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Functions in Location Map 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
locationmap_admin_settings ./locationmap.module Callback for admin settings page 1
locationmap_admin_settings_validate ./locationmap.module @todo Please document this function. 1
locationmap_block_configure ./locationmap.module Implements hook_block_configure().
locationmap_block_image ./locationmap.module @todo Please document this function. 1
locationmap_block_info ./locationmap.module Implements hook_block_info().
locationmap_block_save ./locationmap.module Implements hook_block_save().
locationmap_block_view ./locationmap.module Implements hook_block_view().
locationmap_geocode_for_address ./locationmap.module Returns latitude and longitude for $address or NULL if it cannot be found. @returns FALSE if address not found 3
locationmap_geocode_for_address_recursive ./locationmap.module Try to get lat and lng information from address removing parts of address if not found. 2
locationmap_help ./locationmap.module Implements hook_help().
locationmap_in_place_edit_form ./locationmap.module @todo Please document this function. 1
locationmap_menu ./locationmap.module Implements hook_menu().
locationmap_page ./locationmap.module Menu callback; generate a page with the location map. 1
locationmap_permission ./locationmap.module Implements hook_permission().
locationmap_simpletest ./locationmap.module Implements hook_simpletest().
locationmap_static_image_url ./locationmap.module @todo Please document this function. 1
locationmap_theme ./locationmap.module Implements hook_theme().
locationmap_tokens ./locationmap.module Implements hook_tokens().
locationmap_token_info ./locationmap.module Implements hook_token_info().
locationmap_uninstall ./locationmap.install Implementation of hook_uninstall.
locationmap_update_104 ./locationmap.install Rename 5.x-1.0 permission "admin gmaplocation", 6.x-1.0 permission "edit gmaplocation", and 6.x-2.0 permission "administer gmaplocation" to "Administer location map".
locationmap_update_105 ./locationmap.install Change maps API v2 variables to v3 values. Unset the API key var, as it's not required any more.
locationmap_update_106 ./locationmap.install Upgrade text fields to enable enable rich text/full HTML and WYSIWYG editors.
locationmap_variable_group_info ./locationmap.module
locationmap_variable_info ./locationmap.module
theme_locationmap_block_image_link ./locationmap.module Format static image for display in the block.
theme_locationmap_map ./locationmap.module Format div to display a location map.

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