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function magic_assets_prepare_regex in Magic 7.2

Helper function for generating a regex from a list of paths.

Generates a single regex from a list of file paths that can be used to match JS or CSS files using preg_grep() for example in hook_css_alter() or hook_js_alter(). The '*' (asterisk) character can be used as a wild-card.


$paths: An array of file paths.

Return value

string The generated regex.

See also



1 call to magic_assets_prepare_regex()
magic_assets_regex_steps in includes/
Groups include/exclude patterns together.


includes/, line 24
A file to contain functions for the magic module to abuse.


function magic_assets_prepare_regex($paths) {
  $profile = drupal_get_profile();
  $site = preg_quote(conf_path(), '/');
  $themes = array();
  foreach ($GLOBALS['base_theme_info'] as $info) {
    $themes[] = preg_quote(dirname($info->filename), '/');
  $tokens = array(
    ':all' => '.+',
    ':core' => '(?:misc|modules|themes)\\/.+',
    ':contrib' => "(?:sites\\/all\\/modules|{$site}\\/modules|profiles\\/{$profile}\\/modules)\\/.+",
    ':current-theme' => preg_quote(drupal_get_path('theme', $GLOBALS['theme_key']), '/') . "\\/.+",
    ':base-theme' => $themes ? '(?:' . implode('|', $themes) . ')\\/.+' : FALSE,
  foreach ($paths as &$item) {

    // The first segment (everything before the first slash) is the namespace.
    // This rule only applies to local files... So if the namespace can not be
    // mapped to a token, module, profile or theme engine we assume that we are
    // trying to target an external file.
    list($namespace) = explode('/', $item, 2);

    // Process token namespaces.
    if (isset($tokens[$namespace]) && empty($tokens[$namespace])) {
    elseif ($namespace != '*' && !isset($tokens[$namespace])) {

      // Check if it refers to a theme, module, profile or theme engine.
      foreach (array(
      ) as $type) {

        // We can't use drupal_get_path() directly because that uses dirname()
        // internally which returns '.' if no filename was found.
        if ($filename = drupal_get_filename($type, $namespace, NULL, FALSE)) {
          $directory = preg_quote(dirname($filename), '/');

          // Now that we know about this namespace we can add it to the tokens
          // array for performance reasons.
          $tokens[$namespace] = $directory;

    // Escape any regex characters and replace tokens and wildcards.
    $item = isset($tokens[$namespace]) ? substr($item, strlen($namespace)) : $item;
    $item = preg_quote($item, '/');
    $item = str_replace('\\*', '.*', $item);
    $item = isset($tokens[$namespace]) ? $tokens[$namespace] . $item : $item;
  return empty($paths) ? FALSE : '/^' . implode('|', $paths) . '$/';