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function maestro_utilities_maestro_interactive_handlers in Maestro 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 3.x modules/maestro_utilities/maestro_utilities.module \maestro_utilities_maestro_interactive_handlers()

Implements hook_maestro_interactive_handlers().

Array of function names and help text that will be displayed in the edit task form under the handler field.


modules/maestro_utilities/maestro_utilities.module, line 28
You need this if you want to simply use MaestroEngine in code calls as we do.


function maestro_utilities_maestro_interactive_handlers() {
  return [
    'maestro_accept_only_form' => t('Simple review task with a single Complete action button.'),
    'maestro_show_message_form' => t('Requires a process variable called message'),