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class PHPExcel_Cell in Loft Data Grids 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Cell.php \PHPExcel_Cell


@category PHPExcel @package PHPExcel_Cell @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (


Expanded class hierarchy of PHPExcel_Cell

23 string references to 'PHPExcel_Cell'
CellTest::testAbsoluteCoordinateFromString in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/unitTests/Classes/PHPExcel/CellTest.php
@dataProvider providerAbsoluteCoordinates
CellTest::testAbsoluteCoordinateFromStringWithRangeAddress in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/unitTests/Classes/PHPExcel/CellTest.php
CellTest::testAbsoluteReferenceFromString in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/unitTests/Classes/PHPExcel/CellTest.php
@dataProvider providerAbsoluteReferences
CellTest::testAbsoluteReferenceFromStringWithRangeAddress in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/unitTests/Classes/PHPExcel/CellTest.php
CellTest::testBuildRange in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/unitTests/Classes/PHPExcel/CellTest.php
@dataProvider providerBuildRange

... See full list


vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Cell.php, line 36

View source
class PHPExcel_Cell {

   *  Default range variable constant
   *  @var  string
  const DEFAULT_RANGE = 'A1:A1';

   *	Value binder to use
   *	@var	PHPExcel_Cell_IValueBinder
  private static $_valueBinder = NULL;

   *	Value of the cell
   *	@var	mixed
  private $_value;

   *	Calculated value of the cell (used for caching)
   *	This returns the value last calculated by MS Excel or whichever spreadsheet program was used to
   *		create the original spreadsheet file.
   *	Note that this value is not guaranteed to reflect the actual calculated value because it is
   *		possible that auto-calculation was disabled in the original spreadsheet, and underlying data
   *		values used by the formula have changed since it was last calculated.
   *	@var mixed
  private $_calculatedValue = NULL;

   *	Type of the cell data
   *	@var	string
  private $_dataType;

   *	Parent worksheet
   *	@var	PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorage_CacheBase
  private $_parent;

   *	Index to cellXf
   *	@var	int
  private $_xfIndex = 0;

   *	Attributes of the formula
  private $_formulaAttributes;

   *	Send notification to the cache controller
   *	@return void
  public function notifyCacheController() {
    return $this;
  public function detach() {
    $this->_parent = NULL;
  public function attach(PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorage_CacheBase $parent) {
    $this->_parent = $parent;

   *	Create a new Cell
   *	@param	mixed				$pValue
   *	@param	string				$pDataType
   *	@param	PHPExcel_Worksheet	$pSheet
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public function __construct($pValue = NULL, $pDataType = NULL, PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = NULL) {

    // Initialise cell value
    $this->_value = $pValue;

    // Set worksheet cache
    $this->_parent = $pSheet

    // Set datatype?
    if ($pDataType !== NULL) {
      if ($pDataType == PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING2) {
        $pDataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING;
      $this->_dataType = $pDataType;
    elseif (!self::getValueBinder()
      ->bindValue($this, $pValue)) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Value could not be bound to cell.");

   *	Get cell coordinate column
   *	@return	string
  public function getColumn() {
    return $this->_parent

   *	Get cell coordinate row
   *	@return	int
  public function getRow() {
    return $this->_parent

   *	Get cell coordinate
   *	@return	string
  public function getCoordinate() {
    return $this->_parent

   *	Get cell value
   *	@return	mixed
  public function getValue() {
    return $this->_value;

   *	Get cell value with formatting
   *	@return	string
  public function getFormattedValue() {
    return (string) PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString($this
      ->getCalculatedValue(), $this

   *	Set cell value
   *	Sets the value for a cell, automatically determining the datatype using the value binder
   *	@param	mixed	$pValue					Value
   *	@return	PHPExcel_Cell
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public function setValue($pValue = NULL) {
    if (!self::getValueBinder()
      ->bindValue($this, $pValue)) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Value could not be bound to cell.");
    return $this;

   *	Set the value for a cell, with the explicit data type passed to the method (bypassing any use of the value binder)
   *	@param	mixed	$pValue			Value
   *	@param	string	$pDataType		Explicit data type
   *	@return	PHPExcel_Cell
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public function setValueExplicit($pValue = NULL, $pDataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING) {

    // set the value according to data type
    switch ($pDataType) {
      case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NULL:
        $this->_value = $pValue;
      case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING2:
        $pDataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING;
      case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING:
      case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_INLINE:
        $this->_value = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::checkString($pValue);
      case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC:
        $this->_value = (double) $pValue;
      case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA:
        $this->_value = (string) $pValue;
      case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_BOOL:
        $this->_value = (bool) $pValue;
      case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_ERROR:
        $this->_value = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::checkErrorCode($pValue);
        throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Invalid datatype: ' . $pDataType);

    // set the datatype
    $this->_dataType = $pDataType;
    return $this

   *	Get calculated cell value
   *	@deprecated		Since version 1.7.8 for planned changes to cell for array formula handling
   *	@param	boolean $resetLog  Whether the calculation engine logger should be reset or not
   *	@return	mixed
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public function getCalculatedValue($resetLog = TRUE) {

    //echo 'Cell '.$this->getCoordinate().' value is a '.$this->_dataType.' with a value of '.$this->getValue().PHP_EOL;
    if ($this->_dataType == PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA) {
      try {

        //echo 'Cell value for '.$this->getCoordinate().' is a formula: Calculating value'.PHP_EOL;
        $result = PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance($this
          ->calculateCellValue($this, $resetLog);

        //echo $this->getCoordinate().' calculation result is '.$result.PHP_EOL;

        //	We don't yet handle array returns
        if (is_array($result)) {
          while (is_array($result)) {
            $result = array_pop($result);
      } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $ex) {
        if ($ex
          ->getMessage() === 'Unable to access External Workbook' && $this->_calculatedValue !== NULL) {

          //echo 'Returning fallback value of '.$this->_calculatedValue.' for cell '.$this->getCoordinate().PHP_EOL;
          return $this->_calculatedValue;

          // Fallback for calculations referencing external files.

        //echo 'Calculation Exception: '.$ex->getMessage().PHP_EOL;
        $result = '#N/A';
        throw new PHPExcel_Calculation_Exception($this
          ->getTitle() . '!' . $this
          ->getCoordinate() . ' -> ' . $ex
      if ($result === '#Not Yet Implemented') {

        //echo 'Returning fallback value of '.$this->_calculatedValue.' for cell '.$this->getCoordinate().PHP_EOL;
        return $this->_calculatedValue;

        // Fallback if calculation engine does not support the formula.

      //echo 'Returning calculated value of '.$result.' for cell '.$this->getCoordinate().PHP_EOL;
      return $result;
    elseif ($this->_value instanceof PHPExcel_RichText) {

      //		echo 'Cell value for '.$this->getCoordinate().' is rich text: Returning data value of '.$this->_value.'<br />';
      return $this->_value

    //		echo 'Cell value for '.$this->getCoordinate().' is not a formula: Returning data value of '.$this->_value.'<br />';
    return $this->_value;

   *	Set old calculated value (cached)
   *	@param	mixed $pValue	Value
   *	@return	PHPExcel_Cell
  public function setCalculatedValue($pValue = NULL) {
    if ($pValue !== NULL) {
      $this->_calculatedValue = is_numeric($pValue) ? (double) $pValue : $pValue;
    return $this

   *	Get old calculated value (cached)
   *	This returns the value last calculated by MS Excel or whichever spreadsheet program was used to
   *		create the original spreadsheet file.
   *	Note that this value is not guaranteed to refelect the actual calculated value because it is
   *		possible that auto-calculation was disabled in the original spreadsheet, and underlying data
   *		values used by the formula have changed since it was last calculated.
   *	@return	mixed
  public function getOldCalculatedValue() {
    return $this->_calculatedValue;

   *	Get cell data type
   *	@return string
  public function getDataType() {
    return $this->_dataType;

   *	Set cell data type
   *	@param	string $pDataType
   *	@return	PHPExcel_Cell
  public function setDataType($pDataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING) {
    if ($pDataType == PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING2) {
      $pDataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING;
    $this->_dataType = $pDataType;
    return $this

   *  Identify if the cell contains a formula
   *  @return boolean
  public function isFormula() {
    return $this->_dataType == PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA;

   *	Does this cell contain Data validation rules?
   *	@return	boolean
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public function hasDataValidation() {
    if (!isset($this->_parent)) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cannot check for data validation when cell is not bound to a worksheet');
    return $this

   *	Get Data validation rules
   *	@return	PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public function getDataValidation() {
    if (!isset($this->_parent)) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cannot get data validation for cell that is not bound to a worksheet');
    return $this

   *	Set Data validation rules
   *	@param	PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation	$pDataValidation
   *	@return	PHPExcel_Cell
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public function setDataValidation(PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation $pDataValidation = NULL) {
    if (!isset($this->_parent)) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cannot set data validation for cell that is not bound to a worksheet');
      ->getCoordinate(), $pDataValidation);
    return $this

   *	Does this cell contain a Hyperlink?
   *	@return boolean
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public function hasHyperlink() {
    if (!isset($this->_parent)) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cannot check for hyperlink when cell is not bound to a worksheet');
    return $this

   *	Get Hyperlink
   *	@return	PHPExcel_Cell_Hyperlink
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public function getHyperlink() {
    if (!isset($this->_parent)) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cannot get hyperlink for cell that is not bound to a worksheet');
    return $this

   *	Set Hyperlink
   *	@param	PHPExcel_Cell_Hyperlink	$pHyperlink
   *	@return	PHPExcel_Cell
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public function setHyperlink(PHPExcel_Cell_Hyperlink $pHyperlink = NULL) {
    if (!isset($this->_parent)) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cannot set hyperlink for cell that is not bound to a worksheet');
      ->getCoordinate(), $pHyperlink);
    return $this

   *	Get parent worksheet
   *	@return PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorage_CacheBase
  public function getParent() {
    return $this->_parent;

   *	Get parent worksheet
   *	@return PHPExcel_Worksheet
  public function getWorksheet() {
    return $this->_parent

   *	Is this cell in a merge range
   *	@return boolean
  public function isInMergeRange() {
    return (bool) $this

   *	Is this cell the master (top left cell) in a merge range (that holds the actual data value)
   *	@return boolean
  public function isMergeRangeValueCell() {
    if ($mergeRange = $this
      ->getMergeRange()) {
      $mergeRange = PHPExcel_Cell::splitRange($mergeRange);
      list($startCell) = $mergeRange[0];
      if ($this
        ->getCoordinate() === $startCell) {
        return true;
    return false;

   *	If this cell is in a merge range, then return the range
   *	@return string
  public function getMergeRange() {
    foreach ($this
      ->getMergeCells() as $mergeRange) {
      if ($this
        ->isInRange($mergeRange)) {
        return $mergeRange;
    return false;

   *	Get cell style
   *	@return	PHPExcel_Style
  public function getStyle() {
    return $this

   *	Re-bind parent
   *	@param	PHPExcel_Worksheet $parent
   *	@return	PHPExcel_Cell
  public function rebindParent(PHPExcel_Worksheet $parent) {
    $this->_parent = $parent
    return $this

   *	Is cell in a specific range?
   *	@param	string	$pRange		Cell range (e.g. A1:A1)
   *	@return	boolean
  public function isInRange($pRange = 'A1:A1') {
    list($rangeStart, $rangeEnd) = self::rangeBoundaries($pRange);

    // Translate properties
    $myColumn = self::columnIndexFromString($this
    $myRow = $this

    // Verify if cell is in range
    return $rangeStart[0] <= $myColumn && $rangeEnd[0] >= $myColumn && $rangeStart[1] <= $myRow && $rangeEnd[1] >= $myRow;

   *	Coordinate from string
   *	@param	string	$pCoordinateString
   *	@return	array	Array containing column and row (indexes 0 and 1)
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public static function coordinateFromString($pCoordinateString = 'A1') {
    if (preg_match("/^([\$]?[A-Z]{1,3})([\$]?\\d{1,7})\$/", $pCoordinateString, $matches)) {
      return array(
    elseif (strpos($pCoordinateString, ':') !== FALSE || strpos($pCoordinateString, ',') !== FALSE) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cell coordinate string can not be a range of cells');
    elseif ($pCoordinateString == '') {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cell coordinate can not be zero-length string');
    throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Invalid cell coordinate ' . $pCoordinateString);

   *	Make string row, column or cell coordinate absolute
   *	@param	string	$pCoordinateString		e.g. 'A' or '1' or 'A1'
   *					Note that this value can be a row or column reference as well as a cell reference
   *	@return	string	Absolute coordinate		e.g. '$A' or '$1' or '$A$1'
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public static function absoluteReference($pCoordinateString = 'A1') {
    if (strpos($pCoordinateString, ':') === FALSE && strpos($pCoordinateString, ',') === FALSE) {

      // Split out any worksheet name from the reference
      $worksheet = '';
      $cellAddress = explode('!', $pCoordinateString);
      if (count($cellAddress) > 1) {
        list($worksheet, $pCoordinateString) = $cellAddress;
      if ($worksheet > '') {
        $worksheet .= '!';

      // Create absolute coordinate
      if (ctype_digit($pCoordinateString)) {
        return $worksheet . '$' . $pCoordinateString;
      elseif (ctype_alpha($pCoordinateString)) {
        return $worksheet . '$' . strtoupper($pCoordinateString);
      return $worksheet . self::absoluteCoordinate($pCoordinateString);
    throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cell coordinate string can not be a range of cells');

   *	Make string coordinate absolute
   *	@param	string	$pCoordinateString		e.g. 'A1'
   *	@return	string	Absolute coordinate		e.g. '$A$1'
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public static function absoluteCoordinate($pCoordinateString = 'A1') {
    if (strpos($pCoordinateString, ':') === FALSE && strpos($pCoordinateString, ',') === FALSE) {

      // Split out any worksheet name from the coordinate
      $worksheet = '';
      $cellAddress = explode('!', $pCoordinateString);
      if (count($cellAddress) > 1) {
        list($worksheet, $pCoordinateString) = $cellAddress;
      if ($worksheet > '') {
        $worksheet .= '!';

      // Create absolute coordinate
      list($column, $row) = self::coordinateFromString($pCoordinateString);
      $column = ltrim($column, '$');
      $row = ltrim($row, '$');
      return $worksheet . '$' . $column . '$' . $row;
    throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cell coordinate string can not be a range of cells');

   *	Split range into coordinate strings
   *	@param	string	$pRange		e.g. 'B4:D9' or 'B4:D9,H2:O11' or 'B4'
   *	@return	array	Array containg one or more arrays containing one or two coordinate strings
   *								e.g. array('B4','D9') or array(array('B4','D9'),array('H2','O11'))
   *										or array('B4')
  public static function splitRange($pRange = 'A1:A1') {

    // Ensure $pRange is a valid range
    if (empty($pRange)) {
      $pRange = self::DEFAULT_RANGE;
    $exploded = explode(',', $pRange);
    $counter = count($exploded);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $counter; ++$i) {
      $exploded[$i] = explode(':', $exploded[$i]);
    return $exploded;

   *	Build range from coordinate strings
   *	@param	array	$pRange	Array containg one or more arrays containing one or two coordinate strings
   *	@return	string	String representation of $pRange
   *	@throws	PHPExcel_Exception
  public static function buildRange($pRange) {

    // Verify range
    if (!is_array($pRange) || empty($pRange) || !is_array($pRange[0])) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Range does not contain any information');

    // Build range
    $imploded = array();
    $counter = count($pRange);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $counter; ++$i) {
      $pRange[$i] = implode(':', $pRange[$i]);
    $imploded = implode(',', $pRange);
    return $imploded;

   *	Calculate range boundaries
   *	@param	string	$pRange		Cell range (e.g. A1:A1)
   *	@return	array	Range coordinates array(Start Cell, End Cell)
   *					where Start Cell and End Cell are arrays (Column Number, Row Number)
  public static function rangeBoundaries($pRange = 'A1:A1') {

    // Ensure $pRange is a valid range
    if (empty($pRange)) {
      $pRange = self::DEFAULT_RANGE;

    // Uppercase coordinate
    $pRange = strtoupper($pRange);

    // Extract range
    if (strpos($pRange, ':') === FALSE) {
      $rangeA = $rangeB = $pRange;
    else {
      list($rangeA, $rangeB) = explode(':', $pRange);

    // Calculate range outer borders
    $rangeStart = self::coordinateFromString($rangeA);
    $rangeEnd = self::coordinateFromString($rangeB);

    // Translate column into index
    $rangeStart[0] = self::columnIndexFromString($rangeStart[0]);
    $rangeEnd[0] = self::columnIndexFromString($rangeEnd[0]);
    return array(

   *	Calculate range dimension
   *	@param	string	$pRange		Cell range (e.g. A1:A1)
   *	@return	array	Range dimension (width, height)
  public static function rangeDimension($pRange = 'A1:A1') {

    // Calculate range outer borders
    list($rangeStart, $rangeEnd) = self::rangeBoundaries($pRange);
    return array(
      $rangeEnd[0] - $rangeStart[0] + 1,
      $rangeEnd[1] - $rangeStart[1] + 1,

   *	Calculate range boundaries
   *	@param	string	$pRange		Cell range (e.g. A1:A1)
   *	@return	array	Range coordinates array(Start Cell, End Cell)
   *					where Start Cell and End Cell are arrays (Column ID, Row Number)
  public static function getRangeBoundaries($pRange = 'A1:A1') {

    // Ensure $pRange is a valid range
    if (empty($pRange)) {
      $pRange = self::DEFAULT_RANGE;

    // Uppercase coordinate
    $pRange = strtoupper($pRange);

    // Extract range
    if (strpos($pRange, ':') === FALSE) {
      $rangeA = $rangeB = $pRange;
    else {
      list($rangeA, $rangeB) = explode(':', $pRange);
    return array(

   *	Column index from string
   *	@param	string $pString
   *	@return	int Column index (base 1 !!!)
  public static function columnIndexFromString($pString = 'A') {

    //	Using a lookup cache adds a slight memory overhead, but boosts speed
    //	caching using a static within the method is faster than a class static,
    //		though it's additional memory overhead
    static $_indexCache = array();
    if (isset($_indexCache[$pString])) {
      return $_indexCache[$pString];

    //	It's surprising how costly the strtoupper() and ord() calls actually are, so we use a lookup array rather than use ord()
    //		and make it case insensitive to get rid of the strtoupper() as well. Because it's a static, there's no significant
    //		memory overhead either
    static $_columnLookup = array(
      'A' => 1,
      'B' => 2,
      'C' => 3,
      'D' => 4,
      'E' => 5,
      'F' => 6,
      'G' => 7,
      'H' => 8,
      'I' => 9,
      'J' => 10,
      'K' => 11,
      'L' => 12,
      'M' => 13,
      'N' => 14,
      'O' => 15,
      'P' => 16,
      'Q' => 17,
      'R' => 18,
      'S' => 19,
      'T' => 20,
      'U' => 21,
      'V' => 22,
      'W' => 23,
      'X' => 24,
      'Y' => 25,
      'Z' => 26,
      'a' => 1,
      'b' => 2,
      'c' => 3,
      'd' => 4,
      'e' => 5,
      'f' => 6,
      'g' => 7,
      'h' => 8,
      'i' => 9,
      'j' => 10,
      'k' => 11,
      'l' => 12,
      'm' => 13,
      'n' => 14,
      'o' => 15,
      'p' => 16,
      'q' => 17,
      'r' => 18,
      's' => 19,
      't' => 20,
      'u' => 21,
      'v' => 22,
      'w' => 23,
      'x' => 24,
      'y' => 25,
      'z' => 26,

    //	We also use the language construct isset() rather than the more costly strlen() function to match the length of $pString
    //		for improved performance
    if (isset($pString[0])) {
      if (!isset($pString[1])) {
        $_indexCache[$pString] = $_columnLookup[$pString];
        return $_indexCache[$pString];
      elseif (!isset($pString[2])) {
        $_indexCache[$pString] = $_columnLookup[$pString[0]] * 26 + $_columnLookup[$pString[1]];
        return $_indexCache[$pString];
      elseif (!isset($pString[3])) {
        $_indexCache[$pString] = $_columnLookup[$pString[0]] * 676 + $_columnLookup[$pString[1]] * 26 + $_columnLookup[$pString[2]];
        return $_indexCache[$pString];
    throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Column string index can not be " . (isset($pString[0]) ? "longer than 3 characters" : "empty"));

   *	String from columnindex
   *	@param	int $pColumnIndex Column index (base 0 !!!)
   *	@return	string
  public static function stringFromColumnIndex($pColumnIndex = 0) {

    //	Using a lookup cache adds a slight memory overhead, but boosts speed
    //	caching using a static within the method is faster than a class static,
    //		though it's additional memory overhead
    static $_indexCache = array();
    if (!isset($_indexCache[$pColumnIndex])) {

      // Determine column string
      if ($pColumnIndex < 26) {
        $_indexCache[$pColumnIndex] = chr(65 + $pColumnIndex);
      elseif ($pColumnIndex < 702) {
        $_indexCache[$pColumnIndex] = chr(64 + $pColumnIndex / 26) . chr(65 + $pColumnIndex % 26);
      else {
        $_indexCache[$pColumnIndex] = chr(64 + ($pColumnIndex - 26) / 676) . chr(65 + ($pColumnIndex - 26) % 676 / 26) . chr(65 + $pColumnIndex % 26);
    return $_indexCache[$pColumnIndex];

   *	Extract all cell references in range
   *	@param	string	$pRange		Range (e.g. A1 or A1:C10 or A1:E10 A20:E25)
   *	@return	array	Array containing single cell references
  public static function extractAllCellReferencesInRange($pRange = 'A1') {

    // Returnvalue
    $returnValue = array();

    // Explode spaces
    $cellBlocks = explode(' ', str_replace('$', '', strtoupper($pRange)));
    foreach ($cellBlocks as $cellBlock) {

      // Single cell?
      if (strpos($cellBlock, ':') === FALSE && strpos($cellBlock, ',') === FALSE) {
        $returnValue[] = $cellBlock;

      // Range...
      $ranges = self::splitRange($cellBlock);
      foreach ($ranges as $range) {

        // Single cell?
        if (!isset($range[1])) {
          $returnValue[] = $range[0];

        // Range...
        list($rangeStart, $rangeEnd) = $range;
        sscanf($rangeStart, '%[A-Z]%d', $startCol, $startRow);
        sscanf($rangeEnd, '%[A-Z]%d', $endCol, $endRow);

        // Current data
        $currentCol = $startCol;
        $currentRow = $startRow;

        // Loop cells
        while ($currentCol != $endCol) {
          while ($currentRow <= $endRow) {
            $returnValue[] = $currentCol . $currentRow;
          $currentRow = $startRow;

    //	Sort the result by column and row
    $sortKeys = array();
    foreach (array_unique($returnValue) as $coord) {
      sscanf($coord, '%[A-Z]%d', $column, $row);
      $sortKeys[sprintf('%3s%09d', $column, $row)] = $coord;

    // Return value
    return array_values($sortKeys);

   * Compare 2 cells
   * @param	PHPExcel_Cell	$a	Cell a
   * @param	PHPExcel_Cell	$b	Cell b
   * @return	int		Result of comparison (always -1 or 1, never zero!)
  public static function compareCells(PHPExcel_Cell $a, PHPExcel_Cell $b) {
    if ($a
      ->getRow() < $b
      ->getRow()) {
      return -1;
    elseif ($a
      ->getRow() > $b
      ->getRow()) {
      return 1;
    elseif (self::columnIndexFromString($a
      ->getColumn()) < self::columnIndexFromString($b
      ->getColumn())) {
      return -1;
    else {
      return 1;

   * Get value binder to use
   * @return PHPExcel_Cell_IValueBinder
  public static function getValueBinder() {
    if (self::$_valueBinder === NULL) {
      self::$_valueBinder = new PHPExcel_Cell_DefaultValueBinder();
    return self::$_valueBinder;

   * Set value binder to use
   * @param PHPExcel_Cell_IValueBinder $binder
   * @throws PHPExcel_Exception
  public static function setValueBinder(PHPExcel_Cell_IValueBinder $binder = NULL) {
    if ($binder === NULL) {
      throw new PHPExcel_Exception("A PHPExcel_Cell_IValueBinder is required for PHPExcel to function correctly.");
    self::$_valueBinder = $binder;

   * Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
  public function __clone() {
    $vars = get_object_vars($this);
    foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
      if (is_object($value) && $key != '_parent') {
        $this->{$key} = clone $value;
      else {
        $this->{$key} = $value;

   * Get index to cellXf
   * @return int
  public function getXfIndex() {
    return $this->_xfIndex;

   * Set index to cellXf
   * @param int $pValue
   * @return PHPExcel_Cell
  public function setXfIndex($pValue = 0) {
    $this->_xfIndex = $pValue;
    return $this

   *	@deprecated		Since version 1.7.8 for planned changes to cell for array formula handling
  public function setFormulaAttributes($pAttributes) {
    $this->_formulaAttributes = $pAttributes;
    return $this;

   *	@deprecated		Since version 1.7.8 for planned changes to cell for array formula handling
  public function getFormulaAttributes() {
    return $this->_formulaAttributes;

   * Convert to string
   * @return string
  public function __toString() {
    return (string) $this



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PHPExcel_Cell::$_calculatedValue private property * Calculated value of the cell (used for caching) * This returns the value last calculated by MS Excel or whichever spreadsheet program was used to * create the original spreadsheet file. * Note that this value is not guaranteed to reflect the…
PHPExcel_Cell::$_dataType private property * Type of the cell data * *
PHPExcel_Cell::$_formulaAttributes private property * Attributes of the formula *
PHPExcel_Cell::$_parent private property * Parent worksheet * *
PHPExcel_Cell::$_value private property * Value of the cell * *
PHPExcel_Cell::$_valueBinder private static property * Value binder to use * *
PHPExcel_Cell::$_xfIndex private property * Index to cellXf * *
PHPExcel_Cell::absoluteCoordinate public static function * Make string coordinate absolute * *
PHPExcel_Cell::absoluteReference public static function * Make string row, column or cell coordinate absolute * *
PHPExcel_Cell::attach public function
PHPExcel_Cell::buildRange public static function * Build range from coordinate strings * *
PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString public static function * Column index from string * *
PHPExcel_Cell::compareCells public static function * Compare 2 cells * *
PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString public static function * Coordinate from string * *
PHPExcel_Cell::DEFAULT_RANGE constant * Default range variable constant * *
PHPExcel_Cell::detach public function
PHPExcel_Cell::extractAllCellReferencesInRange public static function * Extract all cell references in range * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getCalculatedValue Deprecated public function * Get calculated cell value * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getColumn public function * Get cell coordinate column * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getCoordinate public function * Get cell coordinate * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getDataType public function * Get cell data type * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getDataValidation public function * Get Data validation rules * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getFormattedValue public function * Get cell value with formatting * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getFormulaAttributes Deprecated public function *
PHPExcel_Cell::getHyperlink public function * Get Hyperlink * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getMergeRange public function * If this cell is in a merge range, then return the range * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getOldCalculatedValue public function * Get old calculated value (cached) * This returns the value last calculated by MS Excel or whichever spreadsheet program was used to * create the original spreadsheet file. * Note that this value is not guaranteed to refelect the actual…
PHPExcel_Cell::getParent public function * Get parent worksheet * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getRangeBoundaries public static function * Calculate range boundaries * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getRow public function * Get cell coordinate row * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getStyle public function * Get cell style * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getValue public function * Get cell value * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getValueBinder public static function * Get value binder to use * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getWorksheet public function * Get parent worksheet * *
PHPExcel_Cell::getXfIndex public function * Get index to cellXf * *
PHPExcel_Cell::hasDataValidation public function * Does this cell contain Data validation rules? * *
PHPExcel_Cell::hasHyperlink public function * Does this cell contain a Hyperlink? * *
PHPExcel_Cell::isFormula public function Identify if the cell contains a formula
PHPExcel_Cell::isInMergeRange public function * Is this cell in a merge range * *
PHPExcel_Cell::isInRange public function * Is cell in a specific range? * *
PHPExcel_Cell::isMergeRangeValueCell public function * Is this cell the master (top left cell) in a merge range (that holds the actual data value) * *
PHPExcel_Cell::notifyCacheController public function * Send notification to the cache controller * *
PHPExcel_Cell::rangeBoundaries public static function * Calculate range boundaries * *
PHPExcel_Cell::rangeDimension public static function * Calculate range dimension * *
PHPExcel_Cell::rebindParent public function * Re-bind parent * *
PHPExcel_Cell::setCalculatedValue public function * Set old calculated value (cached) * *
PHPExcel_Cell::setDataType public function * Set cell data type * *
PHPExcel_Cell::setDataValidation public function * Set Data validation rules * *
PHPExcel_Cell::setFormulaAttributes Deprecated public function *
PHPExcel_Cell::setHyperlink public function * Set Hyperlink * *
PHPExcel_Cell::setValue public function * Set cell value * * Sets the value for a cell, automatically determining the datatype using the value binder * *
PHPExcel_Cell::setValueBinder public static function * Set value binder to use * *
PHPExcel_Cell::setValueExplicit public function * Set the value for a cell, with the explicit data type passed to the method (bypassing any use of the value binder) * *
PHPExcel_Cell::setXfIndex public function * Set index to cellXf * *
PHPExcel_Cell::splitRange public static function * Split range into coordinate strings * *
PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex public static function * String from columnindex * *
PHPExcel_Cell::__clone public function * Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
PHPExcel_Cell::__construct public function * Create a new Cell * *
PHPExcel_Cell::__toString public function Convert to string