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function hook_mailchimp_automations_mergevars_alter in Mailchimp 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.5 mailchimp.api.php \hook_mailchimp_automations_mergevars_alter()

Alter mergevars before a workflow automation is triggered.


array $merge_vars: The merge vars that will be passed to Mailchimp.

object $automation_entity: The MailchimpAutomationEntity object.

object $wrapped_entity: The EntityMetadataWrapper for the triggering entity.

1 invocation of hook_mailchimp_automations_mergevars_alter()
mailchimp_automations_trigger_workflow in modules/mailchimp_automations/mailchimp_automations.module
Triggers a workflow automation via the Mailchimp API.


./mailchimp.api.php, line 97
Mailchimp hook definitions.


function hook_mailchimp_automations_mergevars_alter(&$merge_vars, $automation_entity, $wrapped_entity) {