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function lc_CheckRuntime in Link checker 5

2 calls to lc_CheckRuntime()
lc_DoLinkChecks in ./linkchecker.module
linkchecker_cron in ./linkchecker.module
Implementation of hook_cron() Rebuild the table if necessary.


./linkchecker.module, line 382
This module periodically check html links referenced by drupal nodes Developed and maintained by Marek Tichy,


function lc_CheckRuntime($maxtime) {
  d_("Checking time, max time is {$maxtime} seconds");

  /* TASK ID 0 is used in a special way
       taskid  - 0
       nodeid  - timestamp of the last database rebuild
       status  - 1 - running, 0 - not running
       update  - timestamp of the last start
  $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `linkchecker_tasks` WHERE taskid=0;");
  $foo = db_fetch_array($res);
  if (empty($foo)) {

    // the 0 record is missing, add it
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `linkchecker_tasks` VALUES (0," . lc_now_to_int() . ",0,NOW());";
    d_("Cannot find time record, adding it: {$sql}.");
    $foo["status"] = 0;
  if ($foo["status"] == 0) {

    // not running yet
    d_("Setting the process state to 1 (running)");
    db_query("UPDATE `linkchecker_tasks` SET `status` = 1, `update` = NOW() WHERE taskid=0;");
    $time = 0;
  else {

    // has been running for a while, check time
    $time = time() - strtotime($foo["update"]);
    d_("Time record found, it says we have been running since {$foo['update']}, which is {$time} seconds ago.");
  if ($time < $maxtime) {

    $ret = true;
    d_("Time left:" . ($maxtime - $time));
    d_("Memory usage:" . number_format(memory_get_usage(), 0, '.', ',') . " bytes");
  else {
    d_("No time left, switching to state 0 (not running)");
    db_query("UPDATE `linkchecker_tasks` SET `status` = 0, `update` = NOW() WHERE taskid=0;");
    $ret = false;
  return $ret;