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abstract class LingotekManagementFormBase in Lingotek Translation 3.8.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekManagementFormBase
  2. 4.0.x src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekManagementFormBase
  3. 3.0.x src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekManagementFormBase
  4. 3.1.x src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekManagementFormBase
  5. 3.2.x src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekManagementFormBase
  6. 3.3.x src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekManagementFormBase
  7. 3.4.x src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekManagementFormBase
  8. 3.5.x src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekManagementFormBase
  9. 3.6.x src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekManagementFormBase
  10. 3.7.x src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekManagementFormBase

Form for bulk management of content.


Expanded class hierarchy of LingotekManagementFormBase


src/Form/LingotekManagementFormBase.php, line 43


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abstract class LingotekManagementFormBase extends FormBase {
  use LingotekManagementFormHelperTrait;
  use LingotekSetupTrait;

   * The connection object on which to run queries.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
  protected $connection;

   * The language-locale mapper.
   * @var \Drupal\lingotek\LanguageLocaleMapperInterface
  protected $languageLocaleMapper;

   * The entity manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The entity field manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManagerInterface
  protected $entityFieldManager;

   * The entity type bundle info.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeBundleInfoInterface
  protected $entityTypeBundleInfo;

   * The language manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface
  protected $languageManager;

   * The Lingotek configuration service.
   * @var \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekConfigurationServiceInterface
  protected $lingotekConfiguration;

   * The content translation manager.
   * @var \Drupal\content_translation\ContentTranslationManagerInterface
  protected $contentTranslationManager;

   * The Lingotek content translation service.
   * @var \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekContentTranslationServiceInterface
  protected $translationService;

   * The state key value store.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface
  protected $state;

   * The module handler.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
  protected $moduleHandler;

   * The entity type id.
   * @var string
  protected $entityTypeId;

   * Constructs a new LingotekManagementFormBase object.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $connection
   *   The current database connection.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager
   *   The entity manager.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface $language_manager
   *   The language manager.
   * @param \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekInterface $lingotek
   *   The Lingotek service.
   * @param \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekConfigurationServiceInterface $lingotek_configuration
   *   The Lingotek configuration service.
   * @param \Drupal\lingotek\LanguageLocaleMapperInterface $language_locale_mapper
   *   The language-locale mapper.
   * @param \Drupal\content_translation\ContentTranslationManagerInterface $content_translation_manager
   *   The content translation manager.
   * @param \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekContentTranslationServiceInterface $translation_service
   *   The Lingotek content translation service.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\TempStore\PrivateTempStoreFactory $temp_store_factory
   *   The factory for the temp store object.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface $state
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler
   *   The module handler.
   * @param string $entity_type_id
   *   The entity type id.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManagerInterface $entity_field_manager
   *   The entity field manager.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeBundleInfoInterface $entity_type_bundle_info
   *   The entity type bundle info.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Utility\LinkGeneratorInterface $link_generator
   *   The link generator.
  public function __construct(Connection $connection, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, LanguageManagerInterface $language_manager, LingotekInterface $lingotek, LingotekConfigurationServiceInterface $lingotek_configuration, LanguageLocaleMapperInterface $language_locale_mapper, ContentTranslationManagerInterface $content_translation_manager, LingotekContentTranslationServiceInterface $translation_service, PrivateTempStoreFactory $temp_store_factory, StateInterface $state, ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler, $entity_type_id, EntityFieldManagerInterface $entity_field_manager, EntityTypeBundleInfoInterface $entity_type_bundle_info, LinkGeneratorInterface $link_generator) {
    $this->connection = $connection;
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;
    $this->languageManager = $language_manager;
    $this->contentTranslationManager = $content_translation_manager;
    $this->lingotek = $lingotek;
    $this->translationService = $translation_service;
    $this->tempStoreFactory = $temp_store_factory;
    $this->lingotek = $lingotek;
    $this->lingotekConfiguration = $lingotek_configuration;
    $this->languageLocaleMapper = $language_locale_mapper;
    $this->state = $state;
    $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;
    $this->entityTypeId = $entity_type_id;
    $this->entityFieldManager = $entity_field_manager;
    $this->entityTypeBundleInfo = $entity_type_bundle_info;
    $this->linkGenerator = $link_generator;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static($container
      ->get('database'), $container
      ->get('entity_type.manager'), $container
      ->get('language_manager'), $container
      ->get('lingotek'), $container
      ->get('lingotek.configuration'), $container
      ->get('lingotek.language_locale_mapper'), $container
      ->get('content_translation.manager'), $container
      ->get('lingotek.content_translation'), $container
      ->get('tempstore.private'), $container
      ->get('state'), $container
      ->get('module_handler'), \Drupal::routeMatch()
      ->getParameter('entity_type_id'), $container
      ->get('entity_field.manager'), $container
      ->get(''), $container

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    if ($redirect = $this
      ->checkSetup()) {
      return $redirect;
    $temp_store = $this->tempStoreFactory
    $labelFilter = $temp_store
    $bundleFilter = $temp_store
    $jobFilter = $temp_store
    $documentIdFilter = $temp_store
    $entityIdFilter = $temp_store
    $sourceLanguageFilter = $temp_store
    $sourceStatusFilter = $temp_store
    $targetStatusFilter = $temp_store
    $contentStateFilter = $temp_store
    $profileFilter = $temp_store

    // Add the filters if any.
    $filters = $this
    if (!empty($filters)) {
      $form['filters'] = [
        '#type' => 'details',
        '#title' => $this
        '#open' => TRUE,
        '#weight' => 5,
        '#tree' => TRUE,
      $form['filters']['wrapper'] = [
        '#type' => 'container',
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
      foreach ($filters as $filter_id => $filter) {
        $form['filters']['wrapper'][$filter_id] = $filter;

      // Advanced filters
      $form['filters']['advanced_options'] = [
        '#type' => 'container',
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
      $form['filters']['advanced_options'] = [
        '#type' => 'details',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('Show advanced options'),
        '#title_display' => 'before',
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
      $form['filters']['advanced_options']['document_id'] = [
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#size' => 35,
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('Document ID'),
        '#description' => $this
          ->t('You can indicate multiple comma-separated values.'),
        '#default_value' => $documentIdFilter,
      $form['filters']['advanced_options']['entity_id'] = [
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('Entity ID'),
        '#description' => $this
          ->t('You can indicate multiple comma-separated values.'),
        '#size' => 35,
        '#default_value' => $entityIdFilter,
      $form['filters']['advanced_options']['source_language'] = [
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('Source language'),
        '#options' => [
          '' => $this
            ->t('All languages'),
        ] + $this
        '#default_value' => $sourceLanguageFilter,
      $form['filters']['advanced_options']['source_status'] = [
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('Source Status'),
        '#default_value' => $sourceStatusFilter,
        '#options' => [
          '' => $this
          'UPLOAD_NEEDED' => $this
            ->t('Upload Needed'),
          Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT => $this
          Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING => $this
          Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED => $this
          Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED => $this
          Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR => $this
      $form['filters']['advanced_options']['target_status'] = [
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('Target Status'),
        '#default_value' => $targetStatusFilter,
        '#options' => [
          '' => $this
          Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT => $this
          Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED => $this
          Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING => $this
            ->t('In Progress'),
          Lingotek::STATUS_READY => $this
          Lingotek::STATUS_INTERMEDIATE => $this
          Lingotek::STATUS_REQUEST => $this
            ->t('Not Requested'),
          Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED => $this
          Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR => $this
      if ($this->moduleHandler
        ->moduleExists('content_moderation')) {
        $workflow = $this->entityTypeManager
        if ($workflow != NULL) {
          $states = $workflow
          $options = [
            '' => $this
          foreach ($states as $state_id => $state) {
            $options[$state_id] = $state
          $form['filters']['advanced_options']['content_state'] = [
            '#type' => 'select',
            '#title' => $this
              ->t('Content State'),
            '#default_value' => $contentStateFilter,
            '#options' => $options,
      $form['filters']['advanced_options']['profile'] = [
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => $this
        '#options' => [
          '' => $this
        ] + $this->lingotekConfiguration
        '#multiple' => TRUE,
        '#default_value' => $profileFilter,

      // Filter actions
      $form['filters']['actions'] = [
        '#type' => 'container',
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
      $form['filters']['actions']['submit'] = [
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => $this
        '#submit' => [
      $form['filters']['actions']['reset'] = [
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => $this
        '#submit' => [

    // Add the bulk operations if any.
    $options = $this
    if (!empty($options)) {
      $form['options'] = [
        '#type' => 'details',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('Bulk document management'),
        '#open' => TRUE,
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
        '#weight' => 10,
      foreach ($options as $id => $component) {
        $form['options'][$id] = $component;

    // Add the headers.
    $headers = $this

    // Get all the entities that need to be displayed.
    $entities = $this

    // Generate the rows based on those entities.
    $rows = [];
    if (!empty($entities)) {
      $rows = $this
    $pager = $this
    if (!empty($pager)) {
      $form['pager'] = [
        '#type' => 'pager',
        '#weight' => 50,
      $form['items_per_page'] = $pager;
    $form['table'] = [
      '#header' => $headers,
      '#options' => $rows,
      '#empty' => $this
        ->t('No content available'),
      '#type' => 'tableselect',
      '#weight' => 30,
    $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'lingotek/lingotek';
    $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'lingotek/lingotek.manage';
    return $form;

   * @return string[]
  protected abstract function getHeaders();

   * Load the entities corresponding with the given identifiers.
   * @param string[] $values
   *   Array of values that identify the selected entities.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface[]
   *   The entities.
  protected abstract function getSelectedEntities($values);

   * Gets the key used for persisting filtering options in the temp storage.
   * @return string
   *   Temp storage identifier where filters are persisted.
  protected abstract function getTempStorageFilterKey();

   * Gets the filter keys so we can persist or clear filtering options.
   * @return string[]
   *   Array of filter identifiers.
  protected abstract function getFilterKeys();

   * Form submission handler for resetting the filters.
   * @param array $form
   *   An associative array containing the structure of the form.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
   *   The current state of the form.
  public function resetFilterForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    /** @var \Drupal\user\PrivateTempStore $temp_store */
    $temp_store = $this->tempStoreFactory
    $keys = $this
    foreach ($keys as $key) {

      // Reset the filter, no matter if it's under 'wrapper' or 'advanced_filters.'

   * Form submission handler for filtering.
   * @param array $form
   *   An associative array containing the structure of the form.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
   *   The current state of the form.
  public function filterForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    /** @var \Drupal\user\PrivateTempStore $temp_store */
    $temp_store = $this->tempStoreFactory
    $keys = $this
    $trimmableKeys = [
    foreach ($keys as $key) {
      if (in_array($key[1], $trimmableKeys)) {
        ], trim($form_state

      // This sets and gets the values of the specific key. $key[0] can be either 'wrapper' or 'advanced_filters', and $key[1] is the specific filter itself.
        ->set($key[1], $form_state

    // If we apply any filters, we need to go to the first page again.

   * Gets the bulk options form array structure.
   * @return array
   *   A form array.
  protected function getBulkOptions() {
    $options = [];
    $options['operation'] = [
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => $this
      '#title_display' => 'invisible',
      '#options' => $this
    $options['submit'] = [
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => $this
    $options['show_advanced'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Show advanced options'),
      '#title_display' => 'before',
    $options['job_id'] = [
      '#type' => 'lingotek_job_id',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Job ID'),
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('Assign a job id that you can filter on later on the TMS or in this page.'),
      '#states' => [
        'visible' => [
          ':input[name="show_advanced"]' => [
            'checked' => TRUE,
    return $options;

   * Gets the entities that needs to be displayed based on the current filters.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface[]
   *   The entities
  protected abstract function getFilteredEntities();

   * Gets the filters for rendering.
   * @return array
   *   A form array.
  protected abstract function getFilters();

   * Gets the rows for rendering based on the passed entity list.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface[] $entity_list
   * @return array
   *   A render array.
  protected abstract function getRows($entity_list);

   * Gets the pager.
   * @return array
   *   A render array.
  protected abstract function getPager();

   * Gets a rows fo rendering based on the passed entity.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   * @return array
   *   A render array.
  protected function getRow($entity) {
    $row = [];
    $source = $this
    $entityTypeId = $entity
    $translations = $this
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, TRUE);
    $job_id = $this->translationService
    $entity_type = $this->entityTypeManager
    $has_bundles = $entity_type
      ->get('bundle_entity_type') != 'bundle';
    if ($has_bundles) {
      $bundleInfo = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
      $row['bundle'] = $bundleInfo[$entity
    $row += [
      'title' => $entity
        ->hasLinkTemplate('canonical') ? $this->linkGenerator
        ->label(), Url::fromRoute($entity
        ->getRouteName(), [
        $entityTypeId => $entity
      ])) : $entity
      'source' => $source,
      'translations' => $translations,
      'profile' => $profile ? $profile
        ->label() : '',
      'job_id' => $job_id ?: '',
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->isEnabled($entityTypeId, $entity
      ->bundle())) {
      $row['profile'] = 'Not enabled';
    return $row;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $operation = $form_state
    $job_id = $form_state
      ->getValue('job_id') ?: NULL;
    $values = array_keys(array_filter($form_state
    $processed = FALSE;
    switch ($operation) {
      case 'debug.export':
        $processed = TRUE;
      case 'upload':
          ->createUploadBatch($values, $job_id);
        $processed = TRUE;
      case 'check_upload':
        $processed = TRUE;
      case 'request_translations':
        $processed = TRUE;
      case 'check_translations':
        $processed = TRUE;
      case 'download':
        $processed = TRUE;
      case 'cancel':
        $processed = TRUE;
      case 'assign_job':
          ->redirectToAssignJobIdMultipleEntitiesForm($values, $form_state);
        $processed = TRUE;
      case 'clear_job':
          ->redirectToClearJobIdMultipleEntitiesForm($values, $form_state);
        $processed = TRUE;
      case 'delete_nodes':
          ->redirectToDeleteMultipleNodesForm($values, $form_state);
        $processed = TRUE;
      case 'delete_translations':
          ->redirectToDeleteMultipleTranslationsForm($values, $form_state);
        $processed = TRUE;
    if (!$processed) {
      if (0 === strpos($operation, 'request_translation:')) {
        list($operation, $language) = explode(':', $operation);
          ->createLanguageRequestTranslationBatch($values, $language);
        $processed = TRUE;
      if (0 === strpos($operation, 'check_translation:')) {
        list($operation, $language) = explode(':', $operation);
          ->createLanguageTranslationCheckStatusBatch($values, $language);
        $processed = TRUE;
      if (0 === strpos($operation, 'download:')) {
        list($operation, $language) = explode(':', $operation);
          ->createLanguageDownloadBatch($values, $language);
        $processed = TRUE;
      if (0 === strpos($operation, 'cancel:')) {
        list($operation, $language) = explode(':', $operation);
          ->createTargetCancelBatch($values, $language);
        $processed = TRUE;
      if (0 === strpos($operation, 'delete_translation:')) {
        list($operation, $language) = explode(':', $operation);
          ->redirectToDeleteTranslationForm($values, $language, $form_state);
        $processed = TRUE;
      if (0 === strpos($operation, 'change_profile:')) {
        list($operation, $profile_id) = explode(':', $operation);
          ->createChangeProfileBatch($values, $profile_id);
        $processed = TRUE;

   * Performs an operation to several values in a batch.
   * @param string $operation
   *   The method in this object we need to call.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to process.
   * @param string $title
   *   The title for the batch progress.
   * @param string $language
   *   (Optional) The language code for the request. NULL if is not applicable.
   * @param string $job_id
   *   (Optional) The job ID to be used. NULL if is not applicable.
  protected function createBatch($operation, $values, $title, $language = NULL, $job_id = NULL) {
    $operations = [];
    $entities = $this
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
      $split_download_all = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      if ($operation == 'downloadTranslations' && $split_download_all) {
        $languages = $this->languageManager
        foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
          if ($langcode !== $entity
            ->getId()) {
            $operations[] = [
      else {
        $operations[] = [
    $batch = [
      'title' => $title,
      'operations' => $operations,
      'finished' => [
      'progressive' => TRUE,
      'batch_redirect' => $this

   * Batch callback called when the batch finishes.
   * @param $success
   * @param $results
   * @param $operations
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Routing\LocalRedirectResponse
  public function batchFinished($success, $results, $operations) {
    if ($success) {
      $batch =& batch_get();
        ->addStatus('Operations completed.');
    return new LocalRedirectResponse($batch['sets'][0]['batch_redirect']);

   * Create and set an upload batch.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to upload.
   * @param string $job_id
   *   (Optional) The job ID to be used. NULL if is not applicable.
  protected function createUploadBatch($values, $job_id = NULL) {
      ->createBatch('uploadDocument', $values, $this
      ->t('Uploading content to Lingotek service'), NULL, $job_id);

   * Create and set an export batch.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to upload.
  protected function createDebugExportBatch($values) {
    $entities = $this
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
      $operations[] = [
    $batch = [
      'title' => $this
        ->t('Exporting content (debugging purposes)'),
      'operations' => $operations,
      'finished' => [
      'progressive' => TRUE,

   * Batch callback called when the debug export batch finishes.
   * @param $success
   * @param $results
   * @param $operations
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Routing\LocalRedirectResponse
  public function debugExportFinished($success, $results, $operations) {
    if ($success) {
      $links = [];
      if (isset($results['exported'])) {
        foreach ($results['exported'] as $result) {
          $links[] = [
            '#theme' => 'file_link',
            '#file' => File::load($result),
        $build = [
          '#theme' => 'item_list',
          '#items' => $links,
          ->t('Exports available at: @exports', [
          '@exports' => \Drupal::service('renderer')

   * Create and set a check upload status batch.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to upload.
  protected function createUploadCheckStatusBatch($values) {
      ->createBatch('checkDocumentUploadStatus', $values, $this
      ->t('Checking content upload status with the Lingotek service'));

   * Create and set a request translations batch for all languages.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to upload.
  protected function createRequestTranslationsBatch($values) {
      ->createBatch('requestTranslations', $values, $this
      ->t('Requesting translations to Lingotek service.'));

   * Create and set a request translations batch for all languages.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to upload.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language code for the request.
  protected function createLanguageRequestTranslationBatch($values, $language) {
      ->createBatch('requestTranslation', $values, $this
      ->t('Requesting translations to Lingotek service.'), $language);

   * Create and set a check translation status batch for all languages.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to upload.
  protected function createTranslationCheckStatusBatch($values) {
      ->createBatch('checkTranslationStatuses', $values, $this
      ->t('Checking translations status from the Lingotek service.'));

   * Create and set a check translation status batch for a given language.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to upload.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language code for the request.
  protected function createLanguageTranslationCheckStatusBatch($values, $language) {
      ->createBatch('checkTranslationStatus', $values, $this
      ->t('Checking translations status from the Lingotek service.'), $language);

   * Create and set a request target and download batch for all languages.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to upload.
  protected function createDownloadBatch($values) {
      ->createBatch('downloadTranslations', $values, $this
      ->t('Downloading translations from the Lingotek service.'));

   * Create and set a request target and download batch for a given language.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to upload.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language code for the request.
  protected function createLanguageDownloadBatch($values, $language) {
      ->createBatch('downloadTranslation', $values, $this
      ->t('Downloading translations to Lingotek service'), $language);

   * Create and set a cancellation batch.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to cancel.
  protected function createCancelBatch($values) {
      ->createBatch('cancel', $values, $this
      ->t('Cancelling content from Lingotek service'));

   * Create and set a target cancellation batch.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to cancel.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language code for the request.
  protected function createTargetCancelBatch($values, $language) {
      ->createBatch('cancelTarget', $values, $this
      ->t('Cancelling target content from Lingotek service'), $language);

   * Create and set a profile change batch.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to change the Profile.
  protected function createChangeProfileBatch($values, $profile_id) {
      ->createBatch('changeProfile', $values, $this
      ->t('Updating Translation Profile'), $profile_id);

   * Redirect to delete content form.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to delete.
  protected function redirectToDeleteMultipleNodesForm($values, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $entityInfo = [];
    $entities = $this
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity */
      $language = $entity
        ->id()] = [
          ->getId() => $language
      ->id() . ':' . $this->entityTypeId, $entityInfo);
      ->getLinkTemplate('delete-multiple-form'), [
      'query' => $this

   * Redirect to assign Job ID form.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to assign a Job ID.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
   *   The current state of the form.
  protected function redirectToAssignJobIdMultipleEntitiesForm($values, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $entityInfo = [];
    $entities = $this
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity */
      $language = $entity
        ->id()] = [
          ->getId() => $language
      ->id(), $entityInfo);
      ->setRedirect('lingotek.assign_job_entity_multiple_form', [], [
      'query' => $this

   * Redirect to clear Job ID form.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to clear Job ID.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
   *   The current state of the form.
  protected function redirectToClearJobIdMultipleEntitiesForm($values, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $entityInfo = [];
    $entities = $this
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity */
      $language = $entity
        ->id()] = [
          ->getId() => $language
      ->id(), $entityInfo);
      ->setRedirect('lingotek.clear_job_entity_multiple_form', [], [
      'query' => $this

   * Redirect to delete specific translation form.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to delete.
  protected function redirectToDeleteTranslationForm($values, $langcode, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $entityInfo = [];
    $entities = $this
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
      $source_language = $entity
      if ($source_language
        ->getId() !== $langcode && $entity
        ->hasTranslation($langcode)) {

        /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity */
          ->id()][$langcode] = $langcode;
    if (!empty($entityInfo)) {
        ->id() . ':' . $this->entityTypeId, $entityInfo);
        ->getLinkTemplate('delete-multiple-form'), [
        'query' => $this
    else {
        ->t('No valid translations for deletion.'));

      // Ensure selection is persisted.

   * Redirect to delete translations form.
   * @param array $values
   *   Array of ids to delete.
  protected function redirectToDeleteMultipleTranslationsForm($values, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $entityInfo = [];
    $entities = $this
    $languages = $this->languageManager
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
      $source_language = $entity
      foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
        if ($source_language
          ->getId() !== $langcode && $entity
          ->hasTranslation($langcode)) {

          /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity */
            ->id()][$langcode] = $langcode;
    if (!empty($entityInfo)) {
        ->id() . ':' . $this->entityTypeId, $entityInfo);
        ->getLinkTemplate('delete-multiple-form'), [
        'query' => $this
    else {
        ->t('No valid translations for deletion.'));

      // Ensure selection is persisted.

   * Export source for debugging purposes.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
  public function debugExport(ContentEntityInterface $entity, &$context) {
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Exporting @type %label.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot debug export @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot debug export @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, FALSE)) {
      $data = $this->translationService
      $data['_debug'] = [
        'title' => $entity
          ->bundle() . ' (' . $entity
          ->getEntityTypeId() . '): ' . $entity
        'profile' => $profile ? $profile
          ->id() : '<null>',
        'source_locale' => $this->translationService
      $source_data = json_encode($data);
      $filename = $entity
        ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
        ->bundle() . '.' . $entity
        ->id() . '.json';
      $file = File::create([
        'uid' => 1,
        'filename' => $filename,
        'uri' => 'public://' . $filename,
        'filemime' => 'text/plain',
        'created' => \Drupal::time()
        'changed' => \Drupal::time()
        ->getFileUri(), $source_data);
      $context['results']['exported'][] = $file
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity

   * Upload source for translation.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
  public function uploadDocument(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $language, $job_id, &$context) {
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Uploading @type %label.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot upload @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot upload @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity)) {
      try {
          ->uploadDocument($entity, $job_id);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found. Please upload again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Community has been disabled. Please contact to re-enable your community.'));
      } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
          ->addWarning(t('Document @entity_type %title has been archived. Uploading again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
        return $this
          ->uploadDocument($entity, $language, $job_id, $context);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title has a new version. The document id has been updated for all future interactions. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
        if ($this->translationService
          ->getDocumentId($entity)) {
            ->addError(t('The update for @entity_type %title failed. Please try again.', [
            '@entity_type' => $entity
            '%title' => $entity
        else {
            ->addError(t('The upload for @entity_type %title failed. Please try again.', [
            '@entity_type' => $entity
            '%title' => $entity
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity

   * Check document upload status for a given content.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
  public function checkDocumentUploadStatus(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $language, $job_id, &$context) {
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Checking status of @type %label.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot check upload @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot check upload @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, FALSE)) {
      try {
        if (!$this->translationService
          ->checkSourceStatus($entity)) {
            ->t('The import for @entity_type %label is still pending.', [
            '@entity_type' => $entity
            '%label' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found. Please upload again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('The upload status check for @entity_type %title translation failed. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity

   * Request all translations for a given content.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
  public function requestTranslations(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $language, $job_id, &$context) {
    $result = NULL;
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Requesting translations for @type %label.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot request translations for @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot request translations for @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, FALSE)) {
      try {
        $result = $this->translationService
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found. Please upload again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Community has been disabled. Please contact to re-enable your community.'));
      } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
          ->addWarning(t('Document @entity_type %title has been archived. Uploading again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
        return $this
          ->uploadDocument($entity, $language, $job_id, $context);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title has a new version. The document id has been updated for all future interactions. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('The request for @entity_type %title translation failed. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
    return $result;

   * Checks all translations statuses for a given content.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
  public function checkTranslationStatuses(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $language, $job_id, &$context) {
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Checking translation status for @type %label.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot check translations for @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot check translations for @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, FALSE)) {
      try {
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found. Please upload again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('The request for @entity_type %title translation status failed. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity

   * Checks translation status for a given content in a given language.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
   * @param string $language
   *   The language to check.
  public function checkTranslationStatus(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $language, $job_id, &$context) {
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Checking translation status for @type %label to language @language.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
      '@language' => $language,
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot check @type %label translation to @language. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
        '@language' => $language,
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot check @type %label translation to @language. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
        '@language' => $language,
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, FALSE)) {
      try {
          ->checkTargetStatus($entity, $language);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found. Please upload again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('The request for @entity_type %title translation status failed. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity

   * Request translations for a given content in a given language.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
   * @param string $langcode
   *   The language to download.
  public function requestTranslation(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $langcode, $job_id, &$context) {
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Requesting translation for @type %label to language @language.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
      '@language' => $langcode,
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot request @type %label translation for @language. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
        '@language' => $langcode,
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot request @type %label translation for @language. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
        '@language' => $langcode,
    $locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, FALSE)) {
      try {
          ->addTarget($entity, $locale);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found. Please upload again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Community has been disabled. Please contact to re-enable your community.'));
      } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
          ->addWarning(t('Document @entity_type %title has been archived. Uploading again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
        return $this
          ->uploadDocument($entity, $langcode, $job_id, $context);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found. Please upload again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title has a new version. The document id has been updated for all future interactions. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('The request for @entity_type %title translation failed. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity

   * Download translation for a given content in a given language.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
   * @param string $langcode
   *   The language to download.
  public function downloadTranslation(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $langcode, $job_id, &$context) {

    // We need to reload the entity, just in case we are using the split bulk upload. The metadata isn't true anymore.
    // ToDo: Look for a better way of invalidating already loaded metadata.
    $entity = $this->entityTypeManager
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Downloading translation for @type %label in language @language.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
      '@language' => $langcode,
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot download @type %label translation for @language. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
        '@language' => $langcode,
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot download @type %label translation for @language. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
        '@language' => $langcode,
    $locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, FALSE)) {
      try {
          ->downloadDocument($entity, $locale);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found. Please upload again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('The download for @entity_type %title translation failed. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekContentEntityStorageException $storage_exception) {
          ->error('The download for @entity_type %title failed because of the length of one field translation (%locale) value: %table.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
          '%locale' => $locale,
          '%table' => $storage_exception
          ->addError(t('The download for @entity_type %title failed because of the length of one field translation (%locale) value: %table.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
          '%locale' => $locale,
          '%table' => $storage_exception
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity

   * Download translations for a given content in all enabled languages.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
  public function downloadTranslations(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $language, $job_id, &$context) {
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Downloading all translations for @type %label.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot download translations for @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot download translations for @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, FALSE)) {
      $languages = $this->languageManager
      foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
        if ($langcode !== $entity
          ->getId()) {
          $locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
          if ($this->translationService
            ->checkTargetStatus($entity, $langcode)) {
            try {
                ->downloadDocument($entity, $locale);
            } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
                ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found. Please upload again.', [
                '@entity_type' => $entity
                '%title' => $entity
            } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
                ->addError(t('The download for @entity_type %title translation failed. Please try again.', [
                '@entity_type' => $entity
                '%title' => $entity
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity

   * Cancel the content from Lingotek.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
  public function cancel(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $language, $job_id, &$context) {
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Cancelling all translations for @type %label.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot cancel @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot cancel @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, FALSE)) {
      try {
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addWarning(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found, so nothing to cancel.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('The cancellation of @entity_type %title failed. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity

   * Cancel the content from Lingotek.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
  public function cancelTarget(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $langcode, $job_id, &$context) {
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Cancelling translation for @type %label to language @language.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
      '@language' => $langcode,
    $locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot cancel @type %label translation to @language. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
        '@language' => $langcode,
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot cancel @type %label translation to @language. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
        '@language' => $langcode,
    if ($profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityProfile($entity, FALSE)) {
      try {
          ->cancelDocumentTarget($entity, $locale);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentTargetAlreadyCompletedException $e) {
          ->checkTargetStatus($entity, $langcode);
          ->t('Target %language for @entity_type %title was already completed in the TMS and cannot be cancelled unless the entire document is cancelled.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
          '%language' => $langcode,
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addWarning(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found, so nothing to cancel.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('The cancellation of @entity_type %title translation to @language failed. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
          '@language' => $langcode,
    else {
      $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
        ->t('The @type %label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity

   * Change Translation Profile.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
  public function changeProfile(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $profile_id = NULL, $job_id = NULL, &$context = NULL) {
    $context['message'] = $this
      ->t('Changing Translation Profile for @type %label.', [
      '@type' => $entity
      '%label' => $entity
    $bundleInfos = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    if (!$entity
      ->isTranslatable() || !$bundleInfos[$entity
      ->bundle()]['translatable']) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot change profile for @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    if (!$this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle())) {
        ->addWarning(t('Cannot change profile for @type %label. That @bundle_label is not enabled for Lingotek translation.', [
        '@type' => $bundleInfos[$entity
        '%label' => $entity
        '@bundle_label' => $entity
    try {
        ->setProfile($entity, $profile_id, TRUE);
      if ($profile_id === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED) {
          ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
          ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
      elseif ($this->translationService
        ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        if ($this->translationService
          ->getDocumentId($entity) !== NULL) {
            ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
        else {
            ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
    } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
        ->addError(t('The Tranlsation Profile change for @entity_type %title failed. Please try again.', [
        '@entity_type' => $entity
        '%title' => $entity

   * Gets the source status of an entity in a format ready to display.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
   * @return array
   *   A render array.
  protected function getSourceStatus(ContentEntityInterface $entity) {
    $langcode_source = LingotekLocale::convertLingotek2Drupal($this->translationService
    $language = $this->languageManager
    $source_status = $this->translationService
    $data = [
      'data' => [
        '#type' => 'lingotek_source_status',
        '#entity' => $entity,
        '#language' => $language,
        '#status' => $source_status,
    if ($source_status == Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED && !$this->translationService
      ->getDocumentId($entity)) {
      $data['data']['#context']['status'] = strtolower(Lingotek::STATUS_REQUEST);
    return $data;

   * Gets the translation status of an entity in a format ready to display.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity.
   * @return array
   *   A render array.
  protected function getTranslationsStatuses(ContentEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $statuses = $this->translationService

    /** @var \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekProfileInterface $profile */
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    array_walk($statuses, function (&$status, $langcode) use ($entity, $profile) {
      if ($profile !== NULL && $profile
        ->hasDisabledTarget($langcode)) {
        $status = Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED;
    $languages = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
      if ($profile !== NULL && $profile
        ->hasDisabledTarget($langcode)) {
        $statuses[$langcode] = Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED;
    return [
      'data' => [
        '#type' => 'lingotek_target_statuses',
        '#entity' => $entity,
        '#source_langcode' => $entity
        '#statuses' => $statuses,

   * Gets all the bundles as options.
   * @return array
   *   The bundles as a valid options array.
  protected function getAllBundles() {
    $bundles = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo
    $options = [];
    foreach ($bundles as $id => $bundle) {
      $options[$id] = $bundle['label'];
    return $options;

   * Gets all the languages as options.
   * @return array
   *   The languages as a valid options array.
  protected function getAllLanguages() {
    $languages = $this->languageManager
    $options = [];
    foreach ($languages as $id => $language) {
      $options[$id] = $language
    return $options;

   * Gets all the groups as options.
   * @return array
   *   The groups as a valid options array.
  protected function getAllGroups() {
    $options = [];
    if ($this->entityTypeId === 'node') {

      /** @var GroupInterface[] $groups */
      $groups = $this->entityTypeManager
      foreach ($groups as $id => $group) {
        $options[$id] = $group
    return $options;

   * Get the bulk operations for the management form.
   * @return array
   *   Array with the bulk operations.
  public function generateBulkOptions() {
    $operations = [];
    $operations['upload'] = $this
      ->t('Upload source for translation');
    $operations['check_upload'] = $this
      ->t('Check upload progress');
    $operations[(string) $this
      ->t('Request translations')]['request_translations'] = $this
      ->t('Request all translations');
    $operations[(string) $this
      ->t('Check translation progress')]['check_translations'] = $this
      ->t('Check progress of all translations');
    $operations[(string) $this
      ->t('Download')]['download'] = $this
      ->t('Download all translations');
    if ($this
      ->canHaveDeleteTranslationBulkOptions()) {
      $operations[(string) $this
        ->t('Delete translations')]['delete_translations'] = $this
        ->t('Delete translations');
    foreach ($this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getProfileOptions() as $profile_id => $profile) {
      $operations[(string) $this
        ->t('Change Translation Profile')]['change_profile:' . $profile_id] = $this
        ->t('Change to @profile Profile', [
        '@profile' => $profile,
    $operations[(string) $this
      ->t('Cancel document')]['cancel'] = $this
      ->t('Cancel document');
    $target_languages = $this->languageManager
    $target_languages = array_filter($target_languages, function (LanguageInterface $language) {
      $configLanguage = $this->entityTypeManager
      return $this->lingotekConfiguration
    foreach ($target_languages as $langcode => $language) {
      $operations[(string) $this
        ->t('Cancel document')]['cancel:' . $langcode] = $this
        ->t('Cancel @language translation', [
        '@language' => $language
          ->getName() . ' (' . $language
          ->getId() . ')',
      $operations[(string) $this
        ->t('Request translations')]['request_translation:' . $langcode] = $this
        ->t('Request @language translation', [
        '@language' => $language
          ->getName() . ' (' . $language
          ->getId() . ')',
      $operations[(string) $this
        ->t('Check translation progress')]['check_translation:' . $langcode] = $this
        ->t('Check progress of @language translation', [
        '@language' => $language
          ->getName() . ' (' . $language
          ->getId() . ')',
      $operations[(string) $this
        ->t('Download')]['download:' . $langcode] = $this
        ->t('Download @language translation', [
        '@language' => $language
          ->getName() . ' (' . $language
          ->getId() . ')',
      if ($this
        ->canHaveDeleteTranslationBulkOptions()) {
        $operations[(string) $this
          ->t('Delete translations')]['delete_translation:' . $langcode] = $this
          ->t('Delete @language translation', [
          '@language' => $language
            ->getName() . ' (' . $language
            ->getId() . ')',
    $operations['Jobs management'] = [
      'assign_job' => $this
        ->t('Assign Job ID'),
      'clear_job' => $this
        ->t('Clear Job ID'),
    if ($this
      ->canHaveDeleteBulkOptions()) {
      $operations['delete_nodes'] = $this
        ->t('Delete content');
    $debug_enabled = $this->state
      ->get('lingotek.enable_debug_utilities', FALSE);
    if ($debug_enabled) {
      $operations['debug']['debug.export'] = $this
        ->t('Debug: Export sources as JSON');
    return $operations;
  protected function getDestinationWithQueryArray() {
    return [
      'destination' => \Drupal::request()

   * Check if we can delete translation in bulk based on the entity definition.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if can delete translation in bulk, FALSE if cannot.
  protected function canHaveDeleteTranslationBulkOptions() {
    return $this->entityTypeManager

   * Check if we can delete content in bulk based on the entity definition.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if can delete translation in bulk, FALSE if cannot.
  protected function canHaveDeleteBulkOptions() {
    return $this->entityTypeManager



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 2
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
FormBase::$configFactory protected property The config factory. 3
FormBase::$requestStack protected property The request stack. 1
FormBase::$routeMatch protected property The route match.
FormBase::config protected function Retrieves a configuration object.
FormBase::configFactory protected function Gets the config factory for this form. 3
FormBase::container private function Returns the service container.
FormBase::currentUser protected function Gets the current user.
FormBase::getRequest protected function Gets the request object.
FormBase::getRouteMatch protected function Gets the route match.
FormBase::logger protected function Gets the logger for a specific channel.
FormBase::redirect protected function Returns a redirect response object for the specified route.
FormBase::resetConfigFactory public function Resets the configuration factory.
FormBase::setConfigFactory public function Sets the config factory for this form.
FormBase::setRequestStack public function Sets the request stack object to use.
FormBase::validateForm public function Form validation handler. Overrides FormInterface::validateForm 72
FormInterface::getFormId public function Returns a unique string identifying the form. 264
LingotekManagementFormBase::$connection protected property The connection object on which to run queries.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$contentTranslationManager protected property The content translation manager.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$entityFieldManager protected property The entity field manager.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$entityTypeBundleInfo protected property The entity type bundle info.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$entityTypeId protected property The entity type id.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$entityTypeManager protected property The entity manager.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$languageLocaleMapper protected property The language-locale mapper.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$languageManager protected property The language manager.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$lingotekConfiguration protected property The Lingotek configuration service.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$moduleHandler protected property The module handler.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$state protected property The state key value store.
LingotekManagementFormBase::$translationService protected property The Lingotek content translation service.
LingotekManagementFormBase::batchFinished public function Batch callback called when the batch finishes.
LingotekManagementFormBase::buildForm public function Form constructor. Overrides FormInterface::buildForm 2
LingotekManagementFormBase::cancel public function Cancel the content from Lingotek.
LingotekManagementFormBase::cancelTarget public function Cancel the content from Lingotek.
LingotekManagementFormBase::canHaveDeleteBulkOptions protected function Check if we can delete content in bulk based on the entity definition. 2
LingotekManagementFormBase::canHaveDeleteTranslationBulkOptions protected function Check if we can delete translation in bulk based on the entity definition. 2
LingotekManagementFormBase::changeProfile public function Change Translation Profile.
LingotekManagementFormBase::checkDocumentUploadStatus public function Check document upload status for a given content.
LingotekManagementFormBase::checkTranslationStatus public function Checks translation status for a given content in a given language.
LingotekManagementFormBase::checkTranslationStatuses public function Checks all translations statuses for a given content.
LingotekManagementFormBase::create public static function Instantiates a new instance of this class. Overrides FormBase::create 2
LingotekManagementFormBase::createBatch protected function Performs an operation to several values in a batch.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createCancelBatch protected function Create and set a cancellation batch.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createChangeProfileBatch protected function Create and set a profile change batch.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createDebugExportBatch protected function Create and set an export batch.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createDownloadBatch protected function Create and set a request target and download batch for all languages.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createLanguageDownloadBatch protected function Create and set a request target and download batch for a given language.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createLanguageRequestTranslationBatch protected function Create and set a request translations batch for all languages.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createLanguageTranslationCheckStatusBatch protected function Create and set a check translation status batch for a given language.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createRequestTranslationsBatch protected function Create and set a request translations batch for all languages.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createTargetCancelBatch protected function Create and set a target cancellation batch.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createTranslationCheckStatusBatch protected function Create and set a check translation status batch for all languages.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createUploadBatch protected function Create and set an upload batch.
LingotekManagementFormBase::createUploadCheckStatusBatch protected function Create and set a check upload status batch.
LingotekManagementFormBase::debugExport public function Export source for debugging purposes.
LingotekManagementFormBase::debugExportFinished public function Batch callback called when the debug export batch finishes.
LingotekManagementFormBase::downloadTranslation public function Download translation for a given content in a given language.
LingotekManagementFormBase::downloadTranslations public function Download translations for a given content in all enabled languages.
LingotekManagementFormBase::filterForm public function Form submission handler for filtering.
LingotekManagementFormBase::generateBulkOptions public function Get the bulk operations for the management form.
LingotekManagementFormBase::getAllBundles protected function Gets all the bundles as options.
LingotekManagementFormBase::getAllGroups protected function Gets all the groups as options.
LingotekManagementFormBase::getAllLanguages protected function Gets all the languages as options.
LingotekManagementFormBase::getBulkOptions protected function Gets the bulk options form array structure. 1
LingotekManagementFormBase::getDestinationWithQueryArray protected function
LingotekManagementFormBase::getFilteredEntities abstract protected function Gets the entities that needs to be displayed based on the current filters. 3
LingotekManagementFormBase::getFilterKeys abstract protected function Gets the filter keys so we can persist or clear filtering options. 3
LingotekManagementFormBase::getFilters abstract protected function Gets the filters for rendering. 3
LingotekManagementFormBase::getHeaders abstract protected function 3
LingotekManagementFormBase::getPager abstract protected function Gets the pager. 3
LingotekManagementFormBase::getRow protected function Gets a rows fo rendering based on the passed entity. 2
LingotekManagementFormBase::getRows abstract protected function Gets the rows for rendering based on the passed entity list. 3
LingotekManagementFormBase::getSelectedEntities abstract protected function Load the entities corresponding with the given identifiers. 3
LingotekManagementFormBase::getSourceStatus protected function Gets the source status of an entity in a format ready to display.
LingotekManagementFormBase::getTempStorageFilterKey abstract protected function Gets the key used for persisting filtering options in the temp storage. 3
LingotekManagementFormBase::getTranslationsStatuses protected function Gets the translation status of an entity in a format ready to display.
LingotekManagementFormBase::redirectToAssignJobIdMultipleEntitiesForm protected function Redirect to assign Job ID form.
LingotekManagementFormBase::redirectToClearJobIdMultipleEntitiesForm protected function Redirect to clear Job ID form.
LingotekManagementFormBase::redirectToDeleteMultipleNodesForm protected function Redirect to delete content form.
LingotekManagementFormBase::redirectToDeleteMultipleTranslationsForm protected function Redirect to delete translations form.
LingotekManagementFormBase::redirectToDeleteTranslationForm protected function Redirect to delete specific translation form.
LingotekManagementFormBase::requestTranslation public function Request translations for a given content in a given language.
LingotekManagementFormBase::requestTranslations public function Request all translations for a given content.
LingotekManagementFormBase::resetFilterForm public function Form submission handler for resetting the filters.
LingotekManagementFormBase::submitForm public function Form submission handler. Overrides FormInterface::submitForm
LingotekManagementFormBase::uploadDocument public function Upload source for translation.
LingotekManagementFormBase::__construct public function Constructs a new LingotekManagementFormBase object. 2
LingotekManagementFormHelperTrait::$tempStoreFactory protected property The tempstore factory.
LingotekManagementFormHelperTrait::getItemsPerPage protected function
LingotekManagementFormHelperTrait::setItemsPerPage protected function
LingotekSetupTrait::$lingotek protected property A lingotek connector object
LingotekSetupTrait::checkSetup protected function Verify the Lingotek Translation module has been properly initialized.
LingotekSetupTrait::setupCompleted public function Checks if Lingotek module is completely set up.
LoggerChannelTrait::$loggerFactory protected property The logger channel factory service.
LoggerChannelTrait::getLogger protected function Gets the logger for a specific channel.
LoggerChannelTrait::setLoggerFactory public function Injects the logger channel factory.
MessengerTrait::$messenger protected property The messenger. 27
MessengerTrait::messenger public function Gets the messenger. 27
MessengerTrait::setMessenger public function Sets the messenger.
RedirectDestinationTrait::$redirectDestination protected property The redirect destination service. 1
RedirectDestinationTrait::getDestinationArray protected function Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter for use with \Drupal\Core\Url.
RedirectDestinationTrait::getRedirectDestination protected function Returns the redirect destination service.
RedirectDestinationTrait::setRedirectDestination public function Sets the redirect destination service.
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 4
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.