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function user_mail_edit_tokens_list in Mail Editor 6

Implementation of hook_mail_edit_tokens_list().

1 call to user_mail_edit_tokens_list()
logintoboggan_mail_edit_tokens_list in ./
Implementation of hook_mail_edit_tokens_list().


./, line 27
A sample implementation of Mail Editor hooks for User core module.


function user_mail_edit_tokens_list($mailkey, $options = array()) {
  $tokens = array();
  switch ($mailkey) {
    case 'register_admin_created':
    case 'register_no_approval_required':
    case 'register_pending_approval':
    case 'register_pending_approval_admin':
      $tokens['!password'] = "User's raw password";
    case 'password_reset':
    case 'status_activated':
    case 'status_blocked':
    case 'status_deleted':
      $tokens['!username'] = t("User's username");
      $tokens['!username_themed'] = t("User's username (themed)");
      $tokens['!site'] = t('Site name');
      $tokens['!login_url'] = t('One time login URL for password reset');
      $tokens['!uri_brief'] = "Website's URL without the leading http://";
      $tokens['!uri'] = t("Website's URL");
      $tokens['!mailto'] = t("User's Email address (email address to which this email is being sent to)");
      $tokens['!date'] = t("Date and time when this email is sent");
      $tokens['!login_uri'] = t("URL to user's profile or login form if user is not logged in");
      $tokens['!edit_uri'] = t("URL to user's profile edit page");
  return $tokens;