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function location_has_coordinates in Location 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.3 location.module \location_has_coordinates()
  2. 7.5 location.module \location_has_coordinates()
  3. 7.3 location.module \location_has_coordinates()
  4. 7.4 location.module \location_has_coordinates()

Check whether a location has coordinates or not.


$location The location to check.:

$canonical Is this a location that is fully saved?: If set to TRUE, only the source will be checked.

7 calls to location_has_coordinates()
location_map_link_br_google in supported/
location_map_link_dk_findvej in supported/
Generate map link.
location_map_link_us_google in supported/
theme_location_cck_field_map in contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module
Generate a GMap map for one or more location field values.
theme_location_de in supported/

... See full list


./location.module, line 1068
Location module main routines. An implementation of a universal API for location manipulation. Provides functions for postal_code proximity searching, deep-linking into online mapping services. Currently, some options are configured through an…


function location_has_coordinates($location, $canonical = FALSE) {

  // Locations that have been fully saved have an up to date source.
  if ($canonical) {
    return $location['source'] != LOCATION_LATLON_UNDEFINED;

  // Otherwise, we need to do the full checks.
  // If latitude or longitude are empty / missing
  if (empty($location['latitude']) || empty($location['longitude'])) {
    return FALSE;

  // If the latitude or longitude are zeroed (Although it could be a good idea to relax this slightly sometimes)
  if (_location_floats_are_equal($location['latitude'], 0.0) || _location_floats_are_equal($location['longitude'], 0.0)) {
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;