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function _linkchecker_parse_fields in Link checker 7

Parse the urls from entity.

This function parse all fields from the entity and returns an array of filtered field items.


string $entity_type: The type of entity; e.g., 'node', 'comment'.

string $bundle_name: The name of the bundle aka node type, e.g., 'article', 'page'.

object $entity: The entity to parse, a $node or a $comment object.

bool $return_field_names: If set to TRUE, the returned array will contain the content as keys, and each element will be an array containing all field names in which the content is found. Otherwise, a simple array with content will be returned.

Return value

array Array of field items with filters applied.

2 calls to _linkchecker_parse_fields()
_linkchecker_add_comment_links in ./linkchecker.module
Add comment links to database.
_linkchecker_extract_node_links in ./linkchecker.module
Extracts links from a node.


./linkchecker.module, line 1720
This module periodically check links in given node types, blocks etc.


function _linkchecker_parse_fields($entity_type, $bundle_name, $entity, $return_field_names = FALSE) {
  $text_items = array();
  $text_items_by_field = array();

  // Create settings for _filter_url() function.
  $filter = new stdClass();
  $filter->settings['filter_url_length'] = 72;

  // Collect the fields from this entity_type and bundle.
  foreach (field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle_name) as $field_name => $instance) {
    $field = field_info_field($field_name);

    // #1923328: field_name array may be missing in $entity.
    $entity_field = isset($entity->{$field['field_name']}) ? $entity->{$field['field_name']} : array();
    switch ($field['type']) {

      // Core fields.
      case 'text_with_summary':
        foreach ($entity_field as $language) {
          foreach ($language as $item) {
            $item += array(
              'format' => NULL,
              'summary' => '',
              'value' => '',
            $text_items[] = $text_items_by_field[$field['field_name']][] = _linkchecker_check_markup($item['value'], $item['format'], linkchecker_entity_language($entity_type, $entity), TRUE);
            $text_items[] = $text_items_by_field[$field['field_name']][] = _linkchecker_check_markup($item['summary'], $item['format'], linkchecker_entity_language($entity_type, $entity), TRUE);

      // Core fields.
      case 'text_long':
      case 'text':
        foreach ($entity_field as $language) {
          foreach ($language as $item) {
            $item += array(
              'format' => NULL,
              'value' => '',
            $text_items[] = $text_items_by_field[$field['field_name']][] = _linkchecker_check_markup($item['value'], $item['format'], linkchecker_entity_language($entity_type, $entity), TRUE);

      // Link module field,
      case 'link_field':
        foreach ($entity_field as $language) {
          foreach ($language as $item) {
            $item += array(
              'title' => '',
            $options = drupal_parse_url(link_cleanup_url($item['url']));
            $text_items[] = $text_items_by_field[$field['field_name']][] = l($item['title'], $options['path'], $options);
            $text_items[] = $text_items_by_field[$field['field_name']][] = _linkchecker_check_markup($item['title'], NULL, linkchecker_entity_language($entity_type, $entity), TRUE);
  return $return_field_names ? $text_items_by_field : $text_items;