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Functions in Location 5.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
location_bounds_tw supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_tz supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ua supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ug supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_uk supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_um supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_us supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_uy supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_uz supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_va supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_vc supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ve supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_vg supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_vi supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_vn supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_vu supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_wf supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ws supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ye supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_yt supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_za supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_zm supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_zw supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_calc_difference ./location.module Computes the differences between two locations. 2
location_cck_field contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module Implementation of hook_field().
location_cck_field_formatter contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter().
location_cck_field_formatter_info contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
location_cck_field_info contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module Implementation of hook_field_info().
location_cck_field_settings contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module Implementation of hook_field_settings().
location_cck_locationapi contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module Implementation of hook_locationapi().
location_cck_widget contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module Implementation of hook_widget().
location_cck_widget_info contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module Implementation of hook_widget_info().
location_cck_widget_settings contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module Implementation of hook_widget_settings().
location_country_bounds ./ Get an appropriate bounding box for showing an entire country on a map. Target is a bounding box large enough to show the country in both spherical mercator and mercator projections.
location_country_name ./ Get the translated name of a country code. 6
location_dd_to_dms ./location.module Convert decimal degrees to degrees,minutes,seconds. 2
location_display ./location.module 2
location_distance_between ./ Given two points in lat/lon form, returns the distance between them.
location_driving_directions_link ./ Takes two locations and tries to return a deep-link to driving directions.
location_driving_directions_link_au supported/ Parameters: -> $location_a is an associative array that represents a full location where 'street' => the street portions of the location 'supplemental' => additional street portion of the…
location_driving_directions_link_ca supported/ Parameters: -> $location_a is an associative array that represents a full location where 'street' => the street portions of the location 'supplemental' => additional street portion of the…
location_driving_directions_link_ch supported/
location_driving_directions_link_de supported/ Parameters: -> $location_a is an associative array that represents a full location where 'street' => the street portions of the location 'supplemental' => additional street portion of the…
location_driving_directions_link_us supported/ Parameters: -> $location_a is an associative array that represents a full location where 'street' => the street portions of the location 'supplemental' => additional street portion of the…
location_elements ./location.module Implementation of hook_elements().
location_element_validate ./location.module Perform validation against a location fieldset.
location_empty_location ./location.module Returns an empty location object based on the given settings. 3
location_fax_install contrib/location_fax/location_fax.install Implementation of hook_install().
location_fax_locationapi contrib/location_fax/location_fax.module Implementation of hook_locationapi().
location_fax_token_list contrib/location_fax/location_fax.module Implementation of hook_token_list().


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