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function google_geocode_location in Location 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.3 geocoding/ \google_geocode_location()
  2. 5 geocoding/ \google_geocode_location()
  3. 6.3 geocoding/ \google_geocode_location()
  4. 7.5 geocoding/ \google_geocode_location()
  5. 7.4 geocoding/ \google_geocode_location()

Perform a geocode on a location array.


array $location: The location array to process.

Return value

array an associative array with keys 'lat' and 'lon' containing the coordinates.

1 call to google_geocode_location()
la_geocode_worker in contrib/location_autofill/la.module
Handler to process single location per batch run.


geocoding/, line 40
Google geocoder.


function google_geocode_location($location = array()) {
  $delay_trigger =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  $delay = variable_get('location_geocode_google_delay', 0);
  if ($delay > 0 && $delay_trigger) {
    usleep($delay * 1000);
  $query = array(
    'region' => $location['country'],
    'address' => _google_geocode_flatten($location),
    // Required by TOS.
    'sensor' => 'false',
  if (!empty($location['country'])) {

    // If we have only a country code and nothing else,
    // pass in country component so that google doesn't mistake the country
    // code for some other short code, like administrative area.
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
    $filtered_location = array_filter($location, function ($a) {

      // Handle locpick & settings arrays.
      // No actual location data should be in an array.
      if (is_array($a)) {
        return FALSE;
      return is_string($a) ? trim($a) : $a;

    // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
    if (count($filtered_location) == 1) {
      $query['components'] = _google_geocode_get_components($filtered_location);
  $key = variable_get('location_geocode_google_apikey', '');
  if (empty($key) && function_exists('gmap_get_key')) {
    $key = gmap_get_key();
  if (!empty($key)) {
    $query['key'] = $key;
  $url = url('', array(
    'query' => $query,
    'external' => TRUE,
  $http_reply = drupal_http_request($url);
  $delay_trigger = TRUE;
  $data = json_decode($http_reply->data);
  $status_code = $data->status;
  if ($status_code != 'OK') {
    watchdog('location', 'Google geocoding returned status code: %status_code for the query url: %url', array(
      '%status_code' => $data->status,
      '%url' => $url,
    return NULL;
  $location = $data->results[0]->geometry->location;
  return array(
    'lat' => $location->lat,
    'lon' => $location->lng,