function location_form2api in Location 5
$location: An associative array that has been submitted by an HTML form generated by location_form().
Return value
An associative array in which the submitted values are modified to pass to the location API as the $location parameter (excepting location_form()).
This means changing the province field to remove the country code and dash. For example: California is served by the key 'us-CA' in the location form and this is what is passed when it is submitted through a form generated by location_form().
This is changed to 'CA' in the returned array.
5 calls to location_form2api()
- location_extra_form_submit in ./
location.module - location_extra_form_validate in ./
location.module - location_handler_filter_eq in contrib/
location_views/ location_views.module - location_nodeapi in ./
location.module - Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
- location_user in ./
- ./, line 368
function location_form2api($location = array()) {
// The user may have selected a state/province, but did not specify a country
if (isset($location['province']) && strlen($location['province']) && $location['province'] != 'xx') {
if (!isset($location['country']) || isset($location['country']) && !strlen($location['country'])) {
$location['country'] = substr($location['province'], 0, 2);
$translated = array();
$location = is_array($location) ? $location : array();
foreach ($location as $key => $value) {
$value = trim($value);
if ($key == 'province') {
if (strlen($value) && $value != 'xx') {
// chop off the 2-letter code and the '-' from the front of the value
$value = substr($value, 3);
$translated[$key] = $value;
return $translated;