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function logintoboggan_mail_alter in LoginToboggan 7

Implement hook_mail_alter().


./logintoboggan.module, line 1155
LoginToboggan module


function logintoboggan_mail_alter(&$message) {
  if ($message['id'] == 'user_register_pending_approval_admin') {
    $reg_pass_set = !variable_get('user_email_verification', TRUE);
    if ($reg_pass_set) {
      $account = $message['params']['account'];
      $url_options = array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      $language = $message['language'];
      $langcode = isset($language) ? $language->language : NULL;
      $message['body'][] = t("\n\nThe user has automatically received the permissions of the LoginToboggan validating role. To give the user full site permissions, click the link below:\n\n!validation_url/admin\n\nAlternatively, you may visit their user account listed above and remove them from the validating role.", array(
        '!validation_url' => logintoboggan_eml_validate_url($account, $url_options),
      ), array(
        'langcode' => $langcode,

  // Pre-authorized users are logged in to the site without having validated
  // their e-mail address. This allows users to register using other people's
  // e-mail addresses. To prevent potential abuse we block all e-mails to
  // pre-authorized users, except the ones that are needed to recover a lost
  // account or to create a new one.
  $validating_id = logintoboggan_validating_id();
  $pre_auth = !variable_get('user_email_verification', TRUE) && $validating_id != DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID;
  $account = user_load_by_mail($message['to']);
  if ($pre_auth && !empty($account->roles) && array_key_exists($validating_id, $account->roles)) {
    $whitelist = array(

    // Allow other modules to alter the e-mail whitelist.
    drupal_alter('logintoboggan_pre_auth_whitelist', $whitelist);
    $message['send'] = in_array($message['id'], $whitelist);
    watchdog('logintoboggan', 'Message to non-authenticated user email %sendto blocked.', array(
      '%sendto' => $message['to'],