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function login_destination_drupal_goto_alter in Login Destination 7

Implements hook_drupal_goto_alter().


./login_destination.module, line 324
Control where users are directed to, once they login


function login_destination_drupal_goto_alter(&$path, &$options, &$http_response_code) {

  // Note that this functionality cannot be backported to 6.x as Drupal 6 does
  // not call drupal_alter for drupal_goto.
  // Special case for the legal module.
  // If we don't let the legal module goto it's legal agreement then the user
  // cannot agree and login will just fail silently.
  // The legal module will respect our destination once the user has submitted
  // the legal agreement form.
  // covers legal_accept module - both 'legal_accept' and 'legal_accept/'
  if (strpos($path, 'legal_accept') === 0) {

  // system/tfa case
  if (strpos($path, 'system/tfa') === 0) {

  // This actually may be used also by templates.
  if (!isset($GLOBALS['destination'])) {
  $destination = $GLOBALS['destination'];
  $path = $destination;

  // Alter drupal_goto.
  if (is_array($destination)) {
    $path = $destination[0];
    $options = array();
    if (count($destination) > 1) {
      $options = $destination[1];