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function mail_logger_update_7002 in Mail Logger 7

Verify correct schema for 'ipaddr' column.


./mail_logger.install, line 166
Install, update and uninstall functions for the mail_logger module.


function mail_logger_update_7002() {

  // mail_logger_update_7001() initially had an error that could lead to a
  // corrupt schema and NULL values in the ipaddr column. These problems can
  // persist even after the user runs the corrected version of update 7001, so
  // we use this update hook to detect/fix those cases.
  // @see
  $current_schema = drupal_get_schema('mail_logger');

  // First change any NULL ipaddr values to our intended empty value.
  $updated = db_update('mail_logger')
    'ipaddr' => '',
    ->condition('ipaddr', NULL)

  // If NULL values were found and corrected this in an indicator that the
  // schema spec for the ipaddr column may also be in a corrupt state, so we
  // refresh its definition.
  if ($updated) {
    db_change_field('mail_logger', 'ipaddr', 'ipaddr', $current_schema['fields']['ipaddr']);
    return t('The Mail_logger "ipaddr" field has been verified.');
  return t('The Mail_logger "ipaddr" field did not require verification.');