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README.txt in Mailchimp 7.3

This module provides integration with the MailChimp email delivery service.
While tools for sending email from your own server, like SimpleNews, are great,
they lack the sophistication and ease of use of dedicated email providers like
MailChimp. Other players in the field are Constant Contact and Campaign Monitor.

The core module provides basic configuration and API integration. Features and
site functionality are provided by a set of submodules that depend upon the core
"mailchimp" module. These are in the "modules" subdirectory: See their
respective README's for more details.

## Features
  * API integration
  * Support for an unlimited number of mailing lists
  * Have anonymous sign up forms to subscribe site visitors to any combination
    of Mailchimp lists
  * Mailchimp list subscription via entity fields, allowing subscription rules
    to be governed by entity controls, permissions, and UI
  * Compatibility with Views Bulk Operations
  * Special VBO function for creating & updating static list segments
  * Allow users to subscribe during registration by adding a field to Users
  * Map Entity field values to your MailChimp merge fields
  * Standalone subscribe and unsubscribe forms
  * Subscriptions can be maintained via cron or in real time
  * Subscription forms can be created as pages or as blocks, with one or more
    list subscriptions on a single form
  * Include merge fields & interest groups on anonymous subscription forms
  * Create & send Mailchimp Campaigns from within Drupal, using Drupal entities
    as content.
  * Display a history of Mailchimp email and subscription activity on a tab for
    any Entity with an email address.

## Installation Notes
  * You need to have a MailChimp API Key.
  * You need to have at least one list created in MailChimp to use the
    mailchimp_lists module.
  * The MCAPI library must be downloaded into your libraries folder. 7.x-3.x
    uses the 2.0.x version of the Mailchimp API, where 7.x-2.x used the 1.3
    version. Make sure you have the new version. It's available at: ("Tags" tab)
    or by using the included example drush make file.
    Proper libraries structure:

    - libraries/
      - mailchimp/
        - docs/
        - src/
          - Mailchimp.php
          - Mailchimp/
        - composer.json

  * At the time of writing, version 2.0.6 of the Mailchimp API library was the
    latest. If you are using a later version and have issues, consider switching
    to version 2.0.6.

## Configuration
  1. Direct your browser to admin/config/services/mailchimp to configure the

  2. You will need to put in your Mailchimp API key for your Mailchimp account.
  If you do not have a Mailchimp account, go to
  []([ and sign up for a new
  account. Once you have set up your account and are logged in, visit:
  Account Settings -> Extras -> API Keys to generate a key.

  3. Copy your newly created API key and go to the
  [Mailchimp config]( page in
  your Drupal site and paste it into the Mailchimp API Key field.
  4. Batch limit - Maximum number of changes to process in a single cron run.
  Mailchimp suggest keeping this below 10000.

## Submodules
  * mailchimp_signup: Create anonymous signup forms for your Mailchimp Lists,
    and display them as blocks or as standalone pages. Provide multiple-list
    subscription from a single form, include merge variables as desired, and
    optionally include Interest Group selection.
  * mailchimp_lists: Subscribe any entity with an email address to MailChimp
    lists by creating a mailchimp_list field, and allow anyone who can edit such
    an entity to subscribe, unsubscribe, and update member information. Also
    allows other entity fields to be synced to Mailchimp list Merge Fields. Add
    a Mailchimp Subscription field to your User bundle to allow Users to control
    their own subscriptions and subscribe during registration.
  * mailchimp_campaigns: Create and send campaigns directly from Drupal, or just
    create them and use the Mailchimp UI to send them. Embed content from your
    Drupal site by dropping in any Entity with a title and a View Mode
    configured into any area of your email template.
  * mailchimp_activity: Display a tab on any entity with an email address
    showing the email, subscribe, and unsubscribe history for that email address
    on your Mailchimp account.

## Related Modules
### Mandrill
  * Mandrill is MailChimp's transactional email service. The module provides the
    ability to send all site emails through Mandrill with reporting available
    from within Drupal. Please refer to the project page for more details.
### MCC, an alternative campaign creation tool.


View source
  1. This module provides integration with the MailChimp email delivery service.
  2. While tools for sending email from your own server, like SimpleNews, are great,
  3. they lack the sophistication and ease of use of dedicated email providers like
  4. MailChimp. Other players in the field are Constant Contact and Campaign Monitor.
  5. The core module provides basic configuration and API integration. Features and
  6. site functionality are provided by a set of submodules that depend upon the core
  7. "mailchimp" module. These are in the "modules" subdirectory: See their
  8. respective README's for more details.
  9. ## Features
  10. * API integration
  11. * Support for an unlimited number of mailing lists
  12. * Have anonymous sign up forms to subscribe site visitors to any combination
  13. of Mailchimp lists
  14. * Mailchimp list subscription via entity fields, allowing subscription rules
  15. to be governed by entity controls, permissions, and UI
  16. * Compatibility with Views Bulk Operations
  17. * Special VBO function for creating & updating static list segments
  18. * Allow users to subscribe during registration by adding a field to Users
  19. * Map Entity field values to your MailChimp merge fields
  20. * Standalone subscribe and unsubscribe forms
  21. * Subscriptions can be maintained via cron or in real time
  22. * Subscription forms can be created as pages or as blocks, with one or more
  23. list subscriptions on a single form
  24. * Include merge fields & interest groups on anonymous subscription forms
  25. * Create & send Mailchimp Campaigns from within Drupal, using Drupal entities
  26. as content.
  27. * Display a history of Mailchimp email and subscription activity on a tab for
  28. any Entity with an email address.
  29. ## Installation Notes
  30. * You need to have a MailChimp API Key.
  31. * You need to have at least one list created in MailChimp to use the
  32. mailchimp_lists module.
  33. * The MCAPI library must be downloaded into your libraries folder. 7.x-3.x
  34. uses the 2.0.x version of the Mailchimp API, where 7.x-2.x used the 1.3
  35. version. Make sure you have the new version. It's available at:
  36. ("Tags" tab)
  37. or by using the included example drush make file.
  38. Proper libraries structure:
  39. - libraries/
  40. - mailchimp/
  41. - docs/
  42. - src/
  43. - Mailchimp.php
  44. - Mailchimp/
  45. -
  46. - composer.json
  47. * At the time of writing, version 2.0.6 of the Mailchimp API library was the
  48. latest. If you are using a later version and have issues, consider switching
  49. to version 2.0.6.
  50. (
  51. ## Configuration
  52. 1. Direct your browser to admin/config/services/mailchimp to configure the
  53. module.
  54. 2. You will need to put in your Mailchimp API key for your Mailchimp account.
  55. If you do not have a Mailchimp account, go to
  56. []([ and sign up for a new
  57. account. Once you have set up your account and are logged in, visit:
  58. Account Settings -> Extras -> API Keys to generate a key.
  59. 3. Copy your newly created API key and go to the
  60. [Mailchimp config]( page in
  61. your Drupal site and paste it into the Mailchimp API Key field.
  62. 4. Batch limit - Maximum number of changes to process in a single cron run.
  63. Mailchimp suggest keeping this below 10000.
  64. ## Submodules
  65. * mailchimp_signup: Create anonymous signup forms for your Mailchimp Lists,
  66. and display them as blocks or as standalone pages. Provide multiple-list
  67. subscription from a single form, include merge variables as desired, and
  68. optionally include Interest Group selection.
  69. * mailchimp_lists: Subscribe any entity with an email address to MailChimp
  70. lists by creating a mailchimp_list field, and allow anyone who can edit such
  71. an entity to subscribe, unsubscribe, and update member information. Also
  72. allows other entity fields to be synced to Mailchimp list Merge Fields. Add
  73. a Mailchimp Subscription field to your User bundle to allow Users to control
  74. their own subscriptions and subscribe during registration.
  75. * mailchimp_campaigns: Create and send campaigns directly from Drupal, or just
  76. create them and use the Mailchimp UI to send them. Embed content from your
  77. Drupal site by dropping in any Entity with a title and a View Mode
  78. configured into any area of your email template.
  79. * mailchimp_activity: Display a tab on any entity with an email address
  80. showing the email, subscribe, and unsubscribe history for that email address
  81. on your Mailchimp account.
  82. ## Related Modules
  83. ### Mandrill
  84. * Mandrill is MailChimp's transactional email service. The module provides the
  85. ability to send all site emails through Mandrill with reporting available
  86. from within Drupal. Please refer to the project page for more details.
  87. *
  88. ### MCC, an alternative campaign creation tool.
  89. *