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function mailchimp_campaign_filter_campaign_process in Mailchimp 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.5 modules/mailchimp_campaign/mailchimp_campaign.module \mailchimp_campaign_filter_campaign_process()
  2. 7.2 modules/mailchimp_campaign/mailchimp_campaign.module \mailchimp_campaign_filter_campaign_process()
  3. 7.4 modules/mailchimp_campaign/mailchimp_campaign.module \mailchimp_campaign_filter_campaign_process()

Process callback for mailchimp_campaign_filter_info().

@string $text The text string to be filtered. @object object $filter The filter object containing settings for the given format. @string $format The text format object assigned to the text to be filtered. @string $langcode The language code of the text to be filtered. @bool $cache A Boolean indicating whether the filtered text is going to be cached in {cache_filter}. @int $cache_id The ID of the filtered text in {cache_filter}, if $cache is TRUE.

Return value

string The filtered text.

1 string reference to 'mailchimp_campaign_filter_campaign_process'
mailchimp_campaign_filter_info in modules/mailchimp_campaign/mailchimp_campaign.module
Implements hook_filter_info().


modules/mailchimp_campaign/mailchimp_campaign.module, line 657
Module file for mailchimp_campaign.


function mailchimp_campaign_filter_campaign_process($text, $filter, $format, $langcode, $cache, $cache_id) {

  // Replace node macros with entity content:
  $pattern = '/\\[mailchimp_campaign\\|entity_type=(\\w+)\\|entity_id=(\\d+)\\|view_mode=(\\w+)\\]/s';
  $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, 'mailchimp_campaign_process_callback', $text);

  // Convert URL to absolute:
  $text = mailchimp_campaign_convert_url($text);
  return $text;