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Functions in Login Security 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
login_security_admin_settings ./ Build a form body for the configuration settings. 1
login_security_cron ./login_security.module Implementation of hook_cron().
login_security_form_alter ./login_security.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
login_security_help ./login_security.module Implementation of hook_help().
login_security_install ./login_security.install Implementation of hook_install().
login_security_mail ./login_security.module
login_security_menu ./login_security.module Implementation of hook_menu().
login_security_nagios ./login_security.module Implement hook_nagios().
login_security_schema ./login_security.install Implementation of hook_schema().
login_security_set_login_timestamp ./login_security.module Previous incarnations of this code put it in hook_submit or hook_user, but since Drupal core validation updates the login timestamp, we have to set the message before it gets updated with the current login instance. 1
login_security_soft_block_validate ./login_security.module Temporarily deny validation to users with excess invalid login attempts. 1
login_security_t ./login_security.module This option is instead of doing t() because t() can only translate static strings, not variables. 6
login_security_uninstall ./login_security.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
login_security_update_6000 ./login_security.install Support IPv6 length addresses in 6.x because the original 6.x didn't have this update function. Since it's redundant from the previous update function, it's mostly just helping support PostgreSQL. Because update_5000() was the same,…
login_security_update_6001 ./login_security.install Database clean up update as for #399390
login_security_update_6002 ./login_security.install Variable clean up update as for #866068
login_security_update_6003 ./login_security.install Remove the option to have a login punishment for login failures for DoS.
login_security_user ./login_security.module Implementation of hook_user().
login_security_validate ./login_security.module Implementation of form validate. This functions does more than just validating, but it's main Intention is to break the login form flow. 1
login_user_block_ip ./login_security.module Create a Deny entry for the IP address. If IP address is not especified then block current IP. 1
login_user_block_user_name ./login_security.module Block a user by user name. If no user id then block current user. 1
_login_security_add_event ./login_security.module Save the login attempt in the tracking database: user name nd ip address. 1
_login_security_clean_tracked_events ./ 1
_login_security_get_variables_by_name ./login_security.module Helper function to get the variable array for the messages. 3
_login_security_remove_all_events ./login_security.module Remove all tracked events up to a date.. 2
_login_security_remove_events ./login_security.module Remove tracked events or expire old ones. 3
_login_security_valid_integer ./ 1
_login_security_valid_user ./ 1

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