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function location_taxonomize_enabled in Location Taxonomize 7.2

Returns whether the option to enable this module is set

2 calls to location_taxonomize_enabled()
location_taxonomize_location_submitt in location_taxonomize_location/location_taxonomize_location.module
Submit handler for forms with Location fields in them
location_taxonomize_process_item in ./location_taxonomize.module
Determines if a location needs to be taxonomized. If so, it saves the appropriate terms Returns an array containing two items: the first is the number of new terms saved, and the second is an array of all the terms that correspond to this object,…


./, line 284
Some useful functions for Location taxonomize


function location_taxonomize_enabled() {
  $settings = variable_get('location_taxonomize_settings');
  $vid = variable_get('location_taxonomize_vid');
  $enabled = $settings['enable'] && isset($vid);
  return $enabled;