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function logintoboggan_help in LoginToboggan 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 logintoboggan.module \logintoboggan_help()
  2. 5 logintoboggan.module \logintoboggan_help()
  3. 7 logintoboggan.module \logintoboggan_help()

Implementation of hook_help().


./logintoboggan.module, line 56
Logintoboggan Module


function logintoboggan_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#logintoboggan':
      $output = t("<p>The Login Toboggan module improves the Drupal login system by offering the following features:\n      <ol>\n      <li>Allow users to login using either their username OR their e-mail address.</li>\n      <li>Allow users to login immediately.</li>\n      <li>Provide a login form on Access Denied pages for non-logged-in (anonymous) users.</li>\n      <li>The module provides two login block options: One uses JavaScript to display the form within the block immediately upon clicking 'log in'. The other brings the user to a separate page, but returns the user to their original page upon login.</li>\n      <li>Customize the registration form with two e-mail fields to ensure accuracy.</li>\n      <li>Optionally redirect the user to a specific page when using the 'Immediate login' feature.</li>\n      <li>Optionally redirect the user to a specific page upon validation of their e-mail address.</li>\n      <li>Optionally display a user message indicating a successful login.</li>\n      <li>Optionally have unvalidated users purged from the system at a pre-defined interval (please read the CAVEATS section of INSTALL.txt for important information on configuring this feature!).</li>\n      </ol>\n      These features may be turned on or off in the Login Toboggan <a href=\"!url\">settings</a>.</p>\n      <p>Because this module completely reorients the Drupal login process you will probably want to edit the welcome e-mail on the <a href=\"!user_settings\">user settings</a> page. For instance if you have enabled the 'Set password' option, you probably should not send the user's password out in the welcome e-mail (also note when the 'Set password' option is enabled, the !login_url becomes a verification url that the user MUST visit in order to enable authenticated status). The following is an example welcome e-mail:</p>\n      ", array(
        '!url' => url('admin/user/logintoboggan'),
        '!user_settings' => url('admin/user/settings'),
      $output .= drupal_get_form('logintoboggan_example_help');
      $output .= t("<p>Note that if you have set the 'Visitors can create accounts but administrator approval is required' option for account approval, and are also using the 'Set password' feature of LoginToboggan, the user will immediately receive the permissions of the pre-authorized user role -- you may wish to create a pre-authorized role with the exact same permissions as the anonymous user if you wish the newly created user to only have anonymous permissions.</p><p>In order for a site administrator to unblock a user who is awaiting administrator approval, they must either click on the validation link they receive in their notification e-mail, or manually remove the user from the site's pre-authorized role -- afterwards the user will then receive 'authenticated user' permissions. In either case, the user will receive an account activated e-mail if it's enabled on the user settings page -- it's recommended that you edit the default text of the activation e-mail to match LoginToboggan's workflow as described. </p><p>If you are using the 'Visitors can create accounts and no administrator approval is required' option, removal of the pre-authorized role will happen automatically when the user validates their account via e-mail.</p><p>Also be aware that LoginToboggan only affects registrations initiated by users--any user account created by an administrator will not use any LoginToboggan functionality.");
      return $output;
    case 'admin/user/logintoboggan':
      if (module_exists('help')) {
        $help_text = t("More help can be found at <a href=\"!help\">LoginToboggan help</a>.", array(
          '!help' => url('admin/help/logintoboggan'),
      else {
        $help_text = '';
      $output = "<p>" . t("Customize your login and registration system.") . " {$help_text}</p>";
      return $output;