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function _location_process_location_settings in Location 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.5 location.module \_location_process_location_settings()

Process location settings.

1 string reference to '_location_process_location_settings'
location_element_info in ./location.module
Implements hook_element_info().


./location.module, line 525
Location module main routines. An implementation of a universal API for location manipulation. Provides functions for postal_code proximity searching, deep-linking into online mapping services. Currently, some options are configured through an…


function _location_process_location_settings(&$element) {

  // Set a value for the fieldset that doesn't interfere with rendering and doesn't generate a warning.
  $element['#tree'] = TRUE;
  $element['#theme'] = 'location_settings';
  if (!isset($element['#title'])) {
    $element['#title'] = t('Location Fields');
  if (!isset($element['#default_value']) || $element['#default_value'] == 0) {
    $element['#default_value'] = array();

  // Force #tree on.
  $element['#tree'] = TRUE;
  $defaults = $element['#default_value'];
  if (!isset($defaults) || !is_array($defaults)) {
    $defaults = array();
  $temp = location_invoke_locationapi($element, 'defaults');
  foreach ($temp as $k => $v) {
    if (!isset($defaults[$k])) {
      $defaults[$k] = array();
    $defaults[$k] = array_merge($v, $defaults[$k]);
  $fields = location_field_names();

  // Options for fields.
  $options = array(
    0 => t('Do not collect'),
    1 => t('Allow'),
    2 => t('Require'),
    // Need to consider the new "defaults" when saving.
    4 => t('Force Default'),
  foreach ($fields as $field => $title) {
    $element[$field] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#tree' => TRUE,
    $element[$field]['name'] = array(
      '#type' => 'item',
      '#markup' => $title,
    $element[$field]['collect'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#default_value' => $defaults[$field]['collect'],
      '#options' => $options,
    $dummy = array();
    $widgets = location_invoke_locationapi($dummy, 'widget', $field);
    if (!empty($widgets)) {
      $element[$field]['widget'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#default_value' => $defaults[$field]['widget'],
        '#options' => $widgets,
    $temp = $defaults[$field]['default'];
    $element[$field]['default'] = location_invoke_locationapi($temp, 'field_expand', $field, 1, $defaults);
    $defaults[$field]['default'] = $temp;
    $element[$field]['weight'] = array(
      '#type' => 'weight',
      '#delta' => 100,
      '#default_value' => $defaults[$field]['weight'],

  // 'Street Additional' field should depend on 'Street' setting.
  // It should never be required and should only display when the street field is 'allowed' or 'required'.
  // @todo Alter here.
  return $element;