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class Parser in Loft Data Grids 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 vendor/symfony/yaml/Parser.php \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser

Parser parses YAML strings to convert them to PHP arrays.

@author Fabien Potencier <>


  • class \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser

Expanded class hierarchy of Parser

2 files declare their use of Parser
DumperTest.php in vendor/symfony/yaml/Symfony/Component/Yaml/Tests/DumperTest.php
ParserTest.php in vendor/symfony/yaml/Symfony/Component/Yaml/Tests/ParserTest.php


vendor/symfony/yaml/Symfony/Component/Yaml/Parser.php, line 21


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class Parser {
  const BLOCK_SCALAR_HEADER_PATTERN = '(?P<separator>\\||>)(?P<modifiers>\\+|\\-|\\d+|\\+\\d+|\\-\\d+|\\d+\\+|\\d+\\-)?(?P<comments> +#.*)?';

  // BC - wrongly named
  private $offset = 0;
  private $totalNumberOfLines;
  private $lines = array();
  private $currentLineNb = -1;
  private $currentLine = '';
  private $refs = array();

   * Constructor.
   * @param int      $offset             The offset of YAML document (used for line numbers in error messages)
   * @param int|null $totalNumberOfLines The overall number of lines being parsed
  public function __construct($offset = 0, $totalNumberOfLines = null) {
    $this->offset = $offset;
    $this->totalNumberOfLines = $totalNumberOfLines;

   * Parses a YAML string to a PHP value.
   * @param string $value                  A YAML string
   * @param bool   $exceptionOnInvalidType true if an exception must be thrown on invalid types (a PHP resource or object), false otherwise
   * @param bool   $objectSupport          true if object support is enabled, false otherwise
   * @return mixed A PHP value
   * @throws ParseException If the YAML is not valid
  public function parse($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType = false, $objectSupport = false) {
    if (!preg_match('//u', $value)) {
      throw new ParseException('The YAML value does not appear to be valid UTF-8.');
    $this->currentLineNb = -1;
    $this->currentLine = '';
    $value = $this
    $this->lines = explode("\n", $value);
    if (null === $this->totalNumberOfLines) {
      $this->totalNumberOfLines = count($this->lines);
    if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') && (int) ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2) {
      $mbEncoding = mb_internal_encoding();
    $data = array();
    $context = null;
    while ($this
      ->moveToNextLine()) {
      if ($this
        ->isCurrentLineEmpty()) {

      // tab?
      if ("\t" === $this->currentLine[0]) {
        throw new ParseException('A YAML file cannot contain tabs as indentation.', $this
          ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, $this->currentLine);
      $isRef = $isInPlace = $isProcessed = false;
      if (preg_match('#^\\-((?P<leadspaces>\\s+)(?P<value>.+?))?\\s*$#u', $this->currentLine, $values)) {
        if ($context && 'mapping' == $context) {
          throw new ParseException('You cannot define a sequence item when in a mapping', $this
            ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, $this->currentLine);
        $context = 'sequence';
        if (isset($values['value']) && preg_match('#^&(?P<ref>[^ ]+) *(?P<value>.*)#u', $values['value'], $matches)) {
          $isRef = $matches['ref'];
          $values['value'] = $matches['value'];

        // array
        if (!isset($values['value']) || '' == trim($values['value'], ' ') || 0 === strpos(ltrim($values['value'], ' '), '#')) {
          $c = $this
            ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1;
          $parser = new self($c, $this->totalNumberOfLines);
          $parser->refs =& $this->refs;
          $data[] = $parser
            ->getNextEmbedBlock(null, true), $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport);
        else {
          if (isset($values['leadspaces']) && preg_match('#^(?P<key>' . Inline::REGEX_QUOTED_STRING . '|[^ \'"\\{\\[].*?) *\\:(\\s+(?P<value>.+?))?\\s*$#u', $values['value'], $matches)) {

            // this is a compact notation element, add to next block and parse
            $c = $this
            $parser = new self($c, $this->totalNumberOfLines);
            $parser->refs =& $this->refs;
            $block = $values['value'];
            if ($this
              ->isNextLineIndented()) {
              $block .= "\n" . $this
                ->getCurrentLineIndentation() + strlen($values['leadspaces']) + 1);
            $data[] = $parser
              ->parse($block, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport);
          else {
            $data[] = $this
              ->parseValue($values['value'], $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport);
        if ($isRef) {
          $this->refs[$isRef] = end($data);
      elseif (preg_match('#^(?P<key>' . Inline::REGEX_QUOTED_STRING . '|[^ \'"\\[\\{].*?) *\\:(\\s+(?P<value>.+?))?\\s*$#u', $this->currentLine, $values) && (false === strpos($values['key'], ' #') || in_array($values['key'][0], array(
      )))) {
        if ($context && 'sequence' == $context) {
          throw new ParseException('You cannot define a mapping item when in a sequence', $this->currentLineNb + 1, $this->currentLine);
        $context = 'mapping';

        // force correct settings
        Inline::parse(null, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $this->refs);
        try {
          $key = Inline::parseScalar($values['key']);
        } catch (ParseException $e) {
            ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1);
          throw $e;

        // Convert float keys to strings, to avoid being converted to integers by PHP
        if (is_float($key)) {
          $key = (string) $key;
        if ('<<' === $key) {
          if (isset($values['value']) && 0 === strpos($values['value'], '*')) {
            $isInPlace = substr($values['value'], 1);
            if (!array_key_exists($isInPlace, $this->refs)) {
              throw new ParseException(sprintf('Reference "%s" does not exist.', $isInPlace), $this
                ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, $this->currentLine);
          else {
            if (isset($values['value']) && $values['value'] !== '') {
              $value = $values['value'];
            else {
              $value = $this
            $c = $this
              ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1;
            $parser = new self($c, $this->totalNumberOfLines);
            $parser->refs =& $this->refs;
            $parsed = $parser
              ->parse($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport);
            $merged = array();
            if (!is_array($parsed)) {
              throw new ParseException('YAML merge keys used with a scalar value instead of an array.', $this
                ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, $this->currentLine);
            elseif (isset($parsed[0])) {

              // Numeric array, merge individual elements
              foreach (array_reverse($parsed) as $parsedItem) {
                if (!is_array($parsedItem)) {
                  throw new ParseException('Merge items must be arrays.', $this
                    ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, $parsedItem);
                $merged = array_merge($parsedItem, $merged);
            else {

              // Associative array, merge
              $merged = array_merge($merged, $parsed);
            $isProcessed = $merged;
        elseif (isset($values['value']) && preg_match('#^&(?P<ref>[^ ]+) *(?P<value>.*)#u', $values['value'], $matches)) {
          $isRef = $matches['ref'];
          $values['value'] = $matches['value'];
        if ($isProcessed) {

          // Merge keys
          $data = $isProcessed;

          // hash
        elseif (!isset($values['value']) || '' == trim($values['value'], ' ') || 0 === strpos(ltrim($values['value'], ' '), '#')) {

          // if next line is less indented or equal, then it means that the current value is null
          if (!$this
            ->isNextLineIndented() && !$this
            ->isNextLineUnIndentedCollection()) {
            $data[$key] = null;
          else {
            $c = $this
              ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1;
            $parser = new self($c, $this->totalNumberOfLines);
            $parser->refs =& $this->refs;
            $data[$key] = $parser
              ->getNextEmbedBlock(), $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport);
        else {
          if ($isInPlace) {
            $data = $this->refs[$isInPlace];
          else {
            $data[$key] = $this
              ->parseValue($values['value'], $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport);
        if ($isRef) {
          $this->refs[$isRef] = $data[$key];
      else {

        // multiple documents are not supported
        if ('---' === $this->currentLine) {
          throw new ParseException('Multiple documents are not supported.', $this->currentLineNb + 1, $this->currentLine);

        // 1-liner optionally followed by newline(s)
        if ($this->lines[0] === trim($value)) {
          try {
            $value = Inline::parse($this->lines[0], $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $this->refs);
          } catch (ParseException $e) {
              ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1);
            throw $e;
          if (is_array($value)) {
            $first = reset($value);
            if (is_string($first) && 0 === strpos($first, '*')) {
              $data = array();
              foreach ($value as $alias) {
                $data[] = $this->refs[substr($alias, 1)];
              $value = $data;
          if (isset($mbEncoding)) {
          return $value;
        switch (preg_last_error()) {
          case PREG_INTERNAL_ERROR:
            $error = 'Internal PCRE error.';
            $error = 'pcre.backtrack_limit reached.';
            $error = 'pcre.recursion_limit reached.';
          case PREG_BAD_UTF8_ERROR:
            $error = 'Malformed UTF-8 data.';
          case PREG_BAD_UTF8_OFFSET_ERROR:
            $error = 'Offset doesn\'t correspond to the begin of a valid UTF-8 code point.';
            $error = 'Unable to parse.';
        throw new ParseException($error, $this
          ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, $this->currentLine);
    if (isset($mbEncoding)) {
    return empty($data) ? null : $data;

   * Returns the current line number (takes the offset into account).
   * @return int The current line number
  private function getRealCurrentLineNb() {
    return $this->currentLineNb + $this->offset;

   * Returns the current line indentation.
   * @return int The current line indentation
  private function getCurrentLineIndentation() {
    return strlen($this->currentLine) - strlen(ltrim($this->currentLine, ' '));

   * Returns the next embed block of YAML.
   * @param int  $indentation The indent level at which the block is to be read, or null for default
   * @param bool $inSequence  True if the enclosing data structure is a sequence
   * @return string A YAML string
   * @throws ParseException When indentation problem are detected
  private function getNextEmbedBlock($indentation = null, $inSequence = false) {
    $oldLineIndentation = $this
    $blockScalarIndentations = array();
    if ($this
      ->isBlockScalarHeader()) {
      $blockScalarIndentations[] = $this
    if (!$this
      ->moveToNextLine()) {
    if (null === $indentation) {
      $newIndent = $this
      $unindentedEmbedBlock = $this
      if (!$this
        ->isCurrentLineEmpty() && 0 === $newIndent && !$unindentedEmbedBlock) {
        throw new ParseException('Indentation problem.', $this
          ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, $this->currentLine);
    else {
      $newIndent = $indentation;
    $data = array();
    if ($this
      ->getCurrentLineIndentation() >= $newIndent) {
      $data[] = substr($this->currentLine, $newIndent);
    else {
    if ($inSequence && $oldLineIndentation === $newIndent && isset($data[0][0]) && '-' === $data[0][0]) {

      // the previous line contained a dash but no item content, this line is a sequence item with the same indentation
      // and therefore no nested list or mapping
    $isItUnindentedCollection = $this
    if (empty($blockScalarIndentations) && $this
      ->isBlockScalarHeader()) {
      $blockScalarIndentations[] = $this
    $previousLineIndentation = $this
    while ($this
      ->moveToNextLine()) {
      $indent = $this

      // terminate all block scalars that are more indented than the current line
      if (!empty($blockScalarIndentations) && $indent < $previousLineIndentation && trim($this->currentLine) !== '') {
        foreach ($blockScalarIndentations as $key => $blockScalarIndentation) {
          if ($blockScalarIndentation >= $this
            ->getCurrentLineIndentation()) {
      if (empty($blockScalarIndentations) && !$this
        ->isCurrentLineComment() && $this
        ->isBlockScalarHeader()) {
        $blockScalarIndentations[] = $this
      $previousLineIndentation = $indent;
      if ($isItUnindentedCollection && !$this
        ->isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem() && $newIndent === $indent) {
      if ($this
        ->isCurrentLineBlank()) {
        $data[] = substr($this->currentLine, $newIndent);

      // we ignore "comment" lines only when we are not inside a scalar block
      if (empty($blockScalarIndentations) && $this
        ->isCurrentLineComment()) {
      if ($indent >= $newIndent) {
        $data[] = substr($this->currentLine, $newIndent);
      elseif (0 == $indent) {
      else {
        throw new ParseException('Indentation problem.', $this
          ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, $this->currentLine);
    return implode("\n", $data);

   * Moves the parser to the next line.
   * @return bool
  private function moveToNextLine() {
    if ($this->currentLineNb >= count($this->lines) - 1) {
      return false;
    $this->currentLine = $this->lines[++$this->currentLineNb];
    return true;

   * Moves the parser to the previous line.
  private function moveToPreviousLine() {
    $this->currentLine = $this->lines[--$this->currentLineNb];

   * Parses a YAML value.
   * @param string $value                  A YAML value
   * @param bool   $exceptionOnInvalidType True if an exception must be thrown on invalid types false otherwise
   * @param bool   $objectSupport          True if object support is enabled, false otherwise
   * @return mixed A PHP value
   * @throws ParseException When reference does not exist
  private function parseValue($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport) {
    if (0 === strpos($value, '*')) {
      if (false !== ($pos = strpos($value, '#'))) {
        $value = substr($value, 1, $pos - 2);
      else {
        $value = substr($value, 1);
      if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->refs)) {
        throw new ParseException(sprintf('Reference "%s" does not exist.', $value), $this->currentLineNb + 1, $this->currentLine);
      return $this->refs[$value];
    if (preg_match('/^' . self::BLOCK_SCALAR_HEADER_PATTERN . '$/', $value, $matches)) {
      $modifiers = isset($matches['modifiers']) ? $matches['modifiers'] : '';
      return $this
        ->parseBlockScalar($matches['separator'], preg_replace('#\\d+#', '', $modifiers), (int) abs($modifiers));
    try {
      return Inline::parse($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $this->refs);
    } catch (ParseException $e) {
        ->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1);
      throw $e;

   * Parses a block scalar.
   * @param string $style       The style indicator that was used to begin this block scalar (| or >)
   * @param string $chomping    The chomping indicator that was used to begin this block scalar (+ or -)
   * @param int    $indentation The indentation indicator that was used to begin this block scalar
   * @return string The text value
  private function parseBlockScalar($style, $chomping = '', $indentation = 0) {
    $notEOF = $this
    if (!$notEOF) {
      return '';
    $isCurrentLineBlank = $this
    $blockLines = array();

    // leading blank lines are consumed before determining indentation
    while ($notEOF && $isCurrentLineBlank) {

      // newline only if not EOF
      if ($notEOF = $this
        ->moveToNextLine()) {
        $blockLines[] = '';
        $isCurrentLineBlank = $this

    // determine indentation if not specified
    if (0 === $indentation) {
      if (preg_match('/^ +/', $this->currentLine, $matches)) {
        $indentation = strlen($matches[0]);
    if ($indentation > 0) {
      $pattern = sprintf('/^ {%d}(.*)$/', $indentation);
      while ($notEOF && ($isCurrentLineBlank || preg_match($pattern, $this->currentLine, $matches))) {
        if ($isCurrentLineBlank && strlen($this->currentLine) > $indentation) {
          $blockLines[] = substr($this->currentLine, $indentation);
        elseif ($isCurrentLineBlank) {
          $blockLines[] = '';
        else {
          $blockLines[] = $matches[1];

        // newline only if not EOF
        if ($notEOF = $this
          ->moveToNextLine()) {
          $isCurrentLineBlank = $this
    elseif ($notEOF) {
      $blockLines[] = '';
    if ($notEOF) {
      $blockLines[] = '';
    elseif (!$notEOF && !$this
      ->isCurrentLineLastLineInDocument()) {
      $blockLines[] = '';

    // folded style
    if ('>' === $style) {
      $text = '';
      $previousLineIndented = false;
      $previousLineBlank = false;
      for ($i = 0; $i < count($blockLines); ++$i) {
        if ('' === $blockLines[$i]) {
          $text .= "\n";
          $previousLineIndented = false;
          $previousLineBlank = true;
        elseif (' ' === $blockLines[$i][0]) {
          $text .= "\n" . $blockLines[$i];
          $previousLineIndented = true;
          $previousLineBlank = false;
        elseif ($previousLineIndented) {
          $text .= "\n" . $blockLines[$i];
          $previousLineIndented = false;
          $previousLineBlank = false;
        elseif ($previousLineBlank || 0 === $i) {
          $text .= $blockLines[$i];
          $previousLineIndented = false;
          $previousLineBlank = false;
        else {
          $text .= ' ' . $blockLines[$i];
          $previousLineIndented = false;
          $previousLineBlank = false;
    else {
      $text = implode("\n", $blockLines);

    // deal with trailing newlines
    if ('' === $chomping) {
      $text = preg_replace('/\\n+$/', "\n", $text);
    elseif ('-' === $chomping) {
      $text = preg_replace('/\\n+$/', '', $text);
    return $text;

   * Returns true if the next line is indented.
   * @return bool Returns true if the next line is indented, false otherwise
  private function isNextLineIndented() {
    $currentIndentation = $this
    $EOF = !$this
    while (!$EOF && $this
      ->isCurrentLineEmpty()) {
      $EOF = !$this
    if ($EOF) {
      return false;
    $ret = false;
    if ($this
      ->getCurrentLineIndentation() > $currentIndentation) {
      $ret = true;
    return $ret;

   * Returns true if the current line is blank or if it is a comment line.
   * @return bool Returns true if the current line is empty or if it is a comment line, false otherwise
  private function isCurrentLineEmpty() {
    return $this
      ->isCurrentLineBlank() || $this

   * Returns true if the current line is blank.
   * @return bool Returns true if the current line is blank, false otherwise
  private function isCurrentLineBlank() {
    return '' == trim($this->currentLine, ' ');

   * Returns true if the current line is a comment line.
   * @return bool Returns true if the current line is a comment line, false otherwise
  private function isCurrentLineComment() {

    //checking explicitly the first char of the trim is faster than loops or strpos
    $ltrimmedLine = ltrim($this->currentLine, ' ');
    return '' !== $ltrimmedLine && $ltrimmedLine[0] === '#';
  private function isCurrentLineLastLineInDocument() {
    return $this->offset + $this->currentLineNb >= $this->totalNumberOfLines - 1;

   * Cleanups a YAML string to be parsed.
   * @param string $value The input YAML string
   * @return string A cleaned up YAML string
  private function cleanup($value) {
    $value = str_replace(array(
    ), "\n", $value);

    // strip YAML header
    $count = 0;
    $value = preg_replace('#^\\%YAML[: ][\\d\\.]+.*\\n#u', '', $value, -1, $count);
    $this->offset += $count;

    // remove leading comments
    $trimmedValue = preg_replace('#^(\\#.*?\\n)+#s', '', $value, -1, $count);
    if ($count == 1) {

      // items have been removed, update the offset
      $this->offset += substr_count($value, "\n") - substr_count($trimmedValue, "\n");
      $value = $trimmedValue;

    // remove start of the document marker (---)
    $trimmedValue = preg_replace('#^\\-\\-\\-.*?\\n#s', '', $value, -1, $count);
    if ($count == 1) {

      // items have been removed, update the offset
      $this->offset += substr_count($value, "\n") - substr_count($trimmedValue, "\n");
      $value = $trimmedValue;

      // remove end of the document marker (...)
      $value = preg_replace('#\\.\\.\\.\\s*$#', '', $value);
    return $value;

   * Returns true if the next line starts unindented collection.
   * @return bool Returns true if the next line starts unindented collection, false otherwise
  private function isNextLineUnIndentedCollection() {
    $currentIndentation = $this
    $notEOF = $this
    while ($notEOF && $this
      ->isCurrentLineEmpty()) {
      $notEOF = $this
    if (false === $notEOF) {
      return false;
    $ret = false;
    if ($this
      ->getCurrentLineIndentation() == $currentIndentation && $this
      ->isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem()) {
      $ret = true;
    return $ret;

   * Returns true if the string is un-indented collection item.
   * @return bool Returns true if the string is un-indented collection item, false otherwise
  private function isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem() {
    return '-' === rtrim($this->currentLine) || 0 === strpos($this->currentLine, '- ');

   * Tests whether or not the current line is the header of a block scalar.
   * @return bool
  private function isBlockScalarHeader() {
    return (bool) preg_match('~' . self::BLOCK_SCALAR_HEADER_PATTERN . '$~', $this->currentLine);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Parser::$currentLine private property
Parser::$currentLineNb private property
Parser::$lines private property
Parser::$offset private property
Parser::$refs private property
Parser::$totalNumberOfLines private property
Parser::cleanup private function Cleanups a YAML string to be parsed.
Parser::getCurrentLineIndentation private function Returns the current line indentation.
Parser::getNextEmbedBlock private function Returns the next embed block of YAML.
Parser::getRealCurrentLineNb private function Returns the current line number (takes the offset into account).
Parser::isBlockScalarHeader private function Tests whether or not the current line is the header of a block scalar.
Parser::isCurrentLineBlank private function Returns true if the current line is blank.
Parser::isCurrentLineComment private function Returns true if the current line is a comment line.
Parser::isCurrentLineEmpty private function Returns true if the current line is blank or if it is a comment line.
Parser::isCurrentLineLastLineInDocument private function
Parser::isNextLineIndented private function Returns true if the next line is indented.
Parser::isNextLineUnIndentedCollection private function Returns true if the next line starts unindented collection.
Parser::isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem private function Returns true if the string is un-indented collection item.
Parser::moveToNextLine private function Moves the parser to the next line.
Parser::moveToPreviousLine private function Moves the parser to the previous line.
Parser::parse public function Parses a YAML string to a PHP value.
Parser::parseBlockScalar private function Parses a block scalar.
Parser::parseValue private function Parses a YAML value.
Parser::__construct public function Constructor.