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Files in Link Image Field 5

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt 5--1.4 ======== This release stablizes the versioning for this module, fixes some bugs and adds this CHANGELOG.txt Bugfix ------ - #333030 by challa.kamal: Fixed "Multiple values" for a link image field results in only 1 URL - #371122 by…
linkimagefield.css linkimagefield.css div.linkimagefield-edit-image-row { border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; } div.linkimagefield-edit-preview img { border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; } div.linkimagefield-edit-preview { float:… name = LinkImage description = Defines an link image field type. dependencies = content package = CCK
linkimagefield.install linkimagefield.install linkimagefield install file
linkimagefield.module linkimagefield.module Defines an link image field type. linkimagefield uses content.module to store the fid, and the drupal files table to store the actual file data.
README.txt README.txt linkimagefield provides a image field type to cck. Installing linkimagefield.module: Download the linkimagefield release for your version. Untar it in the Drupal modules directory. Activate the module through drupals administrative interface.

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