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13 calls to lingotek_get_target_locales() in Lingotek Translation 7.7

LingotekSync::getDownloadableReport in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekSync.php
lingotek_admin_entity_bundle_profiles_form in ./
Content translation form
lingotek_admin_profile_form in ./
Content defaults Form
lingotek_admin_profile_form_submit in ./
lingotek_batch_update_entity_languages_by_profile in ./
lingotek_enabled_langcode in ./
lingotek_get_language_override_form in ./lingotek.module
Display the Lingotek language-override form field
lingotek_get_node_settings_form in ./lingotek.module
Display the Lingotek node-settings form
lingotek_get_sync_download_batch_elements in ./
Sync - Download Batch Elements: Creates the batch elements for nodes/documents that need to be downloaded.
lingotek_grid_action_submit in ./
Submit function for The Grid's actions The action corresponds to the key of the option selected Often redirects to batch operations or to other pages entirely
lingotek_grid_update in ./
lingotek_node_settings_row_profiles in ./
lingotek_notify_if_no_languages_added in ./