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10 calls to location_load_country() in Location 7.5

location_country_bounds in ./
Get an appropriate bounding box for showing an entire country on a map. Target is a bounding box large enough to show the country in both spherical mercator and mercator projections.
location_geocoding_options_form in ./
location_geocoding_parameters_form in ./location.module
location_get_postalcode_data in ./
Try to extract the the Latitude and Longitude data from the postal code.
location_get_provinces in ./
Fetch the provinces for a country.
location_handler_argument_location_proximity::calculate_coords in handlers/
location_latlon_exact in ./
Currently, this is not a priority until there is an implementable use for exact longitude, latitude coordinates for an location. The idea is that this call will eventually retrieve information through a web-service. Whereas location_latlon_rough()…
location_latlon_rough in ./
Takes an location and returns a "rough" latitude/longitude pair based on the postal code data available for the given country.
location_map_link in ./
Get a deep-link to a mapping service such as Yahoo! Maps or MapPoint given an location. The call is delegated based on the 'country' value in the $location parameter.
location_map_link_options_form in ./
Settings page for map links.