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class PHPExcel_Helper_HTML in Loft Data Grids 7.2

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  1. 6.2 vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Helper/HTML.php \PHPExcel_Helper_HTML


Expanded class hierarchy of PHPExcel_Helper_HTML


vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Helper/HTML.php, line 3

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class PHPExcel_Helper_HTML {
  protected static $colourMap = array(
    'aliceblue' => 'f0f8ff',
    'antiquewhite' => 'faebd7',
    'antiquewhite1' => 'ffefdb',
    'antiquewhite2' => 'eedfcc',
    'antiquewhite3' => 'cdc0b0',
    'antiquewhite4' => '8b8378',
    'aqua' => '00ffff',
    'aquamarine1' => '7fffd4',
    'aquamarine2' => '76eec6',
    'aquamarine4' => '458b74',
    'azure1' => 'f0ffff',
    'azure2' => 'e0eeee',
    'azure3' => 'c1cdcd',
    'azure4' => '838b8b',
    'beige' => 'f5f5dc',
    'bisque1' => 'ffe4c4',
    'bisque2' => 'eed5b7',
    'bisque3' => 'cdb79e',
    'bisque4' => '8b7d6b',
    'black' => '000000',
    'blanchedalmond' => 'ffebcd',
    'blue' => '0000ff',
    'blue1' => '0000ff',
    'blue2' => '0000ee',
    'blue4' => '00008b',
    'blueviolet' => '8a2be2',
    'brown' => 'a52a2a',
    'brown1' => 'ff4040',
    'brown2' => 'ee3b3b',
    'brown3' => 'cd3333',
    'brown4' => '8b2323',
    'burlywood' => 'deb887',
    'burlywood1' => 'ffd39b',
    'burlywood2' => 'eec591',
    'burlywood3' => 'cdaa7d',
    'burlywood4' => '8b7355',
    'cadetblue' => '5f9ea0',
    'cadetblue1' => '98f5ff',
    'cadetblue2' => '8ee5ee',
    'cadetblue3' => '7ac5cd',
    'cadetblue4' => '53868b',
    'chartreuse1' => '7fff00',
    'chartreuse2' => '76ee00',
    'chartreuse3' => '66cd00',
    'chartreuse4' => '458b00',
    'chocolate' => 'd2691e',
    'chocolate1' => 'ff7f24',
    'chocolate2' => 'ee7621',
    'chocolate3' => 'cd661d',
    'coral' => 'ff7f50',
    'coral1' => 'ff7256',
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    'coral3' => 'cd5b45',
    'coral4' => '8b3e2f',
    'cornflowerblue' => '6495ed',
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    'cornsilk2' => 'eee8cd',
    'cornsilk3' => 'cdc8b1',
    'cornsilk4' => '8b8878',
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    'cyan4' => '008b8b',
    'darkgoldenrod' => 'b8860b',
    'darkgoldenrod1' => 'ffb90f',
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    'darkkhaki' => 'bdb76b',
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    'darkorange4' => '8b4500',
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    'saddlebrown' => '8b4513',
    'salmon' => 'fa8072',
    'salmon1' => 'ff8c69',
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    'salmon4' => '8b4c39',
    'sandybrown' => 'f4a460',
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    'sienna1' => 'ff8247',
    'sienna2' => 'ee7942',
    'sienna3' => 'cd6839',
    'sienna4' => '8b4726',
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    'skyblue1' => '87ceff',
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    'skyblue4' => '4a708b',
    'slateblue' => '6a5acd',
    'slateblue1' => '836fff',
    'slateblue2' => '7a67ee',
    'slateblue3' => '6959cd',
    'slateblue4' => '473c8b',
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    'slategray3' => '9fb6cd',
    'slategray4' => '6c7b8b',
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    'snow2' => 'eee9e9',
    'snow3' => 'cdc9c9',
    'snow4' => '8b8989',
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    'springgreen2' => '00ee76',
    'springgreen3' => '00cd66',
    'springgreen4' => '008b45',
    'steelblue' => '4682b4',
    'steelblue1' => '63b8ff',
    'steelblue2' => '5cacee',
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    'steelblue4' => '36648b',
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    'tan2' => 'ee9a49',
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    'tomato2' => 'ee5c42',
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    'tomato4' => '8b3626',
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    'turquoise2' => '00e5ee',
    'turquoise3' => '00c5cd',
    'turquoise4' => '00868b',
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    'violetred3' => 'cd3278',
    'violetred4' => '8b2252',
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  protected $face;
  protected $size;
  protected $color;
  protected $bold = false;
  protected $italic = false;
  protected $underline = false;
  protected $superscript = false;
  protected $subscript = false;
  protected $strikethrough = false;
  protected $startTagCallbacks = array(
    'font' => 'startFontTag',
    'b' => 'startBoldTag',
    'strong' => 'startBoldTag',
    'i' => 'startItalicTag',
    'em' => 'startItalicTag',
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    'ins' => 'startUnderlineTag',
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    'sub' => 'startSubscriptTag',
  protected $endTagCallbacks = array(
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    'em' => 'endItalicTag',
    'u' => 'endUnderlineTag',
    'ins' => 'endUnderlineTag',
    'del' => 'endStrikethruTag',
    'sup' => 'endSuperscriptTag',
    'sub' => 'endSubscriptTag',
    'br' => 'breakTag',
    'p' => 'breakTag',
    'h1' => 'breakTag',
    'h2' => 'breakTag',
    'h3' => 'breakTag',
    'h4' => 'breakTag',
    'h5' => 'breakTag',
    'h6' => 'breakTag',
  protected $stack = array();
  protected $stringData = '';
  protected $richTextObject;
  protected function initialise() {
    $this->face = $this->size = $this->color = null;
    $this->bold = $this->italic = $this->underline = $this->superscript = $this->subscript = $this->strikethrough = false;
    $this->stack = array();
    $this->stringData = '';
  public function toRichTextObject($html) {

    //	Create a new DOM object
    $dom = new domDocument();

    //	Load the HTML file into the DOM object
    //  Note the use of error suppression, because typically this will be an html fragment, so not fully valid markup
    $loaded = @$dom

    //	Discard excess white space
    $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
    $this->richTextObject = new PHPExcel_RichText();
    return $this->richTextObject;
  protected function buildTextRun() {
    $text = $this->stringData;
    if (trim($text) === '') {
    $richtextRun = $this->richTextObject
    if ($this->face) {
    if ($this->size) {
    if ($this->color) {
        ->setColor(new PHPExcel_Style_Color('ff' . $this->color));
    if ($this->bold) {
    if ($this->italic) {
    if ($this->underline) {
    if ($this->superscript) {
    if ($this->subscript) {
    if ($this->strikethrough) {
    $this->stringData = '';
  protected function rgbToColour($rgb) {
    preg_match_all('/\\d+/', $rgb, $values);
    foreach ($values[0] as &$value) {
      $value = str_pad(dechex($value), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    return implode($values[0]);
  protected function colourNameLookup($rgb) {
    return self::$colourMap[$rgb];
  protected function startFontTag($tag) {
    foreach ($tag->attributes as $attribute) {
      $attributeName = strtolower($attribute->name);
      $attributeValue = $attribute->value;
      if ($attributeName == 'color') {
        if (preg_match('/rgb\\s*\\(/', $attributeValue)) {
          $this->{$attributeName} = $this
        elseif (strpos(trim($attributeValue), '#') === 0) {
          $this->{$attributeName} = ltrim($attributeValue, '#');
        else {
          $this->{$attributeName} = $this
      else {
        $this->{$attributeName} = $attributeValue;
  protected function endFontTag() {
    $this->face = $this->size = $this->color = null;
  protected function startBoldTag() {
    $this->bold = true;
  protected function endBoldTag() {
    $this->bold = false;
  protected function startItalicTag() {
    $this->italic = true;
  protected function endItalicTag() {
    $this->italic = false;
  protected function startUnderlineTag() {
    $this->underline = true;
  protected function endUnderlineTag() {
    $this->underline = false;
  protected function startSubscriptTag() {
    $this->subscript = true;
  protected function endSubscriptTag() {
    $this->subscript = false;
  protected function startSuperscriptTag() {
    $this->superscript = true;
  protected function endSuperscriptTag() {
    $this->superscript = false;
  protected function startStrikethruTag() {
    $this->strikethrough = true;
  protected function endStrikethruTag() {
    $this->strikethrough = false;
  protected function breakTag() {
    $this->stringData .= PHP_EOL;
  protected function parseTextNode(DOMText $textNode) {
    $domText = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', ' ', ltrim($textNode->nodeValue));
    $this->stringData .= $domText;
  protected function handleCallback($element, $callbackTag, $callbacks) {
    if (isset($callbacks[$callbackTag])) {
      $elementHandler = $callbacks[$callbackTag];
      if (method_exists($this, $elementHandler)) {
        ), $element);
  protected function parseElementNode(DOMElement $element) {
    $callbackTag = strtolower($element->nodeName);
    $this->stack[] = $callbackTag;
      ->handleCallback($element, $callbackTag, $this->startTagCallbacks);
    $this->stringData .= ' ';
      ->handleCallback($element, $callbackTag, $this->endTagCallbacks);
  protected function parseElements(DOMNode $element) {
    foreach ($element->childNodes as $child) {
      if ($child instanceof DOMText) {
      elseif ($child instanceof DOMElement) {



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$bold protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$color protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$colourMap protected static property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$endTagCallbacks protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$face protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$italic protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$richTextObject protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$size protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$stack protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$startTagCallbacks protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$strikethrough protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$stringData protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$subscript protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$superscript protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::$underline protected property
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::breakTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::buildTextRun protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::colourNameLookup protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::endBoldTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::endFontTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::endItalicTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::endStrikethruTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::endSubscriptTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::endSuperscriptTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::endUnderlineTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::handleCallback protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::initialise protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::parseElementNode protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::parseElements protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::parseTextNode protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::rgbToColour protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::startBoldTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::startFontTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::startItalicTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::startStrikethruTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::startSubscriptTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::startSuperscriptTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::startUnderlineTag protected function
PHPExcel_Helper_HTML::toRichTextObject public function