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function logintoboggan_update_6001 in LoginToboggan 6


./logintoboggan.install, line 153


function logintoboggan_update_6001() {
  drupal_set_message(t("Please note that the behavior of LoginToboggan's <cite>Redirect path on confirmation</cite> setting has changed in the case where users are NOT setting their own password on registration. The previous behavior was to automatically redirect the user to <cite>user/%uid/edit</cite>, with a final destination of the <cite>Redirect path on confirmation</cite> setting. This behavior has been removed. To replicate it, the path must be explicitly declared now. Ex: to have the user visit their edit page, with a final destination of node/foo, you would use <cite>user/%uid/edit?destination=node/foo</cite>."));
  return array();