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6 calls to linkit_profile_load_all() in Linkit 7.3

LinkitProfileUICRUDTestCase::testLoadAllProfiles in test/linkit_profile.test
Load all profiles.
LinkitProfileUICRUDTestCase::testLoadProfilesNoProfilesExists in test/linkit_profile.test
Load all profiles when no profiles exists.
linkit_profile_editor_load_all in ./linkit.module
Load all Linkit profiles that is for editors.
linkit_profile_field_load_all in ./linkit.module
Load all Linkit profiles that is for fields.
linkit_profile_menu_load_all in ./linkit.module
Load all Linkit profiles that is for menu links.
linkit_update_7303 in ./linkit.install
Fixed 7302. Set URL type to "Entity view page" to preserve current behavior.