function lingotek_summary in Lingotek Translation 6
1 string reference to 'lingotek_summary'
- ./, line 17 - Displays progress of the community translation
function lingotek_summary($source) {
global $_lingotek_client, $_lingotek_locale;
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'lingotek') . '/js/');
if (!$_lingotek_client
->canLogIn()) {
$msg = 'Lingotek Login Failed';
return t($msg);
$current_nid = $source->nid;
//Make sure we are looking at targets relative to the source language.
if ($source->tnid) {
$tnid = $source->tnid;
$source = node_load(array(
'nid' => $source->tnid,
else {
$tnid = $source->nid;
//If the source Node has been deleted, prevent further community translation:
if (!$source) {
return t("The source language document has been deleted. Translation has been disabled.");
//Update the node's information with what Lingotek has on it's translation progress.
$doc_id = lingotek_lingonode($source->nid, 'document_id');
//Get current Target languages for the node
$output = $_lingotek_client
->request('listTranslationTargets', array(
'documentId' => $doc_id,
$phases = array();
if ($output->results == "success") {
foreach ($output->translationTargets as $target) {
$language = lingotek_language_matching($target->language);
$list_phases = $_lingotek_client
->request('listPhases', array(
'translationTargetId' => $target->id,
if ($list_phases->results == "success") {
foreach ($list_phases->phases as $phase) {
$phases[$language][$phase->order] = $phase;
foreach ($target->phases as $phase) {
$phases[$language][$phase->order]->percentComplete = $phase->percentComplete;
//Create a table to show current translation progress:
$list = language_list();
$header = array(
//For each target language, or for each row in the table...
$translations = lingotek_node_get_translations($tnid);
foreach ($translations as $node) {
if ($list[lingotek_language_matching($node->language)]->enabled != "1") {
$node = node_load(array(
'nid' => $node->nid,
$operation = "";
$current_phase = 0;
$progress = 0;
$order = 0;
$native = $list[lingotek_language_matching($node->language)]->native;
$check = "";
//Current Phase Progress: (phases must be returned in order, or this will break)
$language_phases = $phases[$node->language];
if ($language_phases) {
//Get the current phase the target is on
foreach ($language_phases as $key => $value) {
if ($value->percentComplete < 100) {
$progress = $value->percentComplete;
$order = $value->order;
$num_phases = count($language_phases);
$label = "";
$phase_id = -1;
if ($current_phase != $num_phases) {
$this_phase = $language_phases[$order];
$label = t($this_phase->name);
$phase_id = $this_phase->id;
$percent = lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'percent_complete');
if ($percent == "") {
$percent = 0;
$total_percent = $percent . "%";
$operation = $label;
//Show nodes that have completed the translation process.
if ($percent == 100) {
$operation = t('Completed');
else {
//First phase is always a translation phase, so give users with translator permissions the link
if ($current_phase == 0) {
if (user_access('translate content')) {
$operation = lingotek_workbench_phase_link($doc_id, $phase_id, $label);
else {
if (user_access('review translations')) {
$operation = lingotek_workbench_phase_link($doc_id, $phase_id, $label);
else {
//Possible cause: The system automatically set this node to the default language when the admin deleted a language from the system and the node is no longer associated with the target on Lingopoint
//Readding the language to the system will create the node again and it will automatically be associated with lingopoint again.
//The target language is removed from lingopoint that this node was pointing to in
if (user_access('run machine translation') || user_access('flush translations from lingotek')) {
$check = '<input tag="lingotek_pm_row" type="checkbox" language="' . $node->language . '" />';
$title = check_plain($node->title);
//Don't link to itself.
if ($node->nid != $current_nid) {
//Let's create the link manually so that Drupal doesn't overwrite the url to the current locale:
$title = "<a href=\"" . url('node/' . $node->nid, array(
'language' => $list[$node->language],
)) . "\">" . check_plain($node->title) . "</a>";
$published = $node->status ? "Yes" : "No";
$row = array(
if ($check != "") {
array_unshift($row, $check);
$rows[] = $row;
//Let's keep the order consistent on the table.
$title = "<a href=\"" . url('node/' . $source->nid, array(
'language' => $list[$source->language],
)) . "\">" . check_plain($source->title) . "</a>";
drupal_set_title(t('Collaborative Translations of') . ' ' . $title, PASS_THROUGH);
$download = "";
if (user_access('flush translations from lingotek')) {
$download = '<input type="button" value="Sync" onclick=";" />';
$mt = "";
if (user_access('run machine translation')) {
$available_engines = lingotek_get_machine_translation_engines();
$enabled_engines = variable_get('lingotek_available_mt_options', array_keys($available_engines));
$engines = array();
$select = "";
foreach ($enabled_engines as $engine) {
$engines[$engine] = $available_engines[$engine];
if (count($engines) == 0) {
$mt = "";
else {
if (count($engines) == 1) {
$keys = array_keys($engines);
$mt .= '<input id="lingotek-mt-engine" tag="lingotek-engine" type="hidden" value="' . $keys[0] . '" />';
else {
foreach ($engines as $value => $label) {
$select .= '<option tag="lingotek-engine" value="' . $value . '">' . t($label) . '</option>';
$mt .= "<select id=\"lingotek-mt-engine\">{$select}</select>";
$mt .= '<input id="lingotek-mt-button" type="button" onclick=";" value="' . t('Machine Translate') . '" />';
if (user_access('flush translations from lingotek') || user_access('run machine translation')) {
array_unshift($header, '<input type="checkbox" onclick=";" />');
$table = theme('table', $header, $rows);
return $table . $mt . '<br />' . $download . '<input id="lingotek_nid" type="hidden" value="' . $tnid . '" />';