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Settings.php in Loft Data Grids 6.2


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 * PHPExcel
 * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * @category   PHPExcel
 * @package    PHPExcel_Settings
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
 * @license    LGPL
 * @version    ##VERSION##, ##DATE##

/** PHPExcel root directory */
if (!defined('PHPEXCEL_ROOT')) {

   * @ignore
  define('PHPEXCEL_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../');
  require PHPEXCEL_ROOT . 'PHPExcel/Autoloader.php';
class PHPExcel_Settings {

  /**    constants */

  /**    Available Zip library classes */
  const PCLZIP = 'PHPExcel_Shared_ZipArchive';
  const ZIPARCHIVE = 'ZipArchive';

  /**    Optional Chart Rendering libraries */
  const CHART_RENDERER_JPGRAPH = 'jpgraph';

  /**    Optional PDF Rendering libraries */
  private static $_chartRenderers = array(
  private static $_pdfRenderers = array(

   * Name of the class used for Zip file management
   *	e.g.
   *		ZipArchive
   * @var string
  private static $_zipClass = self::ZIPARCHIVE;

   * Name of the external Library used for rendering charts
   *	e.g.
   *		jpgraph
   * @var string
  private static $_chartRendererName = NULL;

   * Directory Path to the external Library used for rendering charts
   * @var string
  private static $_chartRendererPath = NULL;

   * Name of the external Library used for rendering PDF files
   *	e.g.
   * 		mPDF
   * @var string
  private static $_pdfRendererName = NULL;

   * Directory Path to the external Library used for rendering PDF files
   * @var string
  private static $_pdfRendererPath = NULL;

   * Default options for libxml loader
   * @var int
  private static $_libXmlLoaderOptions = null;

   * Set the Zip handler Class that PHPExcel should use for Zip file management (PCLZip or ZipArchive)
   * @param string $zipClass	The Zip handler class that PHPExcel should use for Zip file management
   * 	 e.g. PHPExcel_Settings::PCLZip or PHPExcel_Settings::ZipArchive
   * @return	boolean	Success or failure
  public static function setZipClass($zipClass) {
    if ($zipClass === self::PCLZIP || $zipClass === self::ZIPARCHIVE) {
      self::$_zipClass = $zipClass;
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

  // function setZipClass()

   * Return the name of the Zip handler Class that PHPExcel is configured to use (PCLZip or ZipArchive)
   *	or Zip file management
   * @return string Name of the Zip handler Class that PHPExcel is configured to use
   *	for Zip file management
   *	e.g. PHPExcel_Settings::PCLZip or PHPExcel_Settings::ZipArchive
  public static function getZipClass() {
    return self::$_zipClass;

  // function getZipClass()

   * Return the name of the method that is currently configured for cell cacheing
   * @return string Name of the cacheing method
  public static function getCacheStorageMethod() {
    return PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::getCacheStorageMethod();

  // function getCacheStorageMethod()

   * Return the name of the class that is currently being used for cell cacheing
   * @return string Name of the class currently being used for cacheing
  public static function getCacheStorageClass() {
    return PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::getCacheStorageClass();

  // function getCacheStorageClass()

   * Set the method that should be used for cell cacheing
   * @param string $method Name of the cacheing method
   * @param array $arguments Optional configuration arguments for the cacheing method
   * @return boolean Success or failure
  public static function setCacheStorageMethod($method = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_in_memory, $arguments = array()) {
    return PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::initialize($method, $arguments);

  // function setCacheStorageMethod()

   * Set the locale code to use for formula translations and any special formatting
   * @param string $locale The locale code to use (e.g. "fr" or "pt_br" or "en_uk")
   * @return boolean Success or failure
  public static function setLocale($locale = 'en_us') {
    return PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance()

  // function setLocale()

   * Set details of the external library that PHPExcel should use for rendering charts
   * @param string $libraryName	Internal reference name of the library
   *	e.g. PHPExcel_Settings::CHART_RENDERER_JPGRAPH
   * @param string $libraryBaseDir Directory path to the library's base folder
   * @return	boolean	Success or failure
  public static function setChartRenderer($libraryName, $libraryBaseDir) {
    if (!self::setChartRendererName($libraryName)) {
      return FALSE;
    return self::setChartRendererPath($libraryBaseDir);

  // function setChartRenderer()

   * Identify to PHPExcel the external library to use for rendering charts
   * @param string $libraryName	Internal reference name of the library
   *	e.g. PHPExcel_Settings::CHART_RENDERER_JPGRAPH
   * @return	boolean	Success or failure
  public static function setChartRendererName($libraryName) {
    if (!in_array($libraryName, self::$_chartRenderers)) {
      return FALSE;
    self::$_chartRendererName = $libraryName;
    return TRUE;

  // function setChartRendererName()

   * Tell PHPExcel where to find the external library to use for rendering charts
   * @param string $libraryBaseDir	Directory path to the library's base folder
   * @return	boolean	Success or failure
  public static function setChartRendererPath($libraryBaseDir) {
    if (file_exists($libraryBaseDir) === false || is_readable($libraryBaseDir) === false) {
      return FALSE;
    self::$_chartRendererPath = $libraryBaseDir;
    return TRUE;

  // function setChartRendererPath()

   * Return the Chart Rendering Library that PHPExcel is currently configured to use (e.g. jpgraph)
   * @return string|NULL Internal reference name of the Chart Rendering Library that PHPExcel is
   *	currently configured to use
   *	e.g. PHPExcel_Settings::CHART_RENDERER_JPGRAPH
  public static function getChartRendererName() {
    return self::$_chartRendererName;

  // function getChartRendererName()

   * Return the directory path to the Chart Rendering Library that PHPExcel is currently configured to use
   * @return string|NULL Directory Path to the Chart Rendering Library that PHPExcel is
   * 	currently configured to use
  public static function getChartRendererPath() {
    return self::$_chartRendererPath;

  // function getChartRendererPath()

   * Set details of the external library that PHPExcel should use for rendering PDF files
   * @param string $libraryName Internal reference name of the library
   * 	e.g. PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_TCPDF,
   * 	PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_DOMPDF
   *  or PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_MPDF
   * @param string $libraryBaseDir Directory path to the library's base folder
   * @return boolean Success or failure
  public static function setPdfRenderer($libraryName, $libraryBaseDir) {
    if (!self::setPdfRendererName($libraryName)) {
      return FALSE;
    return self::setPdfRendererPath($libraryBaseDir);

  // function setPdfRenderer()

   * Identify to PHPExcel the external library to use for rendering PDF files
   * @param string $libraryName Internal reference name of the library
   * 	e.g. PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_TCPDF,
   * 	or PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_MPDF
   * @return boolean Success or failure
  public static function setPdfRendererName($libraryName) {
    if (!in_array($libraryName, self::$_pdfRenderers)) {
      return FALSE;
    self::$_pdfRendererName = $libraryName;
    return TRUE;

  // function setPdfRendererName()

   * Tell PHPExcel where to find the external library to use for rendering PDF files
   * @param string $libraryBaseDir Directory path to the library's base folder
   * @return boolean Success or failure
  public static function setPdfRendererPath($libraryBaseDir) {
    if (file_exists($libraryBaseDir) === false || is_readable($libraryBaseDir) === false) {
      return FALSE;
    self::$_pdfRendererPath = $libraryBaseDir;
    return TRUE;

  // function setPdfRendererPath()

   * Return the PDF Rendering Library that PHPExcel is currently configured to use (e.g. dompdf)
   * @return string|NULL Internal reference name of the PDF Rendering Library that PHPExcel is
   * 	currently configured to use
   *  e.g. PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_TCPDF,
   *  PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_DOMPDF
   *  or PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_MPDF
  public static function getPdfRendererName() {
    return self::$_pdfRendererName;

  // function getPdfRendererName()

   * Return the directory path to the PDF Rendering Library that PHPExcel is currently configured to use
   * @return string|NULL Directory Path to the PDF Rendering Library that PHPExcel is
   *		currently configured to use
  public static function getPdfRendererPath() {
    return self::$_pdfRendererPath;

  // function getPdfRendererPath()

   * Set default options for libxml loader
   * @param int $options Default options for libxml loader
  public static function setLibXmlLoaderOptions($options = null) {
    if (is_null($options) && defined(LIBXML_DTDLOAD)) {
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.11') >= 0) {
      @libxml_disable_entity_loader($options == (LIBXML_DTDLOAD | LIBXML_DTDATTR));
    self::$_libXmlLoaderOptions = $options;

  // function setLibXmlLoaderOptions

   * Get default options for libxml loader.
   * Defaults to LIBXML_DTDLOAD | LIBXML_DTDATTR when not set explicitly.
   * @return int Default options for libxml loader
  public static function getLibXmlLoaderOptions() {
    if (is_null(self::$_libXmlLoaderOptions) && defined(LIBXML_DTDLOAD)) {
      self::setLibXmlLoaderOptions(LIBXML_DTDLOAD | LIBXML_DTDATTR);
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.11') >= 0) {
      @libxml_disable_entity_loader(self::$_libXmlLoaderOptions == (LIBXML_DTDLOAD | LIBXML_DTDATTR));
    return self::$_libXmlLoaderOptions;



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