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public function PackageController::page in Ludwig 8

Shows the status of all required packages.

Return value

array Returns a render array as expected by drupal_render().

1 string reference to 'PackageController::page'
ludwig.routing.yml in ./ludwig.routing.yml


src/Controller/PackageController.php, line 94


Displays the Packages report.




public function page() {

  // If requested, download the missing packages first.
  if ($this->requestStack
    ->get('missing') == 'download') {
    return new RedirectResponse(Url::fromRoute('ludwig.packages')
  $info = $this->moduleExtensionList
  $build = [];
  $build['packages'] = [
    '#theme' => 'table',
    '#header' => [
      'package' => $this
      'paths' => $this
      'resource' => $this
      'version' => $this
      'required_by' => $this
        ->t('Required by'),
      'status' => $this
    '#attributes' => [
      'class' => [
  $missing = 0;
  foreach ($this->packageManager
    ->getPackages() as $package_name => $package) {
    if ($package['installed'] === FALSE) {
    $guide_link = '';
    if (($package['resource'] == 'classmap' || $package['resource'] == 'files') && empty($package['disable_warnings'])) {
      $package['description'] .= $this
        ->t('<br><strong>Warning! The @resource type libraries are not supported by Ludwig automatically. @read_more.</strong>', [
        '@resource' => strtoupper($package['resource']),
        '@read_more' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
          ->t('Read more'), Url::fromUri($guide_link))
    elseif ($package['resource'] == 'exclude-from-classmap' && empty($package['disable_warnings'])) {
      $package['description'] .= $this
        ->t('<br><strong>Notice! The @resource property is not supported by Ludwig.</strong> Despite this notice, the library is loaded properly and the module should work nicely. @read_more.', [
        '@resource' => strtoupper($package['resource']),
        '@read_more' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
          ->t('Read more'), Url::fromUri($guide_link))
    elseif ($package['resource'] == 'target-dir' && empty($package['disable_warnings'])) {
      $package['description'] .= $this
        ->t('<br><strong>Warning! The @resource property is not supported by Ludwig.</strong> This module may lack some functionality. @read_more.', [
        '@resource' => strtoupper($package['resource']),
        '@read_more' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
          ->t('Read more'), Url::fromUri($guide_link))
    elseif ($package['resource'] == 'inactive' && empty($package['disable_warnings'])) {
      $package['description'] .= $this
        ->t('<br><strong>Notice! The INACTIVE library. @read_more.</strong>', [
        '@read_more' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
          ->t('Read more'), Url::fromUri($guide_link))
    elseif (($package['resource'] == 'legacy' || $package['resource'] == 'unknown') && empty($package['disable_warnings'])) {
      $package['description'] .= $this
        ->t('<br><strong>Warning! The @resource library type. Not supported by Ludwig. @read_more.</strong>', [
        '@resource' => strtoupper($package['resource']),
        '@read_more' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
          ->t('Read more'), Url::fromUri($guide_link))
    elseif (!$package['installed']) {
      $package['description'] = $this
        ->t('@download the library and place it in @path', [
        '@download' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
          ->t('Download'), Url::fromUri($package['download_url']))
        '@path' => $package['path'],
    $package_column = [];
    if (!empty($package['homepage'])) {
      $package_column[] = [
        '#type' => 'link',
        '#title' => $package['name'],
        '#url' => Url::fromUri($package['homepage']),
        '#options' => [
          'attributes' => [
            'target' => '_blank',
    else {
      $package_column[] = [
        '#plain_text' => $package['name'],
    if (!empty($package['description'])) {
      $package_column[] = [
        '#prefix' => '<div class="description">',
        '#markup' => $package['description'],
        '#suffix' => '</div>',
    $required_by = $package['provider'];
    if (isset($info[$package['provider']])) {
      $required_by = $info[$package['provider']]['name'];
    $build['packages']['#rows'][$package_name] = [
      'class' => $package['installed'] ? [] : [
      'data' => [
        'package' => [
          'data' => $package_column,
        'paths' => implode(', ', $package['paths']),
        'resource' => $package['resource'],
        'version' => $package['version'],
        'required_by' => $required_by,
        'status' => $package['installed'] ? $this
          ->t('Installed') : $this
  if (!empty($missing)) {

    // There are some missing packages, so render the
    // "Download all missing packages" clickable button.
    $build['#markup'] = $this
      ->t('<div class="button"><a href="@packages-url">Download and unpack all missing packages (@missing)</a></div><div>&nbsp;</div>', [
      '@packages-url' => Url::fromRoute('ludwig.packages')
        ->toString() . '?missing=download',
      '@missing' => $missing,
  else {

    // There are no missing packages. For the UX consistency
    // purpose render the button again, but as disabled one.
    $build['#markup'] = $this
      ->t('<div class="button is-disabled">Download and unpack missing packages (0)</div><div>&nbsp;</div>');
  return $build;