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function _location_search in Location 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.3 contrib/location_search/location_search.module \_location_search()
  2. 7.4 contrib/location_search/location_search.module \_location_search()

Implementation of hook_search(). (forwarded from location.module)

1 call to _location_search()
location.module in ./location.module
Location module main routines. An implementation of a universal API for location manipulation. Provides functions for postal_code proximity searching, deep-linking into online mapping services. Currently, some options are configured through an…


contrib/location_search/location_search.module, line 45
Location search interface.


function _location_search($op = 'search', $keys = null) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'name':
      return t('Locations');
    case 'reset':
      db_query('DELETE FROM {location_search_work}');
      db_query('INSERT INTO {location_search_work} (lid) (SELECT lid FROM {location})');
    case 'status':
      $total = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(lid) FROM {location}'));
      $remaining = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(lid) FROM {location_search_work}'));
      return array(
        'remaining' => $remaining,
        'total' => $total,
    case 'search':
      $proximity = FALSE;
      $arguments1 = array();
      $conditions1 = '1 = 1';
      $access_joins = array();
      $access_conditions = array();
      $has_user_location_access = user_access('access user profiles') && user_access('view all user locations');
      $has_content_access = user_access('access content');
      if (!$has_user_location_access && !$has_content_access) {

        // The user has access to no locations
        $conditions1 = '1 = 0';
      elseif ($has_user_location_access && !$has_content_access) {

        // The user doesn't have access to nodes, so include only locations
        // that don't belong to nodes
        $access_joins[] = ' INNER JOIN {location_instance} li ON (l.lid = li.lid AND li.nid = 0) ';
      elseif (!$has_user_location_access && $has_content_access) {

        // The user doesn't have access to user locations, so include only
        // locations that don't belong to users.
        // Since this also means we'll need to enforce node access, we'll want
        // to include the query fragments returned by _db_rewrite_sql()
        $access_joins[] = ' INNER JOIN {location_instance} li ON (l.lid = li.lid AND li.uid = 0) ';
        $access_joins[] = ' INNER JOIN {node} n ON (li.nid = n.nid AND n.status = 1) ';
        $sql_rewrites = _db_rewrite_sql();
        if ($sql_rewrites[0]) {
          $access_joins[] = $sql_rewrites[0];
        if ($sql_rewrites[1]) {
          $access_conditions[] = $sql_rewrites[1];
      else {

        // The user has access to both.  However, for the locations that
        // belong to nodes, we want to use the node access sql clauses
        // returned by _db_rewrite_sql().  These are the ones with
        // location_instance.nid != 0
        // location_instance.nid = 0 means the location instance belongs
        // to a user record.
        $access_joins[] = ' INNER JOIN {location_instance} li ON (l.lid = li.lid) ';
        $access_joins[] = ' LEFT JOIN {node} n ON (li.nid = n.nid AND n.status = 1) ';
        $sql_rewrites = _db_rewrite_sql();

        // If we have rewrite JOINs or WHEREs, restrict the results.
        if ($sql_rewrites[0] || $sql_rewrites[1]) {

          // The node part must use a sub-select because if the node access
          // rewrites get added to the main query there will never be any user
          // results because location instance will be inner joined to node
          // access.
          $access_conditions[] = ' (li.uid <> 0 OR (li.nid <> 0 AND li.nid IN (SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n ' . $sql_rewrites[0] . ($sql_rewrites[1] ? ' WHERE ' . $sql_rewrites[1] : '') . '))) ';
      $access_joins = implode(' ', $access_joins);
      $access_conditions = implode(' ', $access_conditions);

      // This gets rewritten for proximity searches.
      $select2 = 'i.relevance AS score';
      $join2 = '';
      $sort_parameters = 'ORDER BY score DESC';
      if ($country = search_query_extract($keys, 'country')) {
        $countries = array();
        foreach (explode(',', $country) as $c) {
          $countries[] = " = '%s'";
          $arguments1[] = $c;
        $conditions1 .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $countries) . ')';
        $keys = search_query_insert($keys, 'country');
      if ($province = search_query_extract($keys, 'province')) {
        $provinces = array();
        foreach (explode(',', $province) as $p) {
          $provinces[] = "l.province = '%s'";
          $arguments1[] = $p;
        $conditions1 .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $provinces) . ')';
        $keys = search_query_insert($keys, 'province');
      if ($city = search_query_extract($keys, 'city')) {
        $city = str_replace('_', ' ', city);
        $conditions1 .= " AND ( = '%s')";
        $arguments1[] = $city;
        $keys = search_query_insert($keys, 'city');
      if ($from = search_query_extract($keys, 'from')) {

        // Set up a proximity search.
        $proximity = TRUE;
        list($lat, $lon, $dist, $unit) = explode(',', $from);
        $distance_meters = _location_convert_distance_to_meters($dist, $unit);

        // MBR query to make it easier on the database.
        $conditions1 .= " AND l.latitude > %f AND l.latitude < %f AND l.longitude > %f AND l.longitude < %f";
        $latrange = earth_latitude_range($lon, $lat, $distance_meters);
        $lonrange = earth_longitude_range($lon, $lat, $distance_meters);
        $arguments1[] = $latrange[0];
        $arguments1[] = $latrange[1];
        $arguments1[] = $lonrange[0];
        $arguments1[] = $lonrange[1];

        // Distance query to finish the job.
        $conditions1 .= ' AND ' . earth_distance_sql($lon, $lat) . ' < %f';
        $arguments1[] = $distance_meters;

        // Override the scoring mechanism to use calculated distance
        // as the scoring metric.
        $join2 = 'INNER JOIN {location} l ON i.sid = l.lid';
        $select2 = earth_distance_sql($lon, $lat, 'l') . ' AS distance';
        $sort_parameters = 'ORDER BY distance ASC';
        $keys = search_query_insert($keys, 'from');
      if (!empty($access_conditions)) {
        $conditions1 = $access_conditions . ' AND ' . $conditions1;
      $lids = array();
      if (empty($keys)) {

        // Non-fulltext search. We will be skipping the built-in logic.
        $add = '';
        if ($proximity) {
          $add = ', ' . earth_distance_sql($lon, $lat, 'l') . ' AS distance';
        $query = "SELECT l.lid{$add} FROM {location} l {$access_joins} WHERE {$conditions1}";
        $countquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {location} l {$access_joins} WHERE {$conditions1}";
        $result = pager_query($query, 10, 0, $countquery, $arguments1);
        while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
          $lids[] = $row->lid;
      else {

        // Fuzzy search -- Use the fulltext routines against the indexed locations.
        $find = do_search($keys, 'location', 'INNER JOIN {location} l ON l.lid = i.sid ' . $access_joins, $conditions1 . (empty($where1) ? '' : ' AND ' . $where1), $arguments1, $select2, $join2, array(), $sort_parameters);
        foreach ($find as $item) {
          $lids[] = $item->sid;
      $results = array();
      foreach ($lids as $lid) {
        $loc = location_load_location($lid);
        $result = db_query('SELECT nid, uid FROM {location_instance} WHERE lid = %d', $lid);
        $instance_links = array();
        while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
          $instance_links[] = $row;
        location_invoke_locationapi($instance_links, 'instance_links');
        $results[] = array(
          'links' => $instance_links,
          'location' => $loc,
      return $results;