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Functions in Lockr 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_lockr_lockdown ./
drush_lockr_lockr_register ./
key_provider_lockr_build_configuration_form plugins/key_provider/ The settings form. 1
key_provider_lockr_default_configuration plugins/key_provider/ The default plugin configuration. 1
key_provider_lockr_delete_key_value plugins/key_provider/ Delete key form submit callback. 1 1
key_provider_lockr_get_key_value plugins/key_provider/ Get callback for key_provider plugin. 1
key_provider_lockr_key_value_obscure plugins/key_provider/ Obscure key values for display in the admin form.
key_provider_lockr_set_key_value plugins/key_provider/ Set callback for key_provider plugin. 1
lockr_admin_advanced_form include/ Returns form array for advanced settings. 1
lockr_admin_advanced_submit include/ Save advanced settings. 1
lockr_admin_advanced_validate include/ Validate advanced settings. 1
lockr_admin_form ./ Form constructor for Lockr registration form. 1
lockr_admin_register_form include/ Returns the register form. 1
lockr_admin_register_submit include/ Submit the register form. 1
lockr_admin_register_validate include/ Validate the register form. 1
lockr_admin_request_form include/ Returns the certificate request form. 1
lockr_admin_request_submit include/ Submit the certificate request form. 1
lockr_admin_request_validate include/ Validate the certificate request form. 1
lockr_admin_resend_submit ./ Reset the lockr_request variable to allow resending. 1
lockr_autoload ./autoload.php @file Lockr autoloader. 1
lockr_check_registration ./lockr.module Returns if this site is currently registered with Lockr. 2
lockr_client ./lockr.module Returns the Lockr client for this site. 2
lockr_ctools_plugin_directory ./lockr.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
lockr_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
lockr_enable ./lockr.install Implements hook_enable().
lockr_get_partner ./lockr.module Returns the detected partner, if available. 3
lockr_init ./lockr.module Implements hook_init().
lockr_key_client ./lockr.module Returns the Lockr key client. 3
lockr_login_form ./ Login form that will turn around and use the credentials to register the site with Lockr. 1
lockr_login_form_submit ./ Use login credentials to register the site.
lockr_login_form_validate ./ Attempt to log in with the credentials given.
lockr_menu ./lockr.module Implements hook_menu().
lockr_site_client ./lockr.module Returns the Lockr site client. 2
lockr_uninstall ./lockr.install Implements hook_uninstall().
_lockr_delete_key ./lockr.module Deletes a key from Lockr. 1
_lockr_get_key ./lockr.module Gets a key from Lockr. 1
_lockr_set_key ./lockr.module Sets a key value in lockr. 1

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