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function linkit_update_8500 in Linkit 8.5

Updates Linkit from 4 to 5.

Removes linkit profile attributes. Replaces the linkit ckeditor plugin with drupallink. Enables the linkit filter on text formats where linkit is used. Adds 'data-entity-type' and 'data-entity-uuid' attributes to the <a> tag if filter_html is activated.


./linkit.install, line 27
Contains install and update functions for Linkit.


function linkit_update_8500() {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // Iterate on all profile configuration entities.
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('linkit.linkit_profile.') as $id) {
    $profile = $config_factory

    // Remove all attributes.

  // An array that will be filled with text format ids that we should enable the
  // new linkit_filter for.
  $linkit_enabled_formats = [];

  // Iterate on all editor configuration entities.
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('editor.editor.') as $id) {
    $editor_config = $config_factory

    // Save the old settings.
    $old_linkit_settings = $editor_config
    $drupal_link_in_use = FALSE;
    $old_linkit_button_path = NULL;

    // If the editor has old linkit settings, perform update tasks.
    if (!is_null($old_linkit_settings)) {

      // Remove the old linkit settings.

      // Add the format id that the editor is using.
      $linkit_enabled_formats[] = $editor_config

      // Remove the old linkit plugin from the toolbar, and check if DrupalLink
      // is present in the toolbar as linkit now extends this plugin.
      $toolbar_rows = $editor_config
      foreach ($toolbar_rows as $row_index => $row) {
        foreach ($row as $button_group_index => $button_group) {
          foreach ($button_group['items'] as $item__name) {
            if ($item__name === 'Linkit') {
              $old_linkit_button_path = 'settings.toolbar.rows.' . $row_index . '.' . $button_group_index . '.items';
            if ($item__name === 'DrupalLink') {
              $drupal_link_in_use = TRUE;
      if ($old_linkit_button_path) {
        $buttons = $editor_config
        $index = array_search('Linkit', $buttons);

        // If the DrupalLink plugin is not present in the toolbar, lets add it
        // in the same button group as the old linkit plugin was in.
        if (!$drupal_link_in_use) {
          $buttons[$index] = 'DrupalLink';
        else {
          ->set($old_linkit_button_path, array_values($buttons));

      // Set the linkit settings to the DrupalLink.
      $drupal_link_settings = [
        'linkit_enabled' => TRUE,
        'linkit_profile' => $old_linkit_settings['linkit_profile'],
        ->set('settings.plugins.drupallink', $drupal_link_settings);

  // Enable the linkit_filter for all formats that is used with linkit.
  foreach ($linkit_enabled_formats as $filter_id) {
    $config = $config_factory
      ->getEditable('filter.format.' . $filter_id);
    $filter_html_weight = $config
    $linkit_filter = [
      'id' => 'linkit',
      'provider' => 'linkit',
      'status' => TRUE,
      'weight' => $filter_html_weight ? $filter_html_weight - 1 : -15,
      'settings' => [
        'title' => FALSE,
      ->set('filters.linkit', $linkit_filter);
    $allowed_html = $config
    if (!empty($allowed_html)) {
      preg_match_all('/<([\\w]+)[^>]*>/', $allowed_html, $out);
      $current_mapping = array_combine($out[1], $out[0]);
      if (isset($current_mapping['a'])) {
        $allowed_html = str_replace($current_mapping['a'], str_replace('>', ' data-entity-type data-entity-uuid>', $current_mapping['a']), $allowed_html);
      else {
        $allowed_html .= ' <a href hreflang data-entity-type data-entity-uuid>';
        ->set('filters.filter_html.settings.allowed_html', $allowed_html);