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function linkit_init in Linkit 6

Implementation of hook_init().


./linkit.module, line 54
Main file for linkit module.


function linkit_init() {

  // Check that we have pathfilter or pathologic installed to parse the "internal:" links
  if (!module_exists('pathfilter') && !module_exists('pathologic')) {
    if (user_access('administer site configuration') || user_access('administer linkit')) {
      drupal_set_message(t('The Linkit module requires <a href="@pathfilter">pathfilter</a> <strong>OR</strong> <a href="@pathologic">pathologic</a> to parse "internal:" links. Be sure you have <strong>ONE</strong> of this modules installed.', array(
        '@pathfilter' => '',
        '@pathologic' => '',
      )), 'warning');