count,