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function mail_edit_load in Mail Editor 7

Loads and returns a template.

If the template has not been customized yet, then hook_mail_edit_text() is called to retrieve the default template, and if the default template's 'always' key is TRUE, then the default template is returned; otherwise NULL.


string $module: The module requesting the template.

string $mailkey: The key for the template.

string|object $language: The language object or language code for the template.

bool $force_always: Always return the default template if no custom template is stored.

Return value



./mail_edit.module, line 125
Mail Editor module.


function mail_edit_load($module, $mailkey, $language, $force_always = FALSE) {
  return _mail_edit_load($module . '_' . $mailkey, $language, $force_always);