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function linkimagefield_init in Link Image Field 6

Implementation of hook_init().

Load required includes.


./linkimagefield.module, line 20
Defines a link image field type.


function linkimagefield_init() {

  // If Content, FileField, or ImageField is not available, immediately disable Link Image Field.
  $disable = FALSE;
  $message = '';
  if (!module_exists('content')) {
    $disable = TRUE;
    $message = t('The <a href="">Content Creation Kit</a> needs to be installed for it to work properly.');
  if (!module_exists('filefield')) {
    $disable = TRUE;
    $message = (!empty($message) ? '<br />' : '') . t('The <a href="">FileField module</a> needs to be installed for it to work properly.');
  if (!module_exists('imagefield')) {
    $disable = TRUE;
    $message = (!empty($message) ? '<br />' : '') . t('The <a href="">ImageField module</a> needs to be installed for it to work properly.');
  if ($disable) {
    drupal_set_message(t('The Link Image Field module has been disabled.<br />') . $message);

  // Load include code
  module_load_include('inc', 'linkimagefield', 'linkimagefield_widget');