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class PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing in Loft Data Grids 7.2

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  1. 6.2 vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Shared/Drawing.php \PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing


@category PHPExcel @package PHPExcel_Shared @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (


Expanded class hierarchy of PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing


vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Shared/Drawing.php, line 36

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class PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing {

   * Convert pixels to EMU
   * @param 	int $pValue	Value in pixels
   * @return 	int			Value in EMU
  public static function pixelsToEMU($pValue = 0) {
    return round($pValue * 9525);

   * Convert EMU to pixels
   * @param 	int $pValue	Value in EMU
   * @return 	int			Value in pixels
  public static function EMUToPixels($pValue = 0) {
    if ($pValue != 0) {
      return round($pValue / 9525);
    else {
      return 0;

   * Convert pixels to column width. Exact algorithm not known.
   * By inspection of a real Excel file using Calibri 11, one finds 1000px ~ 142.85546875
   * This gives a conversion factor of 7. Also, we assume that pixels and font size are proportional.
   * @param 	int $pValue	Value in pixels
   * @param 	PHPExcel_Style_Font $pDefaultFont	Default font of the workbook
   * @return 	int			Value in cell dimension
  public static function pixelsToCellDimension($pValue = 0, PHPExcel_Style_Font $pDefaultFont) {

    // Font name and size
    $name = $pDefaultFont
    $size = $pDefaultFont
    if (isset(PHPExcel_Shared_Font::$defaultColumnWidths[$name][$size])) {

      // Exact width can be determined
      $colWidth = $pValue * PHPExcel_Shared_Font::$defaultColumnWidths[$name][$size]['width'] / PHPExcel_Shared_Font::$defaultColumnWidths[$name][$size]['px'];
    else {

      // We don't have data for this particular font and size, use approximation by
      // extrapolating from Calibri 11
      $colWidth = $pValue * 11 * PHPExcel_Shared_Font::$defaultColumnWidths['Calibri'][11]['width'] / PHPExcel_Shared_Font::$defaultColumnWidths['Calibri'][11]['px'] / $size;
    return $colWidth;

   * Convert column width from (intrinsic) Excel units to pixels
   * @param 	float	$pValue		Value in cell dimension
   * @param 	PHPExcel_Style_Font $pDefaultFont	Default font of the workbook
   * @return 	int		Value in pixels
  public static function cellDimensionToPixels($pValue = 0, PHPExcel_Style_Font $pDefaultFont) {

    // Font name and size
    $name = $pDefaultFont
    $size = $pDefaultFont
    if (isset(PHPExcel_Shared_Font::$defaultColumnWidths[$name][$size])) {

      // Exact width can be determined
      $colWidth = $pValue * PHPExcel_Shared_Font::$defaultColumnWidths[$name][$size]['px'] / PHPExcel_Shared_Font::$defaultColumnWidths[$name][$size]['width'];
    else {

      // We don't have data for this particular font and size, use approximation by
      // extrapolating from Calibri 11
      $colWidth = $pValue * $size * PHPExcel_Shared_Font::$defaultColumnWidths['Calibri'][11]['px'] / PHPExcel_Shared_Font::$defaultColumnWidths['Calibri'][11]['width'] / 11;

    // Round pixels to closest integer
    $colWidth = (int) round($colWidth);
    return $colWidth;

   * Convert pixels to points
   * @param 	int $pValue	Value in pixels
   * @return 	int			Value in points
  public static function pixelsToPoints($pValue = 0) {
    return $pValue * 0.6777777699999999;

   * Convert points to pixels
   * @param 	int $pValue	Value in points
   * @return 	int			Value in pixels
  public static function pointsToPixels($pValue = 0) {
    if ($pValue != 0) {
      return (int) ceil($pValue * 1.333333333);
    else {
      return 0;

   * Convert degrees to angle
   * @param 	int $pValue	Degrees
   * @return 	int			Angle
  public static function degreesToAngle($pValue = 0) {
    return (int) round($pValue * 60000);

   * Convert angle to degrees
   * @param 	int $pValue	Angle
   * @return 	int			Degrees
  public static function angleToDegrees($pValue = 0) {
    if ($pValue != 0) {
      return round($pValue / 60000);
    else {
      return 0;

   * Create a new image from file. By alexander at alexauto dot nl
   * @link
   * @param string $filename Path to Windows DIB (BMP) image
   * @return resource
  public static function imagecreatefrombmp($p_sFile) {

    //    Load the image into a string
    $file = fopen($p_sFile, "rb");
    $read = fread($file, 10);
    while (!feof($file) && $read != "") {
      $read .= fread($file, 1024);
    $temp = unpack("H*", $read);
    $hex = $temp[1];
    $header = substr($hex, 0, 108);

    //    Process the header
    //    Structure:
    if (substr($header, 0, 4) == "424d") {

      //    Cut it in parts of 2 bytes
      $header_parts = str_split($header, 2);

      //    Get the width        4 bytes
      $width = hexdec($header_parts[19] . $header_parts[18]);

      //    Get the height        4 bytes
      $height = hexdec($header_parts[23] . $header_parts[22]);

      //    Unset the header params

    //    Define starting X and Y
    $x = 0;
    $y = 1;

    //    Create newimage
    $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);

    //    Grab the body from the image
    $body = substr($hex, 108);

    //    Calculate if padding at the end-line is needed
    //    Divided by two to keep overview.
    //    1 byte = 2 HEX-chars
    $body_size = strlen($body) / 2;
    $header_size = $width * $height;

    //    Use end-line padding? Only when needed
    $usePadding = $body_size > $header_size * 3 + 4;

    //    Using a for-loop with index-calculation instaid of str_split to avoid large memory consumption
    //    Calculate the next DWORD-position in the body
    for ($i = 0; $i < $body_size; $i += 3) {

      //    Calculate line-ending and padding
      if ($x >= $width) {

        //    If padding needed, ignore image-padding
        //    Shift i to the ending of the current 32-bit-block
        if ($usePadding) {
          $i += $width % 4;

        //    Reset horizontal position
        $x = 0;

        //    Raise the height-position (bottom-up)

        //    Reached the image-height? Break the for-loop
        if ($y > $height) {

      //    Calculation of the RGB-pixel (defined as BGR in image-data)
      //    Define $i_pos as absolute position in the body
      $i_pos = $i * 2;
      $r = hexdec($body[$i_pos + 4] . $body[$i_pos + 5]);
      $g = hexdec($body[$i_pos + 2] . $body[$i_pos + 3]);
      $b = hexdec($body[$i_pos] . $body[$i_pos + 1]);

      //    Calculate and draw the pixel
      $color = imagecolorallocate($image, $r, $g, $b);
      imagesetpixel($image, $x, $height - $y, $color);

      //    Raise the horizontal position

    //    Unset the body / free the memory

    //    Return image-object
    return $image;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing::angleToDegrees public static function * Convert angle to degrees * *
PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing::cellDimensionToPixels public static function * Convert column width from (intrinsic) Excel units to pixels * *
PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing::degreesToAngle public static function * Convert degrees to angle * *
PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing::EMUToPixels public static function * Convert EMU to pixels * *
PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing::imagecreatefrombmp public static function * Create a new image from file. By alexander at alexauto dot nl * * @link *
PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing::pixelsToCellDimension public static function * Convert pixels to column width. Exact algorithm not known. * By inspection of a real Excel file using Calibri 11, one finds 1000px ~ 142.85546875 * This gives a conversion factor of 7. Also, we assume that pixels and font size are…
PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing::pixelsToEMU public static function * Convert pixels to EMU * *
PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing::pixelsToPoints public static function * Convert pixels to points * *
PHPExcel_Shared_Drawing::pointsToPixels public static function * Convert points to pixels * *