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Files in Magic 7

Primary tabs

File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
magic.admin.css css/magic.admin.css pre { display: inline-block; background: #eee; }
magic.api.php magic.api.php Hooks provided by the Magic module
magic.debug.css magic_dev/css/magic.debug.css #magic-development,#magic-development *{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;*zoom:expression(this.runtimeStyle.zoom="1",… includes/ A file to contain functions for the magic module to abuse. name = Magic description = Perform many essential frontend tasks with JavaScript, CSS, etc. core = 7.x package = Frontend files[] = includes/ files[] = includes/ files[] = includes/
magic.install magic.install Install hooks for the magic module.
magic.module magic.module Keep Frontend DRY; sprinkle it with MAGIC! magic_dev/ name = Magic Development description = Development options for Magic core = 7.x package = Frontend dependencies[] = magic
magic_dev.module magic_dev/magic_dev.module Development settings for the magic module. includes/ A file to contain functions for the magic module to abuse. includes/ A file with scripts to alter the default behavior of drupal js. includes/ A file to contain overrides to the css aggregation.

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