linkit-plugin-taxonomy_term.class.php in Linkit 7.2
Define Linkit term plugin class.
plugins/linkit_plugins/linkit-plugin-taxonomy_term.class.phpView source
* @file
* Define Linkit term plugin class.
class LinkitPluginTaxonomy_Term extends LinkitPluginEntity {
function __construct($plugin, $profile) {
* The term entity dont use the same column name as in the entity keys
* bundle definition, so lets add it our self.
$this->entity_key_bundle = 'vid';
parent::__construct($plugin, $profile);
* When "group_by_bundle" is active, we need to add the bundle name to the
* group, else just return the entity label.
* @return a string with the group name.
function buildGroup($entity) {
// Get the entity label.
$group = $this->entity_info['label'];
if (isset($this->conf['group_by_bundle']) && $this->conf['group_by_bundle']) {
$bundles = $this->entity_info['bundles'];
$bundle_name = $bundles[$entity->vocabulary_machine_name]['label'];
$group .= ' · ' . check_plain($bundle_name);
return $group;
* Settings for the term plugin.
function buildSettingsForm() {
$form = parent::buildSettingsForm();
// The entity plugin uses the entity name for the #token_types, but terms
// is a special case, its name is "Taxonomy_term" and the tokens are defined
// (in the taxonomy module) with just "term".
if (isset($form[$this->plugin['name']]['token_help']['help']['#token_types'])) {
$form[$this->plugin['name']]['token_help']['help']['#token_types'] = array(
return $form;
* The autocomplete callback function for the Linkit Taxonomy term plugin.
function autocomplete_callback() {
// The term entity dont use the entity keys bundle definition, its using the
// vid instead, so lets 'translate' the bundle names to vids.
if (isset($this->entity_key_bundle) && isset($this->conf['bundles'])) {
$bundles = array_filter($this->conf['bundles']);
// Get all vocabularies.
$vocabularies = taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names();
// Temp storage for values.
$tmp_bundles = array();
foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
$tmp_bundles[] = $vocabularies[$bundle]->{$this->entity_key_bundle};
// Assign the new values as the bundles.
$this->conf['bundles'] = $tmp_bundles;
// Call the parent.
return parent::autocomplete_callback();
Name | Description |
LinkitPluginTaxonomy_Term | @file Define Linkit term plugin class. |