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private function PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5::_buildWorksheetEschers in Loft Data Grids 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel5.php \PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5::_buildWorksheetEschers()

* Build the Worksheet Escher objects *

1 call to PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5::_buildWorksheetEschers()
PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5::save in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel5.php
* Save PHPExcel to file * *


vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel5.php, line 248




private function _buildWorksheetEschers() {

  // 1-based index to BstoreContainer
  $blipIndex = 0;
  $lastReducedSpId = 0;
  $lastSpId = 0;
  foreach ($this->_phpExcel
    ->getAllsheets() as $sheet) {

    // sheet index
    $sheetIndex = $sheet
    $escher = null;

    // check if there are any shapes for this sheet
    $filterRange = $sheet
    if (count($sheet
      ->getDrawingCollection()) == 0 && empty($filterRange)) {

    // create intermediate Escher object
    $escher = new PHPExcel_Shared_Escher();

    // dgContainer
    $dgContainer = new PHPExcel_Shared_Escher_DgContainer();

    // set the drawing index (we use sheet index + 1)
    $dgId = $sheet
      ->getIndex($sheet) + 1;

    // spgrContainer
    $spgrContainer = new PHPExcel_Shared_Escher_DgContainer_SpgrContainer();

    // add one shape which is the group shape
    $spContainer = new PHPExcel_Shared_Escher_DgContainer_SpgrContainer_SpContainer();
      ->getIndex($sheet) + 1 << 10);

    // add the shapes
    $countShapes[$sheetIndex] = 0;

    // count number of shapes (minus group shape), in sheet
    foreach ($sheet
      ->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) {

      // add the shape
      $spContainer = new PHPExcel_Shared_Escher_DgContainer_SpgrContainer_SpContainer();

      // set the shape type

      // set the shape flag

      // set the shape index (we combine 1-based sheet index and $countShapes to create unique shape index)
      $reducedSpId = $countShapes[$sheetIndex];
      $spId = $reducedSpId | $sheet
        ->getIndex($sheet) + 1 << 10;

      // keep track of last reducedSpId
      $lastReducedSpId = $reducedSpId;

      // keep track of last spId
      $lastSpId = $spId;

      // set the BLIP index
        ->setOPT(0x4104, $blipIndex);

      // set coordinates and offsets, client anchor
      $coordinates = $drawing
      $offsetX = $drawing
      $offsetY = $drawing
      $width = $drawing
      $height = $drawing
      $twoAnchor = PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::oneAnchor2twoAnchor($sheet, $coordinates, $offsetX, $offsetY, $width, $height);

    // AutoFilters
    if (!empty($filterRange)) {
      $rangeBounds = PHPExcel_Cell::rangeBoundaries($filterRange);
      $iNumColStart = $rangeBounds[0][0];
      $iNumColEnd = $rangeBounds[1][0];
      $iInc = $iNumColStart;
      while ($iInc <= $iNumColEnd) {

        // create an Drawing Object for the dropdown
        $oDrawing = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing();

        // get the coordinates of drawing
        $cDrawing = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($iInc - 1) . $rangeBounds[0][1];

        // add the shape
        $spContainer = new PHPExcel_Shared_Escher_DgContainer_SpgrContainer_SpContainer();

        // set the shape type

        // set the shape flag

        // set the shape index (we combine 1-based sheet index and $countShapes to create unique shape index)
        $reducedSpId = $countShapes[$sheetIndex];
        $spId = $reducedSpId | $sheet
          ->getIndex($sheet) + 1 << 10;

        // keep track of last reducedSpId
        $lastReducedSpId = $reducedSpId;

        // keep track of last spId
        $lastSpId = $spId;
          ->setOPT(0x7f, 0x1040104);

        // Protection -> fLockAgainstGrouping
          ->setOPT(0xbf, 0x80008);

        // Text -> fFitTextToShape
          ->setOPT(0x1bf, 0x10000);

        // Fill Style -> fNoFillHitTest
          ->setOPT(0x1ff, 0x80000);

        // Line Style -> fNoLineDrawDash
          ->setOPT(0x3bf, 0xa0000);

        // Group Shape -> fPrint
        // set coordinates and offsets, client anchor
        $endCoordinates = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex(PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($iInc - 1));
        $endCoordinates .= $rangeBounds[0][1] + 1;

    // identifier clusters, used for workbook Escher object
    $this->_IDCLs[$dgId] = $lastReducedSpId;

    // set last shape index

    // set the Escher object