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function mail_logger_load in Mail Logger 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 mail_logger.module \mail_logger_load()
2 calls to mail_logger_load()
mail_logger_read_mail in ./mail_logger.module
rules_data_type_mail::load in ./
Loads the data identified with an identifier as returned by get_identifier(). Just return the data or FALSE if loading the data failed.


./mail_logger.module, line 61
Mail Logger module logs all outgoing mail that passes through the drupal_mail function.


function mail_logger_load($id) {
  $mail = db_fetch_object(db_query_range('SELECT * FROM {mail_logger} WHERE mlid = %d', $id, 0, 1));
  $mail->headers = unserialize($mail->headers);
  return $mail;