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function lingotek_cleanup_field_collection_fields in Lingotek Translation 7.6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 \lingotek_cleanup_field_collection_fields()
  2. 7.5 \lingotek_cleanup_field_collection_fields()

Clean up field-collection fields


./, line 1697
Utility functions.


function lingotek_cleanup_field_collection_fields() {

  // todo: This function is MySQL-specific.  Needs refactoring to be db-agnostic.
  $field_collection_field_types = field_read_fields(array(
    'type' => 'field_collection',
  $disabled_types = lingotek_get_disabled_bundles('field_collection_item');

  // Update all lines in field-collection field tables to be undefined,
  // ignoring duplicates, then delete all lines in field-collection
  // field tables that aren't undefined.
  $fc_fields_found = 0;
  $fc_dups_found = 0;
  foreach (array_keys($field_collection_field_types) as $fc_field_name) {
    $fc_langs = lingotek_cleanup_get_dirty_field_collection_fields("field_data_" . $fc_field_name);
    if (!$fc_langs) {

      // No language-specific field-collection fields exist in this table
    if (in_array($fc_field_name, $disabled_types)) {

      // Lingotek does not manage this field-collection type.  Abort.

    // Make sure one of each field has an undefined entry.
    // We do this by first adding the count of affected fields, and then
    // removing the remaining ones (duplicates) below, to avoid double counting
    // fields that were actually changed.  (Some would already have language-
    // neutral and some would not.)
    foreach ($fc_langs as $fc_lang) {
      $fc_fields_found += (int) $fc_lang;
    db_query("UPDATE IGNORE {field_data_" . $fc_field_name . "} SET language = '" . LANGUAGE_NONE . "'");

    // Find all unnecessary fields (language-specific) for removal.
    $fc_langs = lingotek_cleanup_get_dirty_field_collection_fields("field_data_" . $fc_field_name);

    // Subtract the ones that were not removed from the update above.
    foreach ($fc_langs as $dups) {
      $fc_dups_found += (int) $dups;
      $fc_fields_found -= (int) $dups;
    db_query("DELETE FROM {field_data_" . $fc_field_name . "} WHERE language <> '" . LANGUAGE_NONE . "'");
    db_query("UPDATE IGNORE {field_revision_" . $fc_field_name . "} SET language = '" . LANGUAGE_NONE . "'");
    db_query("DELETE FROM {field_revision_" . $fc_field_name . "} WHERE language <> '" . LANGUAGE_NONE . "'");
  if ($fc_fields_found) {
    drupal_set_message(format_plural($fc_fields_found, t('Set 1 field-collection entry to be language neutral'), t('Set @ff field-collection entries to be language neutral.', array(
      '@ff' => $fc_fields_found,
  if ($fc_dups_found) {
    drupal_set_message(format_plural($fc_dups_found, t('Removed 1 unnecessary language-specific field-collection entry'), t('Removed @ff unnecessary language-specific field-collection entries.', array(
      '@ff' => $fc_dups_found,
  if (!$fc_fields_found && !$fc_dups_found) {
    drupal_set_message(t('All field-collection entries were already correctly set to be language neutral.'));